The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

'j THI I'ASCAGri-A HOTEL CO hnrlcr of thr tw Orlrmia IHltn fWi- EAS1 ST Tvir" 1 ion AN 1 1 Vnr Cnlltointn. CAPITAL OdNdKUIIKA. (, WEAK naallon Nomuv, a. iTj" Nil. T.

TWO Tit OCT A NO SHAttR OP Ifil F.ACrf. tr r. 11... Rnard fit plrertora VINA, AslMNWAI.I.and PAHAMA-1 it 9 Mai flue Mesni-hlp I HII.A Mr L- hfi wh n.rnr... SY Otimt.

rk Tl 1 Wr, ScUnlllw. Inr KB1IK "IK brk s.n rrt. Ci.BAIIKD-nrl.inin, im, rr Ifork Kxitortai s-AMr saoo i ar mm Cc Sail) pclt The Paris Pa'rle tl1' Fnce oe not in her ship on the African coa. HI -1 i.A 11 1 PllV.lilil" mill Inrt nptio- ihiii.o. rnminanne' lt.olvpd.

That the Ad of oieiher With tba tni.iilternl aliaie. he tmbllahf with inii oiitint (TATS OP ItfHIAJIA, 1 rTrih of Orleans, Citv ol N-w fttleitns. rV 11 remenihpred. thtit on this third tiny May, in tho year one thousand eight hundred ami liny pight, Beihrts me. Waller Hlfk Peters, a Notary Public, duly rommiMif inert nnd pworn, lor the parish ol Or-leans.

Stale of lAinisiana. and in the pre-ence of the witnesses heri'tnalter named and underjipnt'il, IVmonallv ime and nopenn the parlies whow aihiHt.Jow. li "trrel.a- alme. i.i ( a' I mry.

I ti ll- t'yj a.itiai Hiwilnn Piil.nMhe Hv-Iiw Tbal Iharitpilal nfaald C'trntianT la ai llW.i.OO, ta SftoO .1.1.111 oharaa of lai acb. By ordor or lha p.eoldenl, but to prevent British ahl. A I. IvkIv hihI mln.1 1 TNITED STATES TBI-WKEK--rJjia it hail link to aatijaVal TOMOAT, iTIIimsLAT, ls.a.A1TI.AT.IS. ai.llli'u A.oiliM'.ry, r.n'p"..

lrrwll Kiaoa-rmt Herniary B. P. H. CO. Mrw Oileana, Pre, II, Ml.

war rirrrtdllnaa 1 Utempt witching thecoaatofSV IV I nni.ina a linriiiindi Ollti mT ihed lor HW ts'STi's I'lawna. 'stJm'ii N. ZMM anch jjlUMAUH DITTKKS. tiirntsouui in It KM VR 'A Who declared that, avilmg them-elves of the A4.ninna and rexntloui, In mn nrovisionn of the laws of the ot innsmna. in acuta wimTfiuiKU a Ml PS KK HVI NO RMXIR, (In place Wnlt-Ml The latest French ministerial papt jwlat i.

tmmr of the American Tien- on the awtW' Viraa-ii in- urh cases made and provmrn, iney iihtb nnd Rtrreert. nnd bv theo nrewnlfl, rove- ACT OP lWfOltPORATinrt RAST PtrWAOnnt-A HOTEL domlrlilaieil In tharliynr New Orteani. itataof UuialaDa.cliy of Hew Oile.m.-He It rene-mbereil thai on tkia rnurth tiy of Hovember, In the year or onr l-ord on a ibnaj.and allht hnndied and and ol the hide-pendenreof ihe Sta-aa or Atn.lra Ihe eiKhtT-aerond -belnre me, Daniel tariel Hlrarrtn, a Notary Pul It In and for Ibe rttv and pailb ot NawOih-ano, and Stata of lm pnblle IB thla rountry, la raperlally ad atd tor the eidi ra ant and airee. and bind themselves, tlnwe rt-inU ri.n-b.r,) Wllll.s w.ll leave for l.nai.i no vllle, I'latjueni na Ion Koine, Tor of the right of search, and character. A- ysfiffisi ho may hereafter he socialed with thorn, rf tlinM wimm Ihev rpureseiit.

to form them- I.ll tio! of the lllmenta inrtoeinoi io ntiniai-i Thrae Klltr-re are Tamed In Kn rape for aiiperlor rnraj. Ilea aiialltiei la all di-oaaoa o.ialng troai lha dlgeitive and tnedl' stitaea, It atande, oad will foraver aland, anr'Valrd aiaidal all roBV-nuadl knowB I laoo, Amy i omnil-ainited and iworn, and in pieaeare oi namd and Mfidf I'arned. iierann a vpb into, and ronnilluto a corporation Tor the -pone of publishing, priming, snd conducting lI'W, 4 AO reka bem, I African hlocaainirqBanron an an n.rer i. An arranRement haa been made to erto' regular communication between Fort L. and the outward bound coliimr Utah force.

Two expresses will leave ai.marh Hitters, after a fair trial a di.erlml aiins pnona ramo and orP'ired be prta whi Mmrf are heieiintn ubaeribt-d, who dertnd, that ma Hoc Ihemar1r-i or the lawa of the Stale of Loiiintani, entltn-d "An Act to provide for ihi.nia--ala.lion o' tn and mil the limlta paper, and lor me iiinm-r mhiwi vkihu-tihina and condiii'tlns a Joh Printing Office, and Bi H. -I' a. T.Z"il h. -Th. A llr.

Sta a The at STEAMBOATS Ov.r th l.akr. Nmio gcnulat Wllhout the wrl'IrB alrn.iinie oi tnep.npri' etoi. Dr. FR. PKRUKIl, Apiolhera-y, aarna, lumaiit ami Jnlln atret-la.

0. to do all things connected Willi such biiiness undfr lha alitenth dav Ol Marrn, IMS the for Iheini'lfea. tha-tr aaaoi talel and 1lrcraora, have M. B. For aolo, Wholelale and retail, by Ib etule piopiielor Ct'NDAY KXUUK.SIUM iu Tl fioliof ants, nd Tlw fore i wind lct afflrlp 4own dlsrlm As I Imposi oit( nrm theni antll their We anade abscl bat ai look i police Wit eordii aa op aaee.1 alty haraht af ra tn form IhamflmP tnt risoi every week until lunuer nonce, kj Mmdeviiie, i-wiaoora nna iha name and alvle Of Hie KAT PAST HUM an BAsenta Kaa.

Jt and 111 Chartrea at. F. Fit KOK KICK SON, No. SM TcliiiBilolMi at, line, faat, low I renatlre It A ''J'. LA Htl'lKI, niMI'ANV, under lha obllgallona, a(l(jnlUona imports AND 1NPUN0LA Per ateamahlri Tela a 11 naleo mtton, Bmdley, Wil.en n-1 do RUer Aro ann-drtee le Jaa ((net Aro-W A Hanney Ar Barelll AcoA Ba SI heart mill, ImbaliA Mek a.

HI i PK JANKIHO Per Couiter MM fcnfi ffee to A A II Illinlt. BrtAZOS ST JAwO Per achnoner Jolirunti ITB.frt I nerl- BnrtiiUf Aco (11 A P-r-i-ll Aro laflft he. oil Crmnf i A. Tin iin-i'Jl litnl.lil A Co ilBWl A Hoatu 1H ptpt lfd ilr KlTn 1 IS httt biR wal lrlfnli''- A l.i-pni t-ilftl "pidf 'in S'e- of -he A-row III mm, the I trrf TIIKSIUV.I I a I li S. llail Vli-- r.m.

Pll-hkahitrg Will. O-Tlie rAPITilL', I rnn nerta at TIM- llnnd Uke, Waah- and will lake Itiyi lyT.a and rejolailo ia following, wu I atiTiPl.K t. IH IT IO TIIK I.A III K.K, P. In Mate fj the 14 p. M.rare 'nr th'rlty.

jTl The mm and title of aald n-1 rat toe Shall be Thi- t.o' MILK-TKN THOfKANM Pl.AsK RKCPIWO IN TtiWN-NO MURf WRINKI.KS-N" MOMK FttliCKI.KC -PHKKRVATH1N ANII IthOKNKBA HON OF TMS SKIN Paaroc.n. a lloial anJ'.iirna ia i. ai.a. rt, I. ana Ila afTnra ia In liailaCfd by i'HK INOKFKNDKXT KOUTH-f tHkrlieltrht foi all Wirltiliu-tou(uoi itiigh aa Itreenwood, Ioiivbi tta Prealdelt, Ak--nl and Hoard of Mirer tori, aa hereinafter KltN kXCHI-i lamllnK on V.ioni I iuiv-oav, IV, AN I UK IM IHI'lH'l III nil If an aAvantaleOHaly known, tl nvtdad for and oil ol too fiaia, ny men prrai.M vt at nJ at -amen ri-mhe mnJ VI.

Hiver aa blab air. s. Hie a ife'and upreily trniiapis t.itl.'li nl invit UU, Jewelry Ar.Ar. A 1 A I. A KKiMLT-riT in niuwsTiin-ii asununnuai Blilaar liMa lv.

mtl Arn. UK OH JAfHh-794 bur lMd MalaBatte JTIt KftiD In orianlrad lor dlee, oporto, bank as tbo Prtnidanl or Ulrat loi may appoint. AltTHI: 11. UreeBWtmd. Lnry plovedlh Fi.iOi-1, pi lin lpally the Ireaine-nt of the tare Pk- i lha r.i'nnratinn ahall be the rnrrhaae braJ horHR nd multl to rlrr.

Mew Tor, 134 Hnsadway, corner Cadr it. ITKAIIIHMT) LKAVINU THIS DAY. ft LACKY, Britney Uuljtllls-VlrKSrlDRO, Thmaraon r-M Vlcktt.unr-I.UCY HOIaTOMUR, Whit ra Tioolver YAZOO BO.Lt, Kwlng I ra Rod lUvar UNDA, Main UStwrbB PB. BAtKY, Puiw am rOHTCHARTRAlK RAILROAD. Mobile ORBOON.

