Chapter 1001 - 2024 Florida Statutes (2025)

A. District School Boards

1001.34 Membership of district school board.

1001.35 Term of office.

1001.36 District school board member residence areas.

1001.361 Election of board by districtwide vote.

1001.362 Alternate procedure for the election of district school board members to provide for single-member representation.

1001.363 District school board members to represent entire district.

1001.364 Alternate procedure for election of district school board chair.

1001.365 Votes by district school board chair and district school board members.

1001.37 District school board members shall qualify.

1001.371 Organization of district school board.

1001.372 District school board meetings.

1001.38 Vacancies; how filled.

1001.39 District school board members; travel expenses.

1001.395 District school board members; compensation.

1001.40 District school board to constitute a corporation.

1001.41 General powers of district school board.

1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.

1001.4205 Individuals authorized to visit schools.

1001.421 Gifts.

1001.43 Supplemental powers and duties of district school board.

1001.432 Inspirational message.

1001.433 Patriotic organizations.

1001.44 Career centers.

1001.451 Regional consortium service organizations.

1001.452 District and school advisory councils.

1001.453 Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.

1001.34 Membership of district school board.

(1) Each district school board shall be composed of not less than five members. Each member of the district school board shall be a qualified elector of the district in which she or he serves, shall be a resident of the district school board member residence area from which she or he is elected, and shall maintain said residency throughout her or his term of office.

(2) A district school board may modify the number of members on its board by adopting a resolution that establishes the total number of members on the board, which may not be less than five, and the number of members who shall be elected by residence areas or elected at large. The resolution must specify an orderly method and procedure for modifying the membership of the board, including staggering terms of additional members as necessary. If the resolution is adopted, the district school board shall submit to the electors for approval at a referendum held at the next primary or general election the question of whether the number of board members should be modified in accordance with the resolution adopted by the district school board. If the referendum is approved, election of additional school board members may occur at any primary, general, or otherwise-called special election.

History.s. 41, ch. 2002-387; s. 15, ch. 2014-39.

1001.35 Term of office.District school board members shall be elected at the general election in November for terms of 4 years, except that a person may not appear on the ballot for reelection to the office of school board member if, by the end of his or her current term of office, the person will have served, or but for resignation would have served, in that office for 8 consecutive years. Service of a term of office which commenced before November 8, 2022, will not be counted toward the limitation imposed by this section.

History.s. 42, ch. 2002-387; s. 1, ch. 2022-21; s. 1, ch. 2023-37.

1001.36 District school board member residence areas.

(1) For the purpose of electing district school board members, each district shall be divided into at least five district school board member residence areas, which shall be numbered one to five, inclusive, and which shall, as nearly as practicable, be equal in population.

(a) For those school districts, which have seven district school board members, the district may be divided into five district school board member residence areas, with two district school board members elected at large, or the district may be divided into seven district school board member residence areas. In the latter case, the residence areas shall be numbered one to seven inclusive and shall be equal in population as nearly as practicable.

(b) For those school districts which have seven district school board members, the number of district school board member residence areas shall be determined by resolution passed by a majority vote of the district school board.

(2) A district school board may make any change that it deems necessary in the boundaries of any district school board member residence area at any meeting of the district school board, provided that such changes are not made in the 270 days before a general election and that no change that would affect the residence qualifications of any incumbent member disqualifies such incumbent member during the term for which he or she is elected. Residence areas may not be drawn with the intent to favor or disfavor a candidate for district school board member or an incumbent district school board member based on the candidate’s or incumbent’s residential address. Any resolution adopted by a district school board on or after July 1, 2023, which is in conflict with this subsection is void.

(3) Such changes in boundaries shall be shown by resolutions spread upon the minutes of the district school board, shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court, and shall be published at least once in a newspaper published in the district within 30 days after the adoption of the resolution, or, if there be no newspaper published in the district, shall be posted at the county courthouse door for 4 weeks thereafter. A certified copy of this resolution shall be transmitted to the Department of State.

History.s. 43, ch. 2002-387; s. 3, ch. 2023-101.

1001.361 Election of board by districtwide vote.Notwithstanding any provision of local law or any county charter, the election of members of the district school board must be by vote of the qualified electors of the entire district in a nonpartisan election as provided in chapter 105. Each elected candidate for district school board member must, by the date she or he assumes office, be a resident of the district school board member residence area from which she or he was elected. Each candidate who qualifies to have her or his name placed on the ballot must be listed according to the district school board member residence area in which she or he is a candidate. Each qualified elector of the district is entitled to vote for one candidate from each district school board member residence area. The candidate from each district school board member residence area who receives the highest number of votes in the general election shall be elected to the district school board.

History.s. 44, ch. 2002-387; s. 4, ch. 2023-101.

