tit*Ed | A save editor for Trials in Tainted Space | Editor library (2024)

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echo -ne "${none}" every other line when using editor for commands
Is there any special syntax for shell to editor for erlang?
PYQT QTableView Delegate can not show createEditor when applied with Proxy
monaco-editor tokenizer do not support "ignore case" regex
How can I make Visual Studio Code suggest tab-completions for any previous line in the file?
Why does Eclipse display UTF-8 encoded files differently?
Is there a way to force sync Visual Studio Code extensions on a seperate machine running a different OS?
Open Python interactive session and editor
How do you edit the command line in an external editor?
Tab replaced to space automatically in Delphi11


echo -ne "${none}" every other line when using editor for commands


2022-Apr-01 at 16:21

I've been having an issue with echo -ne "${none}" displaying every other line when issuing commands from the shell editor ctrl-x e

For example entering for i in what is going on ? ; do echo "$i"; done will print out



Answered 2022-Apr-01 at 16:21

I suggest to inspect your bash non-interactive shell initiation/termination process.

It seems each time a non-interactive shell command is called and terminated you receive echo -ne "${none}"

Suggestion 1

One trick to identify the current bash functions that includes echo -ne :

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71704408


Is there any special syntax for shell to editor for erlang?


2022-Mar-28 at 15:56

I am new to erlang, I have been learning to code on console/command prompt. Now I have to do the below code on editor. I need the sum of given numbers (a list [1,2,3]) with foldl/3 function.



Answered 2022-Mar-27 at 03:21

I have been learning to code on console/command prompt.

That's not very smart, but if you like the tedium of typing stuff into the shell, have at it. If you type your code in a file, using an erlang code editor that automatically does the indenting, then compile your file, you can easily edit the file to make changes, then recompile.

Now I have to do the below code on editor.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71613814


PYQT QTableView Delegate can not show createEditor when applied with Proxy


2022-Mar-25 at 21:03

I'm having problem to show the Editor Widget when Delegate is applied with the Proxy situation.-> self.table.setModel(self.proxy)

If the Delegate is applied to the View/Model structure, then there is no problem at all.-> #self.table.setModel(self.model)

Refer to: https://www.pythonfixing.com/2021/10/fixed-adding-row-to-qtableview-with.html

See the code below:



Answered 2022-Mar-24 at 04:06

Any attempt to access the view indexes must use the view's model.

Your code doesn't work because the index you are providing belongs to another model, so the editor cannot be created because the view doesn't recognize the model of the index as its own: the view uses the proxy model, while you're trying to open an editor for the source model.

While in this case the simplest solution would be to use self.proxy.index(), the proper solution is to always refer to the view's model.

Change both self.model.index(...) to self.table.model().index(...).

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71596868


monaco-editor tokenizer do not support "ignore case" regex


2022-Mar-22 at 16:04

The tokenizer in monaco-editor do not seem to support 'ignore case' i flag in regex. Sample code below,

To replicate, you can paste this in playground and try running yourself.



Answered 2022-Mar-22 at 16:04

Adding ignoreCase:true to the options should work.

Editor Reference

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71575003


How can I make Visual Studio Code suggest tab-completions for any previous line in the file?


2022-Mar-18 at 19:30

I want visual studio code to suggest an autocompletion for an entire line if I start typing the first few characters of any line already in the file, regardless of the content of the existing line. So if this is the content of my file:



Answered 2022-Mar-18 at 19:30

The extension Line Completion does what you want.

You have to configure for which files (language identifiers) it should perform these suggestions. (To prevent to much calculation on large files where you don't use it. See the README page.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71190178


Why does Eclipse display UTF-8 encoded files differently?


2022-Mar-08 at 21:50

Eclipse is configured to interpret text files as UTF-8 encoding. Why does it not honor these settings in the Editor for *.properties files?

A text file named db.properties contains the 2-byte copyright character (302 251 octal). The file appears to be interpreted as ASCII (or ISO-8859-1) instead of UTF-8 as configured...



Answered 2022-Mar-08 at 16:54

Look atPreferences -> General -> Content types -> Java Properties File

The default encoding appears as ISO-8859-1.

Default encoding can be changed there.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71398159


Is there a way to force sync Visual Studio Code extensions on a seperate machine running a different OS?


2022-Mar-06 at 06:44

Configuration Drift

When I use two systems, I expect both to be synced with the same set of extensions.In my case, the primary system I'm using is at work, and once I load my editor at home I'd expect any uninstalled or added extensions to eventually sync up.

This isn't happening.

My Setup

  • I use macOS at work and Windows at home.
  • I have the same Visual Studio Code (not insiders) installed.
  • I have configured both with settings sync enabled and login.
  • I have configured keybindings to be unique per platform.
  • My settings.json does seem to sync, but not the extensions installed.

Manual Fix

I'd like to force sync the extensions to get this aligned, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do this in the settings sync UI.