Hopkins cars Ocean Spring vmulNIA, Myers, am cars Ocean Springs TRUH Boardmsn 9 am enrs Madiumvllle RAYENSWOOn, AM cars Hi. aaralnsl fret kh ehlrh were aald to be ind iiin.e, in pr-iii U'O no Imimer ele'B. Ktchl ye.ira Of rotiatanfty li timtsil I hat lha Ant Pldiettr Milk bal ni fa lid anftlrtrtnl for an I Iti of a Hol-I It Kaal In lha SUle of, and ail and aveiy OsrtCKB Ba FrenHPro, earner Montfomrry and flarramenta et etinm tcitid a pimple ir frerkle, a hlnti or aaut, appear-inn durlna aeatatlon, whlrh haanot al onra clvm way to He apiHiratlon, extcraollr yp aad loll tba elearaat and moofb- thine apeertatnlni to holrta or h.dol keei.ln. Tba biiain-aa of tho rorp.iratl shall ronimenr nB third da.

of November, bnndred an flfty-av and ronilnue foi twent-rla yenra, ae lin-Hed by the aald Mar, h. 1H44. A Preaideut ahall a. W. BWKTT, Manager.

w.a-latar la kent at thll nrnre for atanora arrlvtni the obligations, stipulations ana guiauoos ioiiow-(ng, to-wit Artnn.Kt. The name and til le of the sold rorpo-mtlon shall he "The New Orleans Delta Newspaper Citmpuny," and its domicile shnll he in New Orleans. It shall commence business as soon as the requisites of the law shall have been complied wilh, and shall ex Ml for the term ot twenty live yearn from the date tlvrenf unless sooner dts-Holved in the manner hereinafter provided. It shall make snd use a corporate seal, having for a device the coat of arm of the Cniied Stales ol America, and for an Inscription the name of the corporation and it shall ponneis, genoralty. all such powers and privileges at are given hy law to corporations, snd the business manager shnll be the proper nfllerr ujmn whom may be served citations, notices, or other legal process against the corporation. 2. The purposes for which snld New Orleans fviia Newi paper Com. any is established, are to print, publish nn'l t-ondiict a newspaper to ho published daily and wei-kly, and ofiener if de-trahle. and to mumiain and comliH't a job printing otllce, and to do all oiIht things connected wilh the priming and publishing tm-iness. and for this purpose to purchase the papr and office, and all thing belonging to the New Orleans Delta, a newspaper now published daily ami weekly in the city of New Orleans and also the Job nhVo belonging to tin said pnpr, Ahtk ibH.

It in dlsllticliv uii'lerstood and agreed, that no mix kboliler shall ever be held I -a bio for the Rrcrlpta at the New Bnaln. MOHH.B PrtrhomerTirtlrtU Joha-Mt b. i raaln lunwixlio 1 nnler, OHM, It Pt-r arhooopr DMr Utanrl W- kMl main anil turpentine to on Iff. mAHIj BlTrril Pt-r arkoMer 0-b WwhlnjitnK SS.MS fl tUnTtrwr In or IiT, H1I.OXI Par arhoonar IHi fcsar tB.MI fact lamhar, to A HI. will Ink.

IiTiifhl (or .11 l.nrtl.e. Turn. T. "I l'r1M Mas Invnon ili.lrr...!.. l'l 1 All hn.lnr,, lo will li.

f.lll.t.illi TI.M, will nn. h. Inr p.rkw mnn.i w.lrl "l' cf U.11I1K uki-n, mni.Tit, v.ln. from all of and Iheyara lo I. rled from anini-l the Oiiertoil or HI.

rkhold. ra, on whem, 01 aOpleUoB. AO BUT! I F. F. RKNRiorjPX, Corner St.

Loaiaand K.tmpai-t alteela. bDWAKP I'M. MIT, Itf Hnvalot, J. WKIOIIT A Jatvlt. 11 Mo 1 and IM Chart rea etrrrt.

or On Aarant -pp' tmeil, shall b- aerved o.l '(--ai uout; eltailoua rolailvi to tba aff.tre of lha rorporallon. i trot III. OTK'K I take lijin meiuoti ll olen-wertt'irlhe fir-iirnt Inquiry from ril. i rrUnda In re ard In Hi Rll.OTI Per arhoofier Wlnir 1.000 fet lnmhar to ttirle. Alt per-ot-a heentnlng rnemix of Ihla rrrrnorattna to the "fl, whlrh abarea liallbe pild In raal.

nr nutea.a hall be iy (na re-olti'inna nr by-law- BAZIN Jt CO.VS KRAXGIFANaNI Mho waa run PKAUI. HIVKK PeracltMBeraaiaii art an li.oflo fret ml; 11. to. nt s-prjlli-l wnn jo. ol.rk p.Mrn.ri..

la Ti TJ O.leana n.l Virkahui i liiko her plate yV AN KTKSNAL PKRPIIMK The only geoulae artio ik. I nirx-tor. I ha rai.ital a. -rf the enrpora- Jnrei rr.l.h. nr nn nr lo oa the a Mei lemlh r.

W- di ii-d. niMOM TLLR Par achooaar Kavubllr 71, fi-et I nan bar ivt'le with the lu ile thh (Inn "hall not etreed "in- hundred (hna-and dollaia In brra P' 1 will nut' i our irina CARKIU I.OI MK" 1-0 r.f-n-Vlcl crT. Slintl. 4 apiltir fnlli.we, le iVlna of amouni a- the (ihre.o.l my ameai the sio. i hy a vote nf Ihree-fuarlha ot tuelr nuaibei to order.

Ilrirlita fi-om the Inlrrlor. I l'-Mna at o'rlnrK p. 1 THIIIHOAV. My BA UllOAV, Jim- li. b.

1, sroi is, UhAii'AY, II, I t-caolvo lo tat reaae the aeitai aua-a. A IV. ek. ahall be romlHrted. and RIVEH ItKWR, HTlLAillllOATff, Vc.

TuritfDAT OR NINO, July 1, 1W8. BuMm mon(t hm pi down to ft low bt, ind everr boat that pretetidg to lanve port witu any thins like a trip of freight, la omler the eceMlty or lyln at the wharf from flv to tPti day to procure a uinrlmit cargo to gitnraout her departureand peril ida then with only a half or two-thirdi of ft Voir particularly the ClBnlnnuU and lower trade boat. The regular packeta alwuyi leave puncmally on the day thoy are ailrerttiud to ail with or without freight their principal de Perrteamer N.r Wda m('aea, to MJIMMIMHIPI'l. 4 SATCRHAT. th- Id at 4 oVIot f.b, X.

BAIN A PRANOIPANRI KXTRAOT. Por the llanrikf rt'liirf. X. HA.IN A CO. 'a PRANOIPANMI HACRKT, Poi the X.

II A IN A CO.S PRANDIPAVNI MAP. Foi Hie Toil-Mr. X. IUXIN A CO BRA WHIP POM ttAMIa Por liiiptoiliiK theOiuwIh of The HAZIN A r'HANtllPANM IOII.F.TTP WATRR Hie Moat Helreahlntr Ai tl Kvir X. II A A co.S UtANUIPANM CHhAM.

For ltraliltllnK II'-ComplealoU. m.uurlit ol aitirl-a haa rod aeveral eetabHth- hn.ta. aa liaoPorted. I'V Ila Pi eaidrlti, Alfenl ard of Mrve- and si munir qtiiei; Slitli I tolifr KVTHIS AM' NEW OR tora. or aarh nfS arr oi afen'a, aa thf t'lealdent and Olrer lor aenoiiit.

The Hoard of Illrertoi at. All canaiai Packet t.lnc- Siit.iiitay car-aii. nkft Phorc rat'fcctCKKOLB Ifrnnihla and Hie Ib'ttda T-e Hlir paae Unrdnn Jr If do iihii rnamaiiiiar an nnna aajtar. inilasaea, an til Hi. Rairlll Ai'" da lr I 'orq.

NL Aro I In I an tnoH, TnPi IhIi A H.i)!rl 41 'J at a jml.itafa H.q,l(.it a do r'1u1i An on in BI'H-ni im irii a mil! inial lunar, likda total Uaaea. hbl rt lit I'4. HT l.nill I'er tctTni KnUa rilv I4M nl'raka -A lilnl- li.l.arro. mji Mrtlt II M.i.H At Htitlilri ke Aci Vt do Hottrwald Ai ft rln d- nine per. on finm nra.HC Ilia Hiorktioldeia a ty of wMeii abal' he r.tlie.ia aidinit In ihe nt le of I rilv nl NeW Ul If 4il flva "hull l-oiia-1 1 lite a qu ar-PABB ttravi rnan t.

Coal uii.d.iiir- I. Ks.iaUaiii.-r Ht FHANHL1N.J. I'. tlirke, inaa'. will ra.

ran a fteltthl mi We Inoa ii al ftvd ol Otrl alreat, I lo do hiialnraa: and th. ahall hoi i Ihelr ffi. a fni om eavo aa aim. a. ro tieiA-in nr aaK, aoj.y a li.w-nri a'Uo- pni k-r aieamer A.