1001.362 Alternate procedure for the election of district school board members to provide for single-member representation.

(1) This section shall be known and may be referred to as “The School District Local Option Single-Member Representation Law of 1984.”

(2) District school board members shall be elected to office in accordance with the provisions of ss. 1001.36 and 1001.361, or as otherwise provided by law, unless a proposition calling for single-member representation within the residence areas of the district is submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified electors voting on such proposition in the manner provided in subsection (3).

(a) If the district school board is composed of five members, such proposition shall provide that the five members shall reside one in each of five residence areas, the areas together covering the entire district and as nearly equal in population as practicable, pursuant to s. 1001.36, each of whom shall be elected only by the qualified electors who reside in the same residence area as the member.

(b) If the district school board is composed of seven members, at the option of the school board, such proposition shall provide that:

1. Five of the seven members shall reside one in each of five residence areas, the areas together covering the entire district and as nearly equal in population as practicable, pursuant to s. 1001.36, each of whom shall be elected only by the qualified electors who reside in the same residence area as the member, and two of the seven members shall be elected at large; or

2. All seven members shall reside one in each of seven residence areas, the areas together covering the entire district and as nearly equal in population as practicable, pursuant to s. 1001.36, each of whom shall be elected only by the qualified electors who reside in the same residence area as the member.

(c) All members shall be elected for 4-year terms, but such terms shall be staggered so that, alternately, one more or one less than half of the members elected from residence areas and, if applicable, one of the members elected at large from the entire district are elected every 2 years. Any member may be elected to an initial term of less than 4 years if necessary to achieve or maintain such system of staggered terms.

(3) A proposition calling for single-member representation within the residence areas of the district shall be submitted to the electors of the district at any primary, general, or otherwise-called special election, in either manner following:

(a) The district school board may adopt a formal resolution directing an election to be held to place the proposition on the ballot.

(b) The electors of the school district may petition to have the proposition placed on the ballot by presenting to the school board petitions signed by not less than 10 percent of the duly qualified electors residing within the school district. The number of signatures required shall be determined by the supervisor of elections according to the number of registered electors in the district as of the date the petitioning electors register as a political committee as provided in subsection (4).

(4) The electors petitioning to have the proposition placed on the ballot shall register as a political committee pursuant to s. 106.03, and a specific person shall be designated therein as chair of the committee to act for the committee.

(5)(a) Each petition form circulated for single-member representation within the residence areas of a district where the school board is composed of five members shall include the wording: “As a registered elector of the school district of County, Florida, I am petitioning for a referendum election to determine whether the five school board members of said district shall be elected from single-member residence areas by electors residing in each of those areas only.”

(b) Each petition form circulated for single-member representation within the residence areas of a district where the district school board is composed of seven members, none of whom are to be elected at large, shall include the wording: “As a registered elector of the school district of County, Florida, I am petitioning for a referendum election to determine whether the seven members of said district shall be elected from single-member residence areas by electors residing in each of those areas only.”

(c) Each petition form circulated for single-member representation within the residence areas of a district where the school board is composed of seven members, two of whom are to be elected at large, shall include the wording: “As a registered elector of the school district of County, Florida, I am petitioning for a referendum election to determine whether five of the seven district school board members of said district shall be elected from single-member residence areas by electors residing in each of those areas only, with the two remaining members being elected at large.”

The petition shall also include space for the signature and address of the elector. Each signature obtained shall be dated when made and is valid for a period of 4 years following that date.

(6) Upon the filing of the petitions with the district school board by the chair of the committee, the district school board shall submit the petitions to the supervisor of elections for verification of the signatures. Within a period of not more than 30 days, the supervisor of elections shall determine whether the petitions contain the required number of valid signatures. The supervisor of elections shall be paid by the committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each name checked.

(7) If it is determined that the petitions have the required signatures, the supervisor of elections shall certify the petitions to the district school board, which shall adopt a resolution requesting that an election date be set to conform to the earliest primary, general, or otherwise-called special election that occurs not less than 30 days after certification of the petitions. If it is determined that the petitions do not contain the required signatures, the supervisor of elections shall so notify the district school board, which shall file the petitions without taking further action, and the matter shall be at an end. No additional names may be added to the petitions, and the petitions may not be used in any other proceeding.

(8) No special election may be called for the sole purpose of presenting the proposition to the vote of the electors.

(9) Any district adopting any of the propositions set forth in this section may thereafter return to the procedures otherwise provided by law by following the same procedure outlined in subsection (3).

(10) No district school board member elected prior to or at the election that approves any revision as permitted herein shall be affected in his or her term of office. The resolution adopted by the district school board under paragraph (3)(a) or subsection (7) which presents the proposed revision to the electorate for approval shall specify an orderly method and procedure for implementing the revision contemplated in the resolution.

