Pa Turnpike Vendor Portal (2025)

1. Vendor Portal - PA Turnpike

  • Our online vendor portal helps PTC better connect with our valued business partners by improving certain functions related to invoice submission and tracking, ...

  • The PA Turnpike Vendor Portal provides a responsive user experience that streamlines our business processes with all vendors, and includes training resources.

2. PA Turnpike Vendor Portal

  • Vendor data update requests; Order Acknowledgements; Advanced Shipping Notices; Purchase Order and Contract; Submitting Diverse Business Reporting.

  • An exception has occurred. Please try again after some time. To raise the issue, along with exception token: contact administrator.

3. Vendor Guide - PA Turnpike

4. Solicitations - PA - eMarketplace

  • 6 aug 2024 · ... Vendor Portal Department Information. Department/Agency: Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Delivery ...

5. [PDF] PTC Digital Video Audit System (DVAS) RFI - IBTTA

  • Response Submission: All responses must be submitted via the PA Turnpike Commission Vendor. Portal. In order to protect the integrity of the procurement ...

6. Solicitations - PA - eMarketplace

  • 11 jun 2024 · The RFI can be viewed/responded to on the Commission's Vendor Portal. ... Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Delivery Location: County ...

  • The RFI can be viewed/responded to on the Commission's Vendor Portal.

7. Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission posted an RFI (6100011576 ...

  • 6 dec 2023 · Please visit this link for more information Vendor Portal ( · Previous Story. U.S. Office Attendance Policy Trends Q3 2023.

  • The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission has posted an RFI (6100011576) Traveler Info Displays – Service Plazas. Responses are due January 25,…

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission posted an RFI (6100011576 ...

8. RFI - Digital Payment Gateways - PA Turnpike (on Behalf of Other ...

  • 28 okt 2022 · ” Questions may be submitted through the Pennsylvania Turnpike's vendor portal (click on “Latest RFxs” and select number 6100009413) until 2:00 ...

  • The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC), acting on behalf of 17 other named toll agencies, has issued and is administering a Request for Information to give firms, teams or other entities with […]

RFI - Digital Payment Gateways - PA Turnpike (on Behalf of Other ...

9. Bob Taylor, P.E., PTOE on LinkedIn: Vendor Portal

  • 3 mei 2023 · Great opportunity to be on an innovative team leading the tolling industry and to work with our Financial and Customer Service teams.

  • This request for proposals (RFP) provides interested Proposers with sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit proposals for consideration by…

Bob Taylor, P.E., PTOE on LinkedIn: Vendor Portal

10. Search & Browse turnpike | Page 1 of 1 - PA Open Data Portal

  • PA Public Datasets, Stories, Charts and Maps · Featured Content · PA Turnpike Service Plazas Current Statewide Transportation.

  • Location of the Service Plazas or Rest Areas that have different services available besides only restrooms along the Pennsylvania Turnpikes Routes 76 and 476. Going East, West and Both Directions.

11. Helping commuters plan ahead on Americas first superhighway

  • 17 mei 2022 · How RSM helped the PA Turnpike Commission to develop a new website, vendor portal and, most importantly, an electronic toll calculator for ...

  • How RSM helped the PA Turnpike Commission to develop a new website, vendor portal and, most importantly, an electronic toll calculator for the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

Helping commuters plan ahead on Americas first superhighway

12. Supplier Search - DGS

  • Use the Quick Search to search by Vendor Name or Vendor Number. Use the Advanced Search to search by Small, Small Diverse, ITQ Contracts, COSTARS and UNSPC ...

  • Supplier Name or SAP Number

Pa Turnpike Vendor Portal (2025)


What is the PA supplier portal? ›

The PA Supplier Portal is a secure self-service website providing authorized account administrative users access to self-management of their account data. The PA Supplier Portal is the only method to maintain supplier information.

Who owns PA toll roads? ›

The commonwealth will retain ownership of the turnpike while the concessionaire will be held to the highest operating standards,” Gov. Rendell said.

How do I report a problem with the PA Turnpike? ›

24/7 Assistance

The *11 (and the 1-800-332-3880) number serves the entire PA Turnpike system.

What is the phone number for the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission? ›

Or you can call our Customer Service Center 1-877-736-6727 and when prompted, say "Customer Service" then select 3, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., when prompted say Toll by Plate.

What is a supply portal? ›

A supplier portal, also known as a vendor portal, is an integrated online platform shared by businesses and their vendors. The supplier portal is used for entering supplier information, submitting documents, displaying status, and communicating.

How do I find my PA vendor number? ›

– If you do not know your Vendor Number, please contact our Supplier Service Center at (877) 435-7363 and choose option 1 or email: ra- 1. Enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Social Security Number (SSN) for your business.

Who owns the abandoned PA Turnpike? ›

Today, the Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike, as it is commonly known, is a popular tourist attraction. The PTC sold most of the property to the Southern Alleghenies Conservancy (SAC) for $1 in 2001.

Why is the PA Turnpike so expensive? ›

As a limited access highway, the Pennsylvania Turnpike does not receive state funding or tax dollars to maintain and operate our system. Instead, our operating revenue comes from tolls. These toll dollars go right back into our roadway, financing maintenance, construction and other operating costs.

Where does PA Turnpike money go? ›

Tolls fund all our efforts to provide safe, nonstop travel, including 24/7 PA State Police coverage, maintenance, and our safety patrols. Tolls also fund the significant capital investments to rebuild and expand our 560+ mile system to meet growing demand.

Who oversees the PA Turnpike? ›

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) is guided by our Board of Commissioners and a dedicated workforce responsible for improving, operating and maintaining more than 550 miles of roadway statewide as well as numerous facilities and service plazas across our footprint.

What happens if you don't pay PA Turnpike toll? ›

Past due invoices include a late fee of either $5 or the equivalent of 1.5% of the total amount owed, whichever is higher. Invoices that remain unpaid after 60 days will be sent to a collections agency. Maintaining unpaid tolls could risk suspension of a vehicle registration.

Are there speeding cameras in the Pennsylvania Turnpike? ›

That makes it all the more important to have the Turnpike's seven cameras and PennDOT's 10 out in full force, too. The Turnpike has been able to share some of PennDOT's cameras, putting even more in work zones some days. And it's working.

Who patrols the PA Turnpike? ›

Troop T covers the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The Western Section consists of Gibsonia, Jefferson Hills, New Stanton, Somerset and Everett stations. The Eastern Section consists of Newville, Bowmansville, King of Prussia and Pocono stations. ​ Highspire Station is the Troop Headquarters.

Why is it called turnpike? ›

Toll roads, especially near the East Coast, are often called turnpikes; the term turnpike originated from pikes, which were long sticks that blocked passage until the fare was paid and the pike turned at a toll house (or toll booth in current terminology).

Does Penndot own the PA Turnpike? ›

The Pennsylvania Turnpike, sometimes shortened to Penna Turnpike or PA Turnpike, is a controlled-access toll road that is operated by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the United States.

What is the portal used for applying to PA school called? ›

CASPA simplifies the PA school application process by allowing you to apply to multiple programs with only one application.

What is the PA website? ›

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania government websites and email systems use "" or "" at the end of the address. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you're on an official state website.

What is a supplier ID used for? ›

A 6-digit number is the core Supplier Number, also known as Vendor Number. The 8-digit number is called the Supplier ID; it is used for and by the Responsible Sourcing Team (for factory purposes).

What is a supplier verification form? ›

A Supplier Verification form is needed in order to establish a new supplier and reactivate or make certain edits to an existing supplier in the University's supplier database. Suppliers are individuals, corporations, or other entities that provide goods or services to the University.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.