P. H-' f. tl.b ih. an. I of the AT f.

nn ih- nm of their eh-rhoB, or until aie-reaioi are met.ta to clnlin foi cotintet i-lia all ihuee eaquient board, (i Mm, A ViiCiihii 1 il- Tealoinn M. 1 I. elfh Aro II. FRFi.itlH. otflce imdar St.

mar'ep nntel. pendence being pasxengeri. coniraels, fault-, or other arts ot Hi- Company, In ant fiiriliiT sum tnao the utip.iiil balance due to the Coiup iiiy on the hai es owm hy him, kIciII any mere informality in organising, or any oiln-rnr-RuniiManco wh oever, have llio ill expo-'iiig the Riockhohlcr to any liabtlity beyond tliemiioum of his nifH-k; tmr hall any Inloi muiiiy in urgamsing an.l Pniileiurhaln K.illroa.lo oa the arrival ai is.o of una the -itn el wi KH oftl. ii a are I tlT. II Muminfr Arn lilila ft.inr, 1 (- Iwn, Tei- TMe Hep r.MHi..

ta Mh a a-yod. wlil. i'liuijt i.lHJ to tin. ifeiiiiine. Bold i al) lltaaitlstaandFaary 4 ro ManaiartoreraafthoPrtM Madal Pvilumery, PblTs.

ana-y-tf thevaia, Aa tuual. bunineM on the waa dull rettr- dr. uvin- Bn ni-K nana, a lltf A Bn il pkKn Italia, BaT I r-- TA li'ila Knur. Aikanaaa and lutn ICtrrt, aii'l at w. iiiprna wiib 4B milll muat Mia Union Hra lor St.

I heielUallt.1 Bpectall) Ide for. AKTlCl.R V. Thr lloflrd iUn-rlori ah .11 hitve power and If ahall their rliily, tn elect thr Pie.ldwnt .4 the emuiny to ean day, and bat little doing In freight for any Panvmn A''i tl l.v (hi Jiffetaon SUOlroail. mtirn-irmn n.n. in A.

M. iar. M'lVMtT J. J. WKH I HiFIKUi,

Air-lit. roll iniw, Jaa CoiiTinl A 1 laa ntila Ham. i tfdfii hiirf A K. VVHi pomi, The only arrlvala yesterday op to list evening render I he charter nun, a iirif i A All the cornornteiHiwersof the Compa WHIMMIlY. -'nil Tlti.

at 7:3" A. M. cure a. m. ra.

A. M. r- A rai a li. tat era 4 P. M.

ei the nae of Radway'eR. R. mioan do ISM hi a wlirl, tlch-itliy A -train ay ITI IS1 df Wheat II t'tark, Houli A i 801 e1 to U'Hr an 14B mil-roj 1 Hit til do ai blf hrmn, I'artBFla A Urri 4 lt-la III. It v. A Tl na I'M rolla loi.a, al'ttmea, EMPJIIS AND NEW Dlt l.ali all i uiea and lain a'l-'iia i api an aKei or oftif" a make all mm li and pnrrhu-e nr.

i-aaiy of Ilia hua aa of lie i ooif.iiiy and ll.e lioli Inr.ill maetmaa of Ha roni'Htnv Ihflr n.luii.n Ila luteieaia ahall ret). 'lie It lo HI alt vri uh.M avnr In Hoard I all IHiiri ally I were the Alma, from ittaburg; the Lucy Holcombe, ny fluill tie eyercisi'd by two mangers and surb elVrka as thev tnav unirolnt. One ot hhiq mrdlra. There are nn alrk or an we.ta, ris. i aiih Inll.niltiea.

but that Hiolwa'! PMtlMV. MOVPAT P. rare P. M. tana.

O. ran LKANS PACK KT LINK R'-jii i aday packet. por Mriii.l.ta, II. from Poinl Worth tngion Oih-Iousm, from tireeo A HroadWoll Aco-IIM ldl- Diir, K--P, Hard Arn lau cotla fliall he the manager o. the ediiorial department of Hdy Ri'Hrl, Kmn.tlitu' Heaoivcnl or H- inlalom, a- Ihe lure nl the diaaaao aUkhcaa may rrquiie, Will quli kly a vine.

River, all atx l. fiincllniia niav nioeerlt lie reo.iln' I Fieatiot. W. ndld nark-t ti-fie Hmlih A.i-ITI l.alea Klnrua.a ft hftii flour H'Oumha linn Are il balf hamp. Hala A bid Hn i liUda Ivbaem, Ulr- ralmn, I Molas A I aw An Mi-inlenmi.

1 rn A w-lilo 3 tih.l' The departure were the Ieonrata and trt. Buf- h. r.atea, 1 H1(ier recelvint I i WHiNMOAY PltlDiY Hi-iCKMAT the paper, and the oilier the manager ot I In- nusinri department. The inanafccr or the biwlness deiart-ment shall attend to all things connected with the nt-. them by 'ho orantitloti nnd hti'lnra- of me rompany under the the pmaut act, aod ot Ilia la to olfaalaa d-r, (In ist.

nt Mia Joh rha'u remediea ronhi of Rt-Bje R-Hef, HndWui'a Resul ilim. Ka' tirlciit at Ihe f. ol of Canal fi nd will Ivav aa abova. ia above. trngton for Had River, A.

W. Biker for Attiiknnaa, vent ii. II c.trlKiral lona in tnia oiaia. aUlin.RVI. ud, or to Foi trelkjlit or fia'aae HBCily ranter A il It hnl mtlnn Rl'ea, ItaMIr A a tin lAana.

Mai Ha A Ai'n-I do ('mnrl'oll A HI ant -4 P-llotf-a t' eo eiiM a aperl .1 curaUVe owria over enain I ail i te for Lafourche, Meniengor for Momphla, Luurel a. rea or fA as ar tub eaent.B Union busiueM of the Company, and siiaii tie I tie only person suihorlsed to contract tor the Company, or hitnl iiiiionv manner wliaU-ver. Th" sail nianuL'ers shall In 10a ai eeme, a Piealdent pro lem, t. as ii.iiiii.i. ulinai n.l all intetmerli.

J. H. Fill I.IIIH. ti Thta line roniiertaal under St. Cliariea Hotel, i with reafllU.

pH iH.aae. Y'-l thte ire ainrr oiwaat. wns.rni in. a Kaifel, Blah A-o I M'" lilind, Bmarn Ar autidrlta to Hill for Bayou Sara. rt ne rhna-ii from amouclhe lloaidol Ureilera.l ahall all dahasHraiioiia the Hoard of I'ir.

tela i altall aUn all tbe White and Arko.aa ra, and al M- mi bie with aa h. medhtnl p'op-illa are laipuien; aun wn- If Ihr.e la iem Ufa ami strrnirth within Ihe dla if or dtlne boot to aO'tam Ihclr aatiun, the Ot will fhildren and hen aula. bo elected every three enrs by the stockhol-ler'. The atloi pa' kr'afru liula mi rd-i tola' rntion. l-alea 41 lolal tvlH' htida PllllT AltAMM Per alparaar SiiHa lioblnaari bnlea cot.

ton A Fitcaon is da A M.Keil i()Jiita I. Ii- -19 dn Hewitt. Mnrlon Ai-OK Iralea si' A Tumball -Ml There was a alight nhowrr yeetordiiy morning, after which the day waa quite pleaeant and agreeable nn.auu bindlnr the company, ana airnUe a gauarai ajaii' Iy hv thla Una A'lama'a hspfeaa cat rti-rt rk avPreliht Will be livr and Be ielied to hraltb. rtcelved by titbrr Rallroa.1 for On Ion i -r the alTaua of th- wmi-any Oral Una. A nt hall bea-Jnroh Batl-t.

J. J., Advcrtl-'ui- AjteBt. tnj-34 Da. Batvt roa Lirouatwi aud tbi Coaot.

Thla ha rot Inn Ban lila A Qliand-aundilaa to Older to la I ilrst managers shall be elected on the fourth day ni May, Umlaut, one thousand eight hundred and fllty emnt, and their suoctinaor every tlnee yeurs there al it A iite Peaaet Ji ckon cnuniy. M.a.i.l.(d Robeil Woiei man, I ui hbn i HI S. John L. Warner, Hi i.h. M.

IrA W-tv Letter and PaeWnire Raff leavea the fiffl a ad aw o'-l A. and on Friday plendid Coast passenger packet, In charge of rapt, me lory FPPKR MIHMI-AMIPPl leavea on Tilt l'l'AV. in'v at ft P. LOCIS, CAIKO AN NfW I'RLKANS RAIIJtOAU 1.1 MC, aottoa, 31. PI'I Per rteamer A'ma tl fcxa rami 41 pk; ndar Di'ddi-ii 11 Iff tint I.

mot' A Bn-11 I n-d Ao an I I raana tfiiiiwr Pileatl.y A Br In 114 Miia I. 11. t. .1 Hll hl.m A. frugal, Imtu tbia morning at o'clock for the Ki i B.

snieriea, Charl-a (1 bier and Mainal H. (liabam wbi atiall rnior Ul. ihe aailea of Iheir ofllra Within ten and SaiS-daja at I P. Af. aea.ra R.

OKMMKH, Afaai.10 Bank piare. Aktkir ft. Tlie shares of stockholders who fail to pav the-r hiAtallmeiita and dues witlnu sisly days ihia of ration ahall have acuun above and all way landings on the uoaat and ia New Oiteaaa, Jnne 14. I'M. K.

net. R. a. Ki Kr. Roller and Ri-a'alnrv, li.

ana H-l mid K.novttnc h-'aoitint. Ro-nlv- nt. i.i iiov ilint anlvent. Hradvrnl an H-ti orS. Kf.i..,v itinj Hn.

tvit. anlvent, Kv Ui, Hf-ulalora, Read Keuelana gtiiatora. t.aal iorc and ahall rniitliila anlU lha flat Mon lay uf pe alter their niaiurlly. shall be sold at public salen, FOR ST. T.OUTS Connrctitiff at Cairo with ir minnta al.

ai.d a' c-mtr. or anfll their lie c. saora aia eWied, heiala AKK SHORE FA( KKT JTis fourcbe. The Dr. Batey ts sure to land passengers I wi.i-i-y odn Ja MHirainr a Titoa Many point on the (W thoy wi.h stop.