History.s. 45, ch. 2002-387.

1001.363 District school board members to represent entire district.Each district school board of each district shall represent the entire district. Each member of the district school board shall serve as the representative of the entire district, rather than as the representative of a district school board member residence area.

History.s. 46, ch. 2002-387.

1001.364 Alternate procedure for election of district school board chair.

(1) The district school board chair shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of s. 1001.371 unless a proposition calling for the district school board chair to be elected as an additional school board member by districtwide vote is submitted to and approved by a majority of the qualified electors voting on such proposition in the manner provided in subsection (2).

(2) A proposition calling for the district school board chair to be elected by districtwide vote shall be submitted to the electors of the school district at any primary, general, or otherwise-called special election in either of the following manners:

(a) The district school board may adopt a formal resolution directing that the proposition be placed on the ballot; or

(b) The electors of the school district may petition to have the proposition placed on the ballot by presenting to the district school board petitions signed by not less than 10 percent of the duly qualified electors residing within the school district. The number of signatures required shall be determined by the supervisor of elections according to the number of registered electors in the school district as of the date the petitioning electors register as a political committee as provided in subsection (3).

(3) The electors petitioning to have the proposition placed on the ballot shall register as a political committee pursuant to s. 106.03, and a specific person shall be designated therein as chair of the committee to act for the committee.

(4) Each petition form circulated shall include the following wording:

As a registered elector of the school district of County, Florida, I am petitioning for a referendum election to determine whether the district school board chair shall be elected by districtwide vote.

The petition shall also include space for the signature and address of the elector. Each signature obtained shall be dated when made and is valid for a period of 4 years after that date.

(5) Upon the filing of the petitions with the district school board by the chair of the committee, the district school board shall submit the petitions to the supervisor of elections for verification of the signatures. Within a period of not more than 30 days, the supervisor of elections shall determine whether the petitions contain the required number of valid signatures. The supervisor of elections shall be paid by the committee seeking verification the sum of 10 cents for each signature checked.

(6) If it is determined that the petitions have the required signatures, the supervisor of elections shall certify the petitions to the district school board, which shall adopt a formal resolution requesting that an election date be set to conform to the earliest primary, general, or otherwise-called special election that occurs not less than 30 days after certification of the petitions. If it is determined that the petitions do not contain the required signatures, the supervisor of elections shall so notify the district school board, which shall file the petitions without taking further action, and the matter shall be at an end. No additional signatures may be added to the petitions, and the petitions may not be used in any other proceeding.

(7) No special election may be called for the sole purpose of presenting the proposition to the vote of the electors.

(8) Any school district adopting the proposition set forth in this section may thereafter return to the procedure otherwise provided by law by following the same procedure outlined in subsection (2).

(9) If a proposition submitted to the electors under subsection (2) calling for the district school board chair to be elected by districtwide vote is approved by vote of the qualified electors, the office of district school board chair shall be filled at the next general election.

(10) The vice chair of the district school board shall be elected by the members of the district school board as provided in s. 1001.371.

(11) This section applies only to those counties organized by charter that have a population of between 800,000 and 900,000 according to the last federal decennial census.

History.s. 2, ch. 2006-256.

1001.365 Votes by district school board chair and district school board members.Unless otherwise provided by law, in the event of a tie vote of the district school board chair and district school board members acting in any capacity, the side on which the district school board chair voted shall be deemed to prevail. For purposes of any vote of the district school board chair and district school board members acting in any capacity, action taken pursuant to that side of a tie vote on which the district school board chair voted satisfies the requirement that action be taken by a “majority” vote or a “simple majority” vote. This section applies only to those counties organized by charter that have a population of between 800,000 and 900,000 according to the last federal decennial census.

History.s. 3, ch. 2006-256.

1001.37 District school board members shall qualify.Before entering upon the duties of office after being elected, or, if appointed, within 10 days after receiving notice of appointment, each member of the district school board shall take the prescribed oath of office.

History.s. 47, ch. 2002-387.

1001.371 Organization of district school board.In November of each year, the district school board shall organize by electing a chair. In an election year, that date shall coincide with the requirements of s. 100.041(3)(a). It may elect a vice chair, and the district school superintendent shall act ex officio as the secretary. If a vacancy should occur in the position of chair, the district school board shall proceed to elect a chair at the next ensuing regular or special meeting. At the organization meeting, the district school superintendent shall act as chair until the organization is completed. The chair and secretary shall then make and sign a copy of the proceedings of organization, including the schedule for regular meetings and the names and addresses of all district school officers, and annex their affidavits that the same is a true and correct copy of the original, and the secretary shall file the document within 2 weeks with the Department of Education. This section does not apply to any school district with a district school board chair who is elected by districtwide vote.