My interim solution was to disable all extensions and then parsed the backed-up json with PowerShell to convert into code install-extension commands. This didn't fix it though as it is still drifting.

My understanding is that key bindings were unique per platform, but extensions should be.

Fixing the Issue Long-Term

Is there anything I should check that prevents extensions from being synced with the built in Visual Studio Code Settings sync.

Note: I'm not using the Shan.code-settings-sync extension at this time, having migrated over in the last year to the built in sync solution. If I don't figure this out I might consider changing back over.

I'll update this as with my progress figuring it out as a wiki style post if I can resolve through the logs what's actually causing this type of drift.



Answered 2021-Aug-21 at 03:07

Manual Fix

To manually restore, the option isn't contained in a context menu, but instead an icon that appears on hovering.

Restoring Extensions

Use the restore icon here.

UPDATE: This solved my issue from what I can tell.I just opened VSCode on Windows and the extensions I installed a few hours ago on macOS are showing correctly there now.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/68852168


Open Python interactive session and editor


2022-Mar-03 at 11:38

I am looking for some pieces of advices in order to accomplish a tiny task regarding Python. If someone would ask to provide a pic of a 'started interactive session of Python with your favorite editor with a Python script', what would you show to this person? Should it be a void script? How do you interpreter 'started interactive session'? How about your own favorite editor (I mean that you would suggest for Windows 10)?

Sorry for the triviality of my question,but I have just started with beginners' Python course

Just to make sure I am on the right way, if I have to submit to someone else a started interactive session and your favourite editor with a Python script, will be it sufficient to show the following windows as in the picture?



Answered 2022-Feb-28 at 11:35

If you want to do interactive things, you probably just want to use jupyter notebook: https://jupyter.org/install#jupyter-notebook

You can always just type python at your terminal prompt if you have python installed, this will start an interactive session in your terminal, but jupyter is definitely easier to use once you get it set up.

Edit: regarding favourite editor, this is very much opinionated but I love sublime text. https://www.sublimetext.com/

Note that you probably would use one or the other: you would use a text editor to write scripts that could be run in a terminal, for example

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71294359


How do you edit the command line in an external editor?


2022-Feb-21 at 08:46


I want to find a Powershell version of the bash edit-and-execute-command widget or the zsh edit-command-line widget.


Short commands get executed directly on the command-line, long complicated commands get executed from scripts. However, before they become "long", it helps to be able to test medium length commands on the command-line. To assist in this effort, editing the command in an external editor becomes very helpful. AFAIK Powershell does not support this natively as e.g. bash and zsh do.

My current attempt

I am new to Powershell, so I'm bound to make many mistakes, but I have come up with a working solution using the features of the [Microsoft.Powershell.PSConsoleReadLine] class. I am able to copy the current command-line to a file, edit the file, and then re-inject the edited version back into the command-line:



Answered 2022-Feb-19 at 12:16

This code has some issues:

  • Temp path is hardcoded, it should use $env:temp or better yet [IO.Path]::GetTempPath() (for cross-platform compatibility).
  • After editing the line, it doesn't replace the whole line, only the text to the left of the cursor. As noted by mklement0, we can simply replace the existing buffer instead of erasing it, which fixes the problem.
  • When using the right parameters for the editor, it is not required to create a job to wait for it. For VSCode this is --wait (-w) and for gvim this is --nofork (-f), which prevents these processes to detach from the console process so the PowerShell code waits until the user has closed the editor.
  • The temporary file is not deleted after closing the editor.

Here is my attempt at fixing the code. I don't use gvim, so I tested it with VSCode code.exe. The code below contains a commented line for gvim too (confirmed working by the OP).

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71174012


Tab replaced to space automatically in Delphi11


2022-Feb-10 at 00:57

I'm using delphi 11.0(28.0.42600.6491).Typing some tabs in code editor, and after a short pause, typing any character.Then, I found tabs are replaced to space automatically.

And it seems to be happened when input character after already exists line.My problem is like GIF image(animated).

I don't want that. tabs must be tabs strictly.Is there any setting or way to do that?



Answered 2022-Feb-09 at 12:03

The IDE Settings "Use tab character" and "Keep trailing blanks". Note you would also need to uncheck "Cursor through tabs" to see the cursor jump otherwise it will go space by space through tabs.

The "Keep trailing blanks" setting is really "Keep trailing whitespace" and deletes any tabs and spaces at the end of lines after a short delay. The cursor stays past the end of the line so if you type something it then puts in spaces.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71043246

Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


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Install tit*Ed

Download the latest tit*Ed-*.zip archive from the releases tab (above) and extract the files wherever you want. No installation required. Note that browsing the archive via Windows Explorer is not sufficient, the files must be extracted from the archive or you will receive errors.


To report bugs, you may create/update issues in tit*Ed's issue tracker. To edit the program itself, you need a copy of Visual Studio 2019 or later with the ".NET Desktop Development" workload installed.

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tit*Ed | A save editor for Trials in Tainted Space | Editor library (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.