Be on aud the priK-eetirt of such lales shall be placed to phllltlr Mlaea-ea iifetnallorial i ln.i,ia,ri i'H nifnuar or al kboldei tn.ldl For flay St. I.oula, 1 ntnoian. ajaatSa-r' -aM) St. Li 1 with the an-1 Rai: I Hkm D.a-aOrt board early, for Capt. Dugas tt off at the hour or I .4,, Wrixhi a-o -ii hi.d 1 -i nxan a Mmpti rai I drate nr ret III' a tea n( the tattle Hied upon by tbn lloatd at Oiiatt-lori, being aBlit In ooa te for ea'-h; aud al all elvrllotia Ilia andidtl having a plaiallly ol Tolaa Saiv-oia ilaaara road The Sne, r.

utar pniaenirei kel A. T. I A' Ho'lner, leve tor L.mla and alllnleir I ai.r JO btda WiiiHKV.l 11 le iiriri w) or a man their criiiiit ou me mock pooks. i eruuc tins oi slot shsll be issued to I he holders as soon as the sums therein slml1 he hilly paid, and the shall be sic lied bv the business matiaifiT. No transfer ol d.Tr.m ti'illlow nt.

anir VlltBIMA, C(d -ill yera, h.Ult cirrc.aly for Ihe Coast litda, lb a atf lit la lluaa Mlaaaaea. ruNNTITt'llONAL IHMhAKKS. FT fOB. ThO Splendid, HOW and fllt I hl.laleeiC'B. do hnUldera aim I be dot III ad aierte'i, a a nn vit.

It. A sseti: a)tti co "Tli aVebnit Otltl tniellu: faaa rule ashy the pel the a. 1 1 the proocli IrT'M" Vlatioi: the tu fcafc.fn while i aHesdil iDff tUrl ajre.Abu RBstKHlfl lU lav omi pa sad at-i-otliliiudallona, wl ttieioa'tei leave dp lo.lowa 1 Mane oti-ea-ea that tiimiHiilly re InneHted at hetr- 'lelpht Agent for the above Una and tbe fllmm ai-rnnianra wilh the aarllon of the law all HllMlAV 1 W'W lce Tlokslmrf, In charg. or Captaa I II riulr Tliomaaann la I hat lun'lriit Inivinn In.ilav"! II lua odi-r, it.m Hn- H-eiro lonm- from Ilia dla asrd hodtea ol it. kly aliea.

ta tmnt tl-e eat rs.mmon ol stork shall be minis without said tr outer be entered on Ihc stock book, ami unless lite iran-feree assume all the obligntious of the pursou iransk-r- From Oelka Rud of Pi.nt. i.aitialn litwnd lit 4. ears. I ldta mid II 1 ntdae Hmilh A Hmi II wliiahr. I hi in nl allium, appioved -o, lha llili of Mai 114 N-i Se.rkHoldei abali evar b' held liable or nanoiielble lor i.

J. WRfTt RPtri.P. A.lvritl- ii( Accit. I PNCaelar- pluilitlm ITo ell ive, IM phx twhia iiisiMUIIoaa' we tte nm now raany (i-usr. Inns thiafrd iheae dtaeaac may UWr la-.

In 1 Pmi tli f.ka Pud nf 'rff. rami Katlrnad fill A. rar. lb en or faiilta (' uan cor nai Ion In Urtuiili 9li SA It HI' I. V.

1 nl V. at tt p. m. ring. We expect to see this boat go out crowded with passengers, tt being nor last trip tbis seamm.

All than the unpaid 11 lire daa lo lha rumeana na the aharea 'CIS. CAIRO AMI M.W OKI. KINS HAlLHOAf) I.I NR. om Hie Lake bntl ol morr .111 nanroao. 1.

a. can. nl wU r.dlr.le horn Ihe 'e-t Ihe a -fied tveiy liar- on ard him nor aiiali any mei hiforniaiity lu or fun Asnnae. Meetings or ttie stocKnoiuers snan ne held auiiually, on the first Monday ol May, aud 'OR 8T. LOUIS lla have Ibr affect of renderlnc the rhailei null, or it persona bound to the Falls City, or any of the wav JKHydaAi-tl Ut irlaaawan.

aim iim-iii i Beil, llm hanai. Ait) i.vl' A md 11 it WMidian U-iVnl -Cmi) A II -ltn-a A Nur'on Hart in-IH A en r. Nlarlim Jim ItauHie Mimhv Aro 1, fimlnti-- Hlira, Maii'Vi A. Wli.elei A Bl Kiltlai hlark A -H A Ualtna A Oneaoxd la ofdlaeaNd deiHaiila.and HI. tbi toll wiib Saw, -nre vJtS- 1 with the IHinnle Ceulia1.

and in a aiuvlhuldi-r to any liability beyuad Iba auiosut ol bl THURM'A 1 Prom tie- Lake P-d of R-ltiood a. b. rare. From the Lake Kad of Pno). hamaiB Kail road fa, a.

tail Kit I MA Prom the Lake Pnd a ffeiaon Ral'mad lo A. M. rant aaa na.viio) oon, will And the crack packet Vicksburg an A lait.wlth tl.a flh and -II ato. B. i

Kpt'cial meetings shall beheld whenever ordered by the Dunne Manager, nr called hy bim, at the mpiust ol the Hlock holders, 'the toni.uiy shall lha Bne ienlar park ft 01-- Bin FAl.lM aniiLi.K i in. PWAV'S RKNOVATINO RKmOLVPRT ahmild lie Hiwea lui'l' A' OP Brlnlon Iro- 1 Kail. am a Water- No. 1 boat to travel on. Mr.

A. Mtriln has charge of the office. The otllccrs of the boat are popular At the etpltallon ol the lima fur whlrh the eilttanre of man Heolon Ani Har -ah A Lora i bl aalna- bv molllrl Ih ooirtiout Ilia land, From lb- Ukr Kmi of Pouii i.ait' 11 Rallrtsad carl. CITV, own, maat. W.ll l-ave fo S'.

Cln. ainj all I immediate I 'iidttiico aboie. 'istIh a apply tai m.aid, ar to J. P. AI.I.KN, Fmcnt A.ent.

HATCltlMY wIk.ii Infanta ai leo wU. imun, Ar. Ttn-ae make annual dividends. Aktk iji A niajoilty of the stockholders In tin- Company la I Imltrd, or ai any time jtsvioua ili wlian it aha he delrimiued by Ib-afoiirtha ol ihe vi. and experif need set an excellent table, Lona.

HavHatd AcollkLar, UtM'drlcli AroPliela, paik Am and or.lfi. PtllN I WOHTHIKtll'Ort-Par ileattiar I.BrvHolraBibe lit p.nm he l.ks Rnd of the S. rare. k-naa oat (thua eait aiaevnir; tot ut.eaae irana- Stuciliohiria, that ll.e inieivita oi tba nariiea nuuirt ed mm Hie puent stork, A lew doaca id the Hra.iVat' Prom tha Lake bod ol 1 ram .4 r. m.

LCAvaa aeaAM iraisoa i i. in, aaa me in re ma troau, poy itai alreel, jeM WKHTKBPIKLP, Advet'ltBB Agent. that It affaira ahall be iiaui.iaied tne a nirr with the best of accommodations lor families. A few more state-rooms can be levurnd If applied for lM.Ua It Kaillli Arftftt Walt Ai 13 do do llIK HeFolVfiM Will idlrale ry feallo of llio diiaaaa, ill rll a lai mietlnf ul all thr siin n.i.iia, war Pili'lier. (loodilch Aro II l.loyd A Pner-on- (leoMmrdaa A MONDlY Fvenlnf ud Ibiuia tba child a aomid -au ueaiiuy uouy.

or tnoie ('ouiiiilaaioii. ia 'liail I ale le by laa peraon CO A Oahr. Haoklua A.t-I Pi Irdlatid.T A (leraoli I WHIMnllAV amount, a' a general meeting to be convened for Unit purpose, alter lluriy days police in city newspaper shall haft Ihe power to mike any modiLloallcn, adilitlons or changes in the act ol incorporation or to dissolve It, with tlie assent of three -fourUm of the stork represented at said meeting, and any and nil such niiMli- HiK'kner, HI ant mi A Newman 1 Milliard, iunimei- Aro II FHIMAT Morulas. Lrave on A V. Jolv I.

at r. R. X. Radwai! Ready H-U-f for Headarhea, whether early. The Viekbiirg connects with the Charleston Railroad at Memphis, aod Centra) Illinois Ha II mad 1 Cairo.

She leaves punctually at 6 o'clock this t. Mmn ujt. baa poot'laa bhl do to oi toial calloa, tatlea 11. BUNPAt kiV.uing 1OK UU IlXr. Ihe tine ir iilait nintl a na'-einer Pteuni-r bt pioiy, to il.indata tin' an nam toe company. Oonim aaloiiar or ia ahall gi vo bond, with I Vriit aerunty In the amn of Ihe "auunt of aaaeia of il Cora i4in. Im fj fat ill ful i-eifmiuenre ol till or their i am tie oi thi-Taliall Imiiirdialely prisreed lo olle. all dahta lha (oB.any, and riiap of ail the pri ty and ftrli ilirb.a i-fidlta belotunnif to it hailna full in. net lo aril nl in neivoua; nntumaiism, unnura, teiy, alorbti. CrHma, Infinetiii, el il.

I'aia'yia. I.umUiao. UoHt, NpUI lia, I oolh evening. FANNY lltri.L TI, H. Uui.haii aatrr.

win ai'he, Sm.i'l Pol, Frveta, Nnolleii J. ltn, kl.ltiey Bjr llatlronfl. JKPPRKHON AND CARBOI.LTON RAILROAD, tlcai Ions, changes or dissolution, uhall be recorded bats or ft a Caeln Faie to and fiw bpiinsa and all intrmr. ditto land I 'i 0 ClilldieaaUdMriVaBla I leave I lm.a IMe and all fnterne-dUta lemili aa Yasoo Rat i roa Tasoo and Tallabuttbii Rivsas. Cmoflan la Sea It-tF' ralua tnr L.1 Ptnla.