History.s. 48, ch. 2002-387; s. 4, ch. 2006-256; s. 1, ch. 2012-87.

1001.372 District school board meetings.

(1) REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS.The district school board shall hold not less than one regular meeting each month for the transaction of business according to a schedule arranged by the district school board and shall convene in special sessions when called by the district school superintendent or by the district school superintendent on request of the chair of the district school board, or on request of a majority of the members of the district school board; provided that actions taken at special meetings shall have the same force and effect as if taken at a regular meeting; and provided further that in the event the district school superintendent should fail to call a special meeting when requested to do so, as prescribed herein, such a meeting may be called by the chair of the district school board or by a majority of the members of the district school board by giving 2 days’ written notice of the time and purpose of the meeting to all members and to the district school superintendent, in which event the minutes of the meeting shall set forth the facts regarding the procedure in calling the meeting and the reason therefor and shall be signed either by the chair or by a majority of the members of the district school board.


(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), all regular and special meetings of the district school board shall be held in the office of the district school superintendent or in a room convenient to that office and regularly designated as the district school board meeting room.

(b) Upon the giving of due public notice, regular or special meetings of the district school board may be held at any appropriate public place in the county.

(c) For the purpose of this section, due public notice shall consist of, at least 2 days prior to the meeting: continuous publication on a publicly accessible website as provided in s. 50.0311 or the official district school board website; 1publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, or in each county where there is no newspaper of general circulation in the county, an announcement over at least one radio station whose signal is generally received in the county, a reasonable number of times daily during the 48 hours immediately preceding the date of such meeting; or 2posting a notice at the courthouse door if no newspaper is published in the county.

(3) REMOVAL OF PERSONS INTERFERING WITH MEETINGS.The presiding officer of any district school board may order the removal, from a public meeting held by the district school board, of any person interfering with the expeditious or orderly process of such meeting, provided such officer has first issued a warning that continued interference with the orderly processes of the meeting will result in removal. Any law enforcement authority or a sergeant-at-arms designated by the officer shall remove any person ordered removed pursuant to this subsection.

(4) MAJORITY A QUORUM.A majority shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the district school board. No business may be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present, except that a minority of the district school board may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.

History.s. 49, ch. 2002-387; s. 26, ch. 2004-41; s. 4, ch. 2024-159.

1Note.The word “by” preceding the word “publication” was deleted by the editors to conform to context.

2Note.The word “by” preceding the word “posting” was deleted by the editors to conform to context.

1001.38 Vacancies; how filled.The office of any district school board member shall be vacant when the member removes his or her residence from the district school board member residence area from which he or she was elected. All vacancies on the district school board shall be filled by appointment by the Governor.

History.s. 50, ch. 2002-387.

1001.39 District school board members; travel expenses.

(1) In addition to the salary provided in s. 1001.395, each member of a district school board shall be allowed, from the district school fund, reimbursement of travel expenses as authorized in s. 112.061, provided that any travel outside the district that exceeds $500 requires prior approval by the district school board to confirm that such travel is for official business of the school district and complies with rules of the State Board of Education. Any request for travel outside the state must include an itemized list detailing all anticipated travel expenses, including, but not limited to, the anticipated costs of all means of travel, lodging, and subsistence. Immediately preceding a request, the public must have an opportunity to speak on the specific travel agenda item.

(2) Each district school board may reimburse a district school board member for travel expenses for travel from the member’s residence incurred in the performance of a public purpose authorized by law to be performed by the district school board, including, but not limited to, attendance at regular and special board meetings. Mileage allowance in the amount provided by law for reimbursement of travel expenses, when authorized, shall be computed from the member’s place of residence to the place of the meeting or function and return.

History.s. 51, ch. 2002-387; s. 5, ch. 2018-5.

1001.395 District school board members; compensation.

(1) Each member of the district school board shall receive a base salary, the amounts indicated in this section, based on the population of the county the district school board member serves. In addition, compensation shall be made for population increments over the minimum for each population group, which shall be determined by multiplying the population in excess of the minimum for the group times the group rate. The product of such calculation shall be added to the base salary to determine the adjusted base salary. The adjusted base salaries of district school board members shall be increased annually as provided for in s. 145.19.

Pop. GroupCounty Pop. RangeBase SalaryGroup Rate

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or s. 145.19, district school board members may reduce their salary rate on a voluntary basis.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and s. 145.19, the salary of each district school board member shall be the amount calculated pursuant to subsection (1) or the district’s beginning salary for teachers who hold baccalaureate degrees, whichever is less.

History.s. 52, ch. 2002-387; s. 4, ch. 2007-234; s. 175, ch. 2008