Me earl I Ui n. aad Paiua of frr-lahloi Maarfge. ai nil on baid. cM J. 3.

LO. Adverttlr.g Agent. releate. imnpi oioii'e and With all pertmi. to hi Ml IU 1 1.

Pit aleam-r (wrndal.t--ll Idda m-lii II balpi De as required ny taw, Ahticib I. At Ihe expiration of the term of thfs act ol incorporation, or at its earlier termination mm rlnn ailii Hatdte Aro 4 roll laa fatter Ai The tae pamienger steamer Yusoo Uille, Caputn Charles Kwlng, Is now roeelving tor the above st roa mi, and leaves this day, at ft o'clock, p. for mt 31 tf Kl.WARll TUHV, Atfent, St CAinp at 1 eel, klmla. Kadwat'a Beay will, fi a lew lulnutea cliaana Ihe iulsrlaa yoa iitflai to Joy a ot idea-are. eni'? hNi, -ati' rlil Aro vm bora It at Iron tUI boat CTKAM ER WOODFORD FOR yJ ll-KHlar kew Orlean and provided in I tie ureceding section, the a Hair of the and dafend all aalta al law.

ami i'ou a ine aeato. i ilia i ota-pany to caiti, ami diatrll.iile the am aoionif Ida Mo, HiolJ-ei piavloualy ya lug ail juat debla due rfgalual Ibv Cu-pauy. AR1TCLR IX. aud auudilaa to order. FOR MOMIl.K Daily I'.

S. ir Mall Line "summer Ar -f jy, um R. R. (ladw-y'a Reanfattnc Re.o.vent, for the rare of Cirupany shall bo Hqunlal d. Its debt and other the mouth of Cold Water and all way landiuirs on i Im.

nn- aurh a hcioiiiiona and a. iilavllle pasah-nger ateamei OMPilltl a new, aldeiidld all I f-al oaaaengei at-ano I PtlNTCiJ AHTRAIM HA 1 1. HO AD. MORIl.rt Por alenmar Plortita aandrlea tonrdor. lain lilies ttuia.

ami (lie oaiance oi luuus, any. ioi tan id lnw niei-ame barkrl aii All trinafersof atocka ahall be audi oa lb book of tho romi.ialnta, CuD'Htopltve and olber aft rtlutu of the above rivers. bVnd down your goods early. maater, wilt tnt i i nav He and luiv oif d.aia lai.dinga shall he divided among the ilork holders, under the tbr Liuua aad lliroai, induration aud rotoiaiii. Ibiouliotit tin- -mill treula of pal ia, Krnitlv" I'm other dmea-ea of Passengers for any point ou the above streams, and shipper! who bive goods to forward, will do wall dona aud aaaaed In my afoieaall.

In niaan PltlMAY, July at I p. W. Leave' charge atui superiiiieudeuceid tnrHecomnuaiutieis, to be aiHminted bv Hie stockholders. PI.mRIHA, W. M.

hutctilata, mailer) 0' k.HiN, Jane a nia-t'i bavinir bul-t e.rrn for Ibe Lake trade, with anne rlor a.TOiuli o.laiton-. one Ol the al nvc ate.itnai a will Ie th n.laf lha Pain tri In Kallliad dally on Ihaanlval Skill, Nmlea, I U.ooia, Dirria, llyant-p'U, and II" GUILD, No. 214 afreet rely ou the mn tuatlty a and oliipptia tieaa niainf- Iiobj au In-eutt) alalo ot ibe A ai his The namea ot the sttarkholders, their to send them direct on this One little packet. Mr, Ala and Ulmd. UA Fl ITKK, Otal.

Si in at Pi'htpalu, Wllnaa of law'ul afe, and uoin Irs dated In IL lty, wbo brieuni'i alfB llieir nama, ie. ti.rr nli tbo aaid i-orporalni-a and ate, tne aaid Ka aiy, ob the day abd alrmer. berth rnt at.lerad enra. rA i.lan of the a In 1 ai of ti a 11 i.tMla t'-r. at.

pntn iaii an. way at Bay X. X. R-dway' Ret-nUlora Wilt rare, effectively aud J. F.

Townseod Is her clerk, snd will re all good The police afV, tWO. aT to be Bister I Mot I If older ee i eniov wnse Oard arioti ta 21 ha re sir p. Rpara aeuibi 1 lit, ii tV ha Tuc terrii resiiieii.fl. and the number of all a res held try reanoctively. are lor tlie present dec In red to data a i fin lb IB Ibc caidiea beteid Ipenlily, Coativiii.

lodural Inn, l'auil i rt Deaat-a. lull Ui niat Inn of the ttowli, Ilitruyted to his care safely delivered. St. Inita and P-am Ch.1UB, ami ot. I I IHIMYi A 11 PAYS al Pa-cta-onla.

and uu WKlNrUA VS aud BATOR- I1AVU .1 CI b); to the mrhli. II. Oh VIVK, PIITINO. A. such as are subscribed to this act, snd opposite the Kena itD ind, and rerptvea cm-l-itiU ttom hnulaHd Hvaiei.fla.

I Iter Cin.lalula, Diarasra of the names ol each respectively, and which subscriber! I vai.l., ItUCriAAAia at 7 afreet. J- J. WrTKBFIKI.n. Agent. Die Hie lalral iilviii oi Itaii.i.-Ifi a ami Kkivasisa, Will atvu at PAaCAaoci.4 oa MONUAYB aad Lixsu roa Rao Rivau.

This fast piusenger packet, to charge of Captaiu Willis Mala, with Ur. K. Urovet. bind themselves, ujhjh the organisation of the Com Mi'i-n. and la (ied to III ll PUIIIJC tiHI I.1M MIS, eaia.

H'-ait and Ri.lncyf, Putiiale Coiup diitta, MnH Poi, Prvrra, Meaalea, rtr. Wheneer the y-lem ia out ol wider, or the Mood iiiiiu a doa Of Hadwaj'a HrMU atera Will reatore it lo irapiUr- UWKM.INIH, STtlUKI, Inaivtiil dnd wotkinaiil pany for business, to furnish llieir notes payable tn OR LOriSVIELE Tlie cm U. ATI-. It MAN, lilMI.I. H.

OU i ft AM, t'H lKl C. Jt, UoksK. al. L.

WAktbaJL w. johb? so. KllKIJr Phl lTPAIH, I. atlt'AHlMI, Kularr Pabllc (Vr 1 ft nut', and a' a uid a lilrli Will anflnr itn ruiniel)ll In the ofline, will receive freight during to-dny, and take her departure at I o'clock this evening for -lid aplc iraly tin Ksrrnaa In Inti nt Ptn itidovtr 1 ll ami i ur fy and eanaa the blood. No lew.

I At the I I the imluli' my laiae a-aorlinanl of IUHN PIPK PIT i I Mi -4, Inr Oaa, Slt4tH one year rrom the tniru nay oi May, one inousaiul eight hundred aud tll'ly eight, for four 11 II hs of (he atuouut subscribed by ttietn, and the remaining JOHN 11 A 1 Na: Wu, I'tideT-l "bin Fare to I'airacoula rn paa.enget ehoii 1 ih an ibem. ghreveport. Grand Kt'ore, ttt. Maurice, Ale turn will rate lor l.oui.vlll and all i I. rk aud Walar, aa ai-o rum irr inr all kinda of K.

U. H. i-inn i tea era aold by atid Mar drla, and all way landings, l'asaengers going up rfhm fare to Xal Loula tilth to ue paid in four msialiuieuts, at oue, two. ud Pa CkHatlAB I 1 I'd Pe tlie offla the prampl- PtlRTAHI.R OAS WDUKS, -uUalli for Sutti-honsei. Ar, throe and lour month from the third dav of ay, coarla tve.r W.o-re.

JtAOWAV A Mew Vmkrtly, Tf4 dAWIf J. WUIliHT A O. A haerop. NW Orieaui, Movemlwra. t.

II. I. RirARDO.Mr.tavr Pub should be on board early. Bumpers, aeud down ii.iiiKa ibmuihoui tl." a--oii. aa Bra iaa N.

Orteaiia SA'I ItHA Y. Ju In, ft p. Wl llrIltV, JnlV 31, al ft r. NATtTlilMY. A UK ual 14.

al A P. M. Paaaenicera and aliippcia can ily uu the uuBi tualitr of Ibis D-'k Hi- way mall ag will li la. Ilk A aa Win ia- ail an i imi uw ij utu all paria iA lb HUtt, an one thousand eight hundred and t1Hy- Ight. I he aamutilH ruaiK' a.

tnjlli Ant your freight arly Ibis morning to the Linda. LIST OP BTBbCKlBRKS KAHT PASC'AiaOULA HOTKL id nules, and notes for stuck unsold sinounliiig in A ponrli for eapt af Molifle wtlt tv Bd fintn IfttfJ to llttj, which ill be mailed la bile lb time (or the mail at-amT. 1'KA VELKKS1 CiUMr-. ADAMK I.KVANTK STILL IN Til a Lvarint. Wame.

Hml.t- nee, Bbarr. iml. ine aggregate to tniriy-iive ineusitnu oouars siuiit A. T. Laobt roa Sr.

Lou h. This magnificent 8t Louis. Cairo and New Orleans Railroad Liue paitseu J.TA pii in wi ih tmiwt, No benh ronaldered erg.prd until pat for, A plan ot her cabin rati I nei-ii ith.nia aa-rnred tr PRTKKS A Mil. LARD MewOrleaua I t'si consiiiute tho capital stm'k of the Company, and shall bo divided inio seventy shares of live hundred HotiBia on Baionuo airaot, nj lb Poydia Uar R. OFOlnSa, Aiceat, No, II Bank Plara.

Kew Oileani, Joar I. tall. Spl.lyli to tlio agent. 'I HiS, Kr.FFii., if, Oi rtvlri it left, kvt fiii ua ib. ger ateumur and Dntti Ut iUm mall psckt, iu charge of Captaiu J.

P. Roduey, leaves this sfteroooD at ft uk Ita. a W. aSTl.lN A t'tl IbO U.lMAS Kl.l IB iM Mobile 1 utj do lam t'ucli, and shall ou subluct to all the couliu niyai win i r.iti ii-1 A.tvertlsljtg Aifiit. tOAMN I.KVANTI I how.

aa aha alwava waa. twrfcrtlv M'UMCR AltllANf) -MKST. S. MAIL NEW ORLEANS, JACK WIN ANM tlltllAT NORTH KltN afc1 1 RA1LROAM. and alirr MoBday, inr 31i May, PaiaenKi Itam will ivaVr O'leaiie daily, at and arilva at C.n.on at 1:34 rrluruluK, gencies ol capital.

auuanrii in annoiiiiriiia! iteraen aa Hih ui-i i iai-1 NdluiMI L.MU1.M ILK The llt'W o'clock, with the great United Mates mall for Cairo 7 Jit AlNUKVILLK, LEWIS Ariioloulat and I'lirettnli'ifiai im livlnf. Ihc blidaini' baa nun aoQe uuq piissea in my om at me city or 1 and Magi H. Kl.l.lxiN New Orloaaa A WAKIi.SAI'NUr.RS HUNT A If. 4 WM. HYt.l.K-IKi) A Uu nt pa-.

eiif-r picket Vlt KS- bur. Ma toiiialifd her iiliri and ll. ntlpineii urieaus aioresaiu, trie anv. tin in ana year The reputation of this splendid boat is known far and wi'le. All persons who wish a pleasant trip rln a-a.

'I li- fine, ta 1 Ulilil 11a! Ito, ni, i. mn.iiiu.aon, ini-ki will Will leatrCanton for New it-ma ol 19 a. aad airivr Inir to ihum Ilia Piom.a and Km urn; iHlhiif an BAVKNSVMKH1. pi. Coarh Fo-lf, ui loae w.

ui'N ristiios si.u R. nUAW I lua Ir tbuiUkUl. an I biliiiiliia- tba avikaraiad loxalbur. by lirst anove written, iu ine pregeoi oi rierre i t'uvelher and Ocuve L. Kermuu.

witnesses of law al Nvw Urleana at r. a. PARK FIIOM NKW OliLKANS TO .0 tnpa to Unil-aville, leavlec Orleans in THUHHUaY, Jaty I. at ft e. a.

A p'an of lh- u.tblu be and ihis in for lb above and Lit rniedU'" laiidiutta follow! MII.K-, A AMU A CO Sal will certainly cull at the office of her clerk, Captain pilkenon, with their friends, and regnter their ful age. domiciliated in this citv. who have hereunto LKAVKa Saw OlLLAai M- nd for Covhinn.c KAl.t. II ii'O Two Br ila with but a ahotla tliotilit, Tw la llial beat aa una." rare. ...11 A.

m-aoi 111 Ho. signed their names together wilh tho appearer and KPWAHU NAI.LK ..11 lor will be united lor aver. names. She ia an A No. 1 boat, with ttio best of fare mavis I A.

m. rare. mo tne uotary. Matin uia Lvaiite will tint In thla ait rum fireman! aa anv tent itut Uude N. um'.

urh? rstti lire tale 1 itn la writ louof lai ti oa He orre it itivr.n. and attentive waiters. Off, ptwitlvely, at ft o'clock JAS. Mr I.A At HAN II Soo ifiL-nea nv ie run oi. KA1IAM 10 toe W.

Covilijrlfl. Ihnia.Uv, lor M-etiaoUVllle, Ioi Covin -ton 4aianU, (ui Mnllaoixltle BrTCBN R. CAHKOI.I,. Wm. Kim- The A.

T. Ldcey Is receiving uoar the foot of wa iuny ii.krta, hub ah-hs-. uy rerun, Qi bet I hereby certify the foreuoiUar to be a true cuuv of P. D. a Hi.NIbhntN a ,...11 ion enrookliavea Ha(i a ojolieiiieiii in aiiiiic r-iriii't lan ia.

H. limlia ball, nia-t-r, Co rum, rl-rk. will k.v- tue original. Lafayette street, and connects with all the principal i.EAvaa 1 inii ou ani(4i oiiia, uan aooii. aa tbo Mautaiua n.n i-if aa or jiiii.

Vmtiesi my hand and lent of omce. at New Or M. at Mr. Ua 10 aoo Bl KN-lliK A t'O A I.K I CIIPUKO A I'll. 141 lauVra lha i'li In a lew data.

railroads for the Ktst, West atid North, i'usseiigers. Sh eve, a (via 1 II lie md Canr (I OS 40 0 IA kl.i.latioi I'tautn Im rnnullad nn all 1)1 a- btta, C.mipte, tlrand Cull', A la, fl.ird'n'a. leans, on the fourth day of May, in tho year one thousand Olt'ht hundred and lltl) -eight. SJ.AKK. MAY.

pe on board early A. MiidlionvlTe, Mnnd), III Him- lot 'Jniiri-Mnti, 1) In time Inr U.tdlaiiivii!e, Wrdnt aday, in time tor. 'IhiiclHt, In time, Ptl.tay, lu time llolilrii POIa lor P-mala tiu. a an laicrmoniaia laii'iluga. I or ar pas take applj A 10 A tf 0 to Hahala 1 II ll.irlhurt 1 41' "tyatal Spi 1 or. I J.rkann. 1 lanaioo. I Cal.oniB I tf anion i A Wow to ths Wwa CoMPutrr and 8 1 U. 9, oUllile, rjli br haJ ual ''tia ri 1 rr HTlr A OOtltiUICH iilO L. a i HAi.ii-Jt n.

Aotary runnc. irutu m. to r. lot an uroK-aaioual bualneai. WHI fPUI No.

Piont et. Hah Pacsst Loot Holoomiu puh Vhtoibi'ro. Captain ir M. MKN HAN i lue H. HtH.lliK A aiti I 30 AO 4 00 4 4ft THTH-liAY.

Jnlv I.i. hi a-. FMlvtit on Saiur.iaji mnal beaeiit to Railroad iu time lot 0U 111 OK IXH Hixth District Court J. White's regular IT. H.

mall and p.iHStmge, STATK New dla Minimi. Id Chit to FLINT JHM A Kin rttAN is a cu no OrleaUf. Iuis Veils vs. his Creditors. IWI'OUTANT TO SUtfAtt ChANTKHS ali ne K.IjIss are iuand t--d.

Tlio advrrtlaera tdTei Im For Inrlbor p.trtlrulara apjly lo o. trnvj. sn II I 111-11 Hl'LMKS A tlfcu. A- K. Altent, ttrli.

attest. sttmsr Luoy place of the Vlcksburg,) Il receiving at the foot of Canal street, aud will leave tbis eveulng, at ft o'clock. Hhe Is a Orst-claas llio. i a amtv T'lR JI Fl' EHSON, hmithliintl, ir-9 mr' I Hetilon, I'oil C.iUa...'.

Uudrnir, UjEjl I Coa-b'i'ta, fliaod C.d He, AkK.mlil UiidlnK, ami all I ni m. dl any NtllH UKRKHY tliVKS to tlio creilitora ol I Je2 If twrlvv. lull fail. haii I Mi'KtK A did ui- in 1 ily k- y.tiva,taii be bad al KVt'H -AintMi -l M. a SniAK PLAN I A n-l, Willi r-Vri' llutin (l Ihti Mivra, ai alviiiLur ua Ismii Th- trai i' K-i Sua aii Jjftot wuu'h aix rl4t4 "il I n.r'.i- i.

Is a ntwul at4tiof iiih ju i iiiffli-h-nl lu 'in. Iwrnljr balida, P.mwa-i will lie i to hi. .11 del v. APT, il.Mr U.M Ihis insolveiM and to all other per -una: therein inieresled. to mIioh cause, itlnu u-n -i litnu the tlrsl pub Ileal ion li rent', why the account or tableuii boat, with the btut of accuiumiKluliotia for piissnu rtdAST PACK 1 KA itli CAt'l.

I I.ICAIHKUS i nta who-e laiulll a it-ide en the line of tlie road IIOl.MKV, Cajd. BAI.I.IK KtiMINiSO. To and Horn New gen. Her olUoers are experieui-ed and citreful a. SllKit it AS a H.

na-h a a.e iH-kAeaol W'-nt -ova, lor iiitn inlreol It A llcl 1,11 KNNV. ill icVo in I herein hy the Svielic, stiouhl not lie ap*rnveil Oraana, Loon Foil Adam, WIH1. rdli ert lt. Ui)Jtf No. 166 (divin H1III1mNR Nvw it ud bourn located, and the tuinls di-(nbuled accord i Ttaia wilt Uava New OrLana on Ht saeD, and will treat passengers well who travel with them.

We recommoud bur shippers, a having pen. For' H11.I- and all 111 einn.iinte laniiiiiji ail I IK liniaSSiiV K. T. tlio a. In nlJ.r .,,1 an al MaaTiolla at 10.35 P.

ingly, ity or.ier oi nun, Hkl I.A 'MINNA. N-Willi. Alt' KVt- It "Al I'HMA TA'KS1N HAILUOAI) BONDS AT li PA It eeveial d-aiLihla OH I Of pi, A NT ATUIHS, hi haTI'HPaY, Ju 1, ni H. A. Mi, ou Ml.tidt), anil aul-aal N'-W oliH a.

t.Mr'u. iK-puiy i ierit. KM MN'U, a. A and tUni! hill fcVl HY WKONKN- it Oil the capacity to carry their goods wiib rare, and de llvering them In good order. Mr.

J. T. Rohurts it Clerk's omce, lUtli June, 3tmlUd t. wilt lea N. Oi'fam for Canton on MAY SVKNIMl, uu tbe AtllVai of lha rail In UJ Woud- il 'e.

FOR JI FFER. Smitlilitriil. r9 a. Hi-nton, Port Ci Mo, Kwui.a.n. a Una.t,., lwUPjJ Monrlna'a ling, A biiiy.Shrrvet ori, (Irri' ilBfiapasSWl Baton, uiislait t.

ample, ih and Kemp, ll.i.t Is Un.nlAvs.W-ilnpi.iiti and Fildava al 1:30 A. M. 1 returiiltic, UK I.A UH'ISIANhi -IXIKMK t'Ol'K I DIS- ber pupu Ur clerk, and will provide p.sengom with run liiini lha illi; ami, Ml' VI Kit UKsi- K-, Iu ri. tiaiiKe tr Jat kauu lUlliuad Uouda ll. S.

L. 1111,1. Kal KaMIe Hraker, SI Conim.T.lal Plata. will miv at Ui leans uu Tte.di, Tbuta.Ul ana 4 de la Nouvelli Orleans. lxui Vellir.

vk. ar A Hark will be oB the Lev- freight on Tlmtaday 1 Ill 111. aafl'ai tlr tilai nn to th ran Ivlnc an 1 Ian lliij Re- nalu'dava al 4:10 r. M. Frt to t'-1 vt- i br citv on the above daya nmt l-e at rooms, mop ou noara auu secure mum esny.

eolieet the hour, ft p. u. sea I'reaiiciers No. hW. Ibma a oYIot r.

liiti day previoualo llio di j-atHiie A MS est par le pre-enl donue aux sreanclera nidi ia, tiin'i landing, and ail Intt-rtncill ittj he pntaenitet nr W. A. AMHIKW, Lldwelh, laaler, Moody IB the oiti. r. Por fudirtil oi iwaaage ii.l en boaiit, or to IN.

B. Will I Fit-Mi, J-M 0.2 Pnnt meet. tl paaariiKvia aim ei ai an niiura 01 jif nay una iiunt, til II, km A rt AC-H, UTi'liuupiloulaaat. J. J.

fft-Jil Advritiaiug Axrat, elle llisolvabiltte, el a uuires persi nines, que JXCUANCIK OhiHks, in minis to suit, A at o'N lit ui on un l'alu, New I'niltxl. I-lila,, l'ilttiig, Oai. liinall, and HI. I.ula, foi aale, and IHHa at SUlit ur OU llwa. ou all lUo KiiKKKI A'I'KHHAN.

Iia ll HIli JlMIN A. FfA NKI.L...... Q. M. ItltlhtJN A.

bHol-t Ati P. II Al A CO r. p. Mr it ii a L. WAttM-H A fM ttoumn BK- I'llAS.

A. MtWiHT MiniRr. A etmsoN AitustHtiNt). J. C.

M.iHOAN CIIA8. tILKY A CO. A. II. tl ItlKb'K (1.

H. Hill MWAV KA 1 11 A 1.. UAid I J. A. UKAI'U A.

CAIllilr.KK I A. UtisWHUTH A CO. vf luc train. WM. M.

WAMI.KY, DltiiA Hell, -ntrat ela iieut coiiceriit-r. d'uvoir a deduire, dans led dix -noAST AND LAKDURCHK le pi V1k teF utdi ay kel) ay" Biat flail; a i aem 4e' 1 ate Hit aw jours suivana la pietniere pubiiculioii de cette avis, L-ax-a on THI ItiUAY r. a. MAK1KK iEVS. PORT OF NEW ORLEANS: li'tlata, t-v V.y The new and aptendld pasai-iitfei' I HKI'KMiKN I'Kul'l I iwi.

pONTCHARTRAlNrrrn J. RAIL it OA Haii.nn-r At aXrjr t1 iniur lexpii'iies in I'otnuio ou uiuieuu ly Ufe-NiilbT SIIAW A CO. II C4Uii atit-at airamrr oh. 1 a. Uiif m.iaiar, I Nl'w leanaeveiy THI'IINOAY.

a. I a m. tut JIM- hMlTll- F2 iiift rai-ui. P- i-aitura i'aia. land.

Ri-nlou, mlng'. plILt PfcLTA OKPirS JVH 1M. present dans cello a It tire par le Syndic ue sera it pas approuve et bomologue, ot lea foods etilru sus utaius disiritiues coiifuriueint ul uu dit conipW. LoikiHirt ou HATCKliY. at a.m..

T'llho-Uuxvilh VHOal La a a. NOTH'K IVrminH luiviiii Texas Luml lUhiea of au kind iialurn l.i I runs rin Iimvo II M'SUAV, at a. aftd Ir WtlMJAY, At team Car Hay.Mi, C-ro Ir, (Irand Kr(H-. l. Uui alieiKlid in by I In- mide aitit uidii naviux Willi It.

J. At I1," Hoi lon'a ami all til r-i Hi I 'u. Clrnreil 1 vaturtlnr (aaDaablD tlao Ituak. aaallh. Inr Hraaaaa HI Jafo.

almi y. ill Die l'lcii)nur Juli ilrlloa, It ittra iliitrUiit VAMMtY. Ni Oi li'iin'a. at, IJCK' Ihe light draiiirlit. mid Very iuiiiiilltf baia.

ntir i a ine uimei au'i fa Ul i ait in Itave a in .1 Inlvr Car unit do la our Rurcau du Gr -flier, ue Juin IK5R. UAMWlin JAMI-X, JelO Sit, 3t in Depute UreiUer. rrla, ktora-an Aao lrW la uli ii urr Ibeielo, 'Iheletlxa iliould r.a.l et V. I U'H IRO A I'll, ThliiMlioiivilia, In A.M. Vlnrk A.M.

Vlnrk A.M. clock P.M. rln. f.M. Al 10 At lit, At Nl.A Willi.

Main, maaier, wi'l avr aa luhl or Ifaaajigt-, hHlna tuiaimr MVtlAI I A CO In ihe underalKiied in a rb-ar and h-kII'Ib baiidwi llhif, in BtltBaSblB Ohaa atur fan, PUco, for UatVcilen aud liilUuola, i Harrla, Moi taa Am ni)U a. 4. e.ri air ir.1.0, A'lVriiivinK a. I I.K I.

J. ou tmaid. rnua i itv. Al i o'rlo. a.

HoreeCar Al o'clock a.M.Sieaiudu ai ka.a. At I oVInck A.S. At 11 oVn. A.m. At it oVio.k a.

At Al 4 n'rbxk r.a. At ft P.M. At o'clock f.aJ. Al 1 oVlu Al I o'rlork At ok PH. i atol'l Uil-liHi' I fl MB ale.

anil the toiia. iiiioio loat Lctvacveiy WHINKSMAY, all! A U. J' S' WtiSTKItPIIIl.D. AdvertUlne A Bli lii Morcla Uraaa'aa, WarrlBiaB, for UveiHii, M.eker, Kiini Arn ufllniH, Mr ia now un a I to llir SoMh, and will leium aval ii lu tbia ell) In alui Hu da, iiifiwiitt.iit i li Im in me L'OU THKtOAiST AaNU I.A l.i'HVea OH Alt' lltl A Jul. a rkoonar Martha, Rarriaon.

fur PennacoU. A HUi l-ll Ace PllCltCHK The aiimniei' bte kel LA reald-uca and bualiKaa, Addiasa Unualuit. At 4H oMock p.m. At tS r.a. At 6t o'finrb p.d.

At ISl a'cinck At li, a'cto. r.a, Al 10 oMotk P.M. Hania ruuuly.Tri.i. j. j.

mown, niinn, n. Mino i rciipic Lino. if. B. touer l.iuia U-U.

Wabber, for IVoaaa-ila, A HHrhall Vfetsjiiar Pvobatao. Caua. bu Paaaarol, U'lowd A bul It ab rT9 Ba. swtf 1,1 Hip noili aa uohi III iiiuBielly. lad thay ill rt-ralvti tlrik, Will leava New Oilr.ina evriy WI.HM ml ait.

uMon. lo. A.M., and 1 el Ui nine, WlH leave Dotialdaoi, villa rvery riMliC hTATK Or' A 1 IMltD IHf-THHT J. t'oiirl ol New Orleans. Iz-uise Koiideau, wile ul liuis Dec no ra, vs.

her husband No. I hereby certify, that oil the Will day of May, ItioH. jiidgiueul was entered in tins lour I iu this su in the words and Ikut im fullowiug. to wit In this case, submitted to the Court by consent of counsel on the evidence in Hie record, the Court having duly considered Il In ordered, atliudgeit and decreed, that there be a septiraliuii of properly and H. l.nure flardaar Smllli, No, II I.


KM-1 I'Al'l. I'. II. Ot OMII C. HIKI' A i ll HrNIIV IIOPKINia U.

r. OINi kLbV S. I. WM. iiinuii, at a oi'ioi a t' nut oik ion euuie innuiier, FieUM Bl paaaaltrt, anlt tin ho.n.l.

ai 3u J. J. wKs'l Adverllalne AKt-nt. I Artaoa. J.

H. II. WtHUiWArllM. Arrived i cstrrtlaya VKSSILI VHOM SIA. gtBiahlp Teaaa, Wllaoaj, from Indlanola aud UalVaatoB, inai.

In H-nla. U.iiiiaii Jnit lal Nrw Orlaaiia, May If, iH.t. Uw I I rip or will leave the ritv ever? norntntf nERRVAX SHOWER DATHA Thene Stili C. urtf r. Huruaa.

ln fium Kin da Juiotm, to A 9 A ror nl ajaml-p, u.aad rr Uyfr esF 1, Aleiamlila and ail 1 foUl "-rsilW I t-liSIBUi,,. I III ACIII HIVKI A-- Um j. i. r. a.

iin.i ikn mv nrm i you cami.kv r-'ii)e' I I Jfl al KH) I Mil Im a.a. II. e.JtSjj ra 1 ul 4 loek.alld tbf l.aCa rVOV uiall lotto ln-Ur rnaUT KRUIT p'KIUT Au hmiy A tn.1.1. No, 111 linVU, airawl, iiatiiia" ade anatis- AUHult lajVloualy iMirioUat gutuauiiua lot dial rcialiialud B.illi", W.ocii to ni.tiiiilari in -I ill -hi IliBir iriaiiniloii Mia liKnl BaTIIH IN I'HK, hlcli, 1 oil- thai' w.ili a ty ol Uai It TulM, a ot Hie cotnmuniiy oi ui quests and a laat attain lialn, Ktia or bpeclai Irlpl wbefl I iinlllvhic the Col.du. till.

ion ll.iaaa ha i.i .1. ei-ot-d at lleutlily Uidtfe. where lartlroaiaaxu tliaUiU.U Srl Brownavlllo, him ao llo'drllliuw A Ikiwiii gains lieiweeii the phtililirl, Iodine itoiiili'uii, audile leiuliMit, otna IVcuers, her hu-hand that lilt ill the l.i.i. ot laal hull onl-l- ol liitK lit, will beaji en bant! a li nil ul NtUe and t'. tUn fi nit.

Itntal, 1'al iiiluta Will do wll tuuUaliilU a rati. All en roan. Hip It Wan Ir ll'i Wl. 1 I'ool. ia, iu ti.lii Mill etoo rat rid on uill I'll aud aH from Havana, in bul'aei, Brlf Piencla, himutabi Uoya I dd i.tlrre on Fare e- It wa.

Iff tenia and Itli ut 1 mv tlailv, Al I IO plaintiff do bavo and recover ul dcleiidiini, her suid hushaiid, ihe sum of two Ibouaaiiii tun iiuinlred nolle- tu mv oil Pin'tnry, na rand Huruiiik Plaid Ml lx- do .11. 'Col atilclt! hue niyl A II I RUNS A HAItH II. i Hi J. AMFY JOHN SIKi III M. HOI Oil AC lr-.

it-: PHr.MttN pi i4. Ja It A II. Kill-lis A It MY mil lie in tne Bin near iriea rig laUulab, HaUM I daya from Havana, to nan A Dl'MCAN X. II KNNKN, Aitormv miic al iritw, tui.a al bia rt ai.lce, I lu Ant Pi.uit II. Mm I.

.1 i. L.di..i- 1 rapam iviwoa lu ioriud al Qua, aiihlio- 3d dial, gcbtiirr Jui.ii'ott, I uiu piaoa Si l.i.iambow A ixumi ib 3d dial II. aaHV fr.KKY. Ill I CKA SIUH.K MiHiissii l7 an I It tie tin at'imiaiu aiudy room l. H.

Iimiiy .11 uiel lltty tlnlUrs, with tho privilege aii'l mortgage grunted by law lo married women tor tlio recutciy ul' their dotal rights mid coxta of nut. Judgment rendered May Vuih, lbV-B. Higiied May Ixlifi, UH'H DCVltiM-'AUIl, Judgo, gtbof J. li i fruniiia-ioH, liuui Brauw St Jafo, Poiirl.acl i.matapp en In. by Itn) yttar boa id I.

Mliillil. WlltllfHutu 1 l.lfa 1-4 LKiHTXING roil. till I lUii HWtr COFFKR Urti t-lvlii tinii-a I 1)ATKNTEI 1 inn--c Puidiat.k Wi'li I' lie-' J. J. so t'liupt-a), La.

WKsTl Pirt.l), Adverl'ilna Jif, pr Uioiilli, I JO. Prriitli and Muaic Il US I'oUlUIUli lSt In testimony whereof, I have horcumo cl my band CAML.EN Pi bimwa fr 'm Ions a. I'. liit sil w. uu.l.'i' ft lor a illi Una, tt'i'fltu a 11 that laya 1 la tti- liiiini a i 11 1 ir- to iler U-ya, .1 Mi.

Ill II M.l.i P.m. rAiiaiait. John Ulrnii.aAt-fel Wr ikn-gryw 0 TlfT.,ai.oh. I S-ilal A lHMM.

l.WI allett, Vulln-I ul I Tjfflfl LVMAM kAilfe.l W. M. IUb I'. Mi II M. S.

srtt 1' JtlsKITI ISpl'HN W. C. h. 14 mavio iv. A.

iiuiii i II. F. I I MAN II. MUM- I KA I 1 1 iiP'ICI lit. 'MAS B.

K'Ut'K JiinN A. 1. Ui hl.L,.. J. II I'llA I' MH.I.' It and alllxi-d llie ae.trl id Hit saidtourl, at iheciiv ol New Orleans, ou tbis Mill day of June, hi Ihe year of our Lord, one thousand eikhl bundle.) mil nlly fi.

lit. and In tin m-coiiu tar ol Die IndepfUtleine til the Cmie.l Klah-s. JAM1 JolftiUi.Jy 1ft Ik-puiy tlerk- Will rmulVe n-lal PI ice, U. W. It.

sUt avMiN, li Com 11 in num. Alabama, L-Hiillif, -in or, I otiinihu, Uhtiti lialL- V. and II ark Rlvma, fut rltfl(t 0, I te trim June 3d, tl.AIIIOHNK-S SKA Klh IRE KAHMMI, Witrrrioof W- IM -on Si. J.nio. Vidi 4.

I 1 I i II St )l Ta(S CAKl (iUi AirK UK I.A M'l IIANK liitllMI MKtOCK DC a hil-i-l-ii'i'l ami iiimi-itKA. L.i...r 11. II1.1 ii J. J.

WF.STh'liFll.l H. A Iv i vm KivVru7 IfAT IIIKISTV W'ATKIi uwiuauiajw imi i tllat. L.AKB SCHOUNgKB. Mwi'r Virginia J. dm, day! from Mobile, Siaalrr-baalti.

kibofuii.1 Deei lalanil, daja fntia Mul'ila, to aitaler I-In. (laa. WaaMnttua, parl Hlvei baalu, h.Hlifl ill. t. Ul Ml al- Uaiu.

brbotm. ha-li Ulaiau, fi. in I'rarl Uai Ia1ll. Hi-1 utHr, Il Madl-. uvilit -UaaiU.

aiiioouul lioui ill ui li HTKAMKHA, Sh'omar Fall 1'lly, I'mwn, Mom i Uiula, Ui I Mx-H I cm U. lm SUainei Sallla Uolnua ll.t-f, HmU atiain i I'm i in Jr i sniiiuil, huui Mbt.i,t-J.r,ltia an CalM.llllili Hull I ad. ban.ei PI. 'i ida, lh.i In -in Hliaillll l.u. li.l..-Ull"', Willie, bl'asiuut A Into, 'b.

It soli, tluttt l'lll'lUi. T'iWUil VulrJlU. Mmiaj, new f.e dt'Mii uud ti' tea alt l' I lm-I a. arliimiin Kni 'iiiir M-or I aud I'. 'vi Uun I uuu, ur h.H.i.a.

Ju- II l.i.Ul It.Wboal 1. klilUudt'U. tun liuui Ihe 4. -Ml, Biidjio aaa Im- a- If. i).

m.I, Uik In lNar Smt.u, (t ie Prtuny (' P. ud and i i uji iu auaiaiiMiie li' Ci.ei lai In i I' fueia, ai-d liuiu aaa to v) tr.ii UiDWuavii and Jotiuaou. met do ia Noinelie Hi. tn IUII.V Hit. I.

MM MIX tiiaii Nn i in H-I'AV, Juli t.i.d. 1 Hi. I li II. It- Jo poUM) iltjjAiUln Dcu. Tlillepar le present tput TAM.A'llA-U.-HIr" 1 ril ii JF A.

ft WIL II A Mu na nio. Hilt, 111 K. i with p.ilt.l.. li. I.

i.i li rill I in ii. u.i.i.lii. ,1 U.or.iii I Ib.lS, JlleltH" te eon I dans les it mux mih alii "I 'Mil di.nm'1.1 li. W. I'KUIL IIKhCIIKK lml.H my lull I'ou.

i id d'), aa Ihm I JullttH ili4i.4ll, l4h It. U. W. v. 1 tire inn 'e pioiinn-e la t'mir pai' con-i me (it.

J. A. oi I I. t. lUMl.tVIIN yi V4 hit.

A. I'M IS tllliliB. I Ui HI lH I. It Plr Id V. til i Jr.

A. K. Ill IIMMI loti 4 Hi ani4li pa k-i, tlli'lil, MM' les. p. Uvea UU lo-aer, nine- I'A tm ii ltrllY Pi ftltY.

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I.K. iiiil lii.i! ceiil to. cl a ib ue i'l u. taii. i id I'i to -i.

tii, a 1. I. I Wl I TV. Me. til t.tar atrial i I i-'t 1 1 'TTuTa ii kXm iiU.Zl "A'PAtN 1) wit' I.un.l al-i-iiia -I in Ml tlllil lltltlal AUICl'AK AHt.ltAU 41 UH HI.

JbklliO-t ii-l ail i llin t'om iniuiii iii avj.tili -it; iriair iu Vr UlU.Ust lllniila-aliii- jliM, 1 1- 't lV-ik I li i a' Cliai i. Mm. 1 i at jb a -iuU uii td uJ Mv L. Hi bi. b-tab jcCi 17 l't-p lie tl it.

4 KKaiir, Af.r.K.v u. iii.u Cuau, a.i Mvk -a- ia, fcsv tj iii c.r.-. K. HAIdtlMiN, H.uoi. i ua I'i, 1.1 tiiatni II, II.


The Daily Delta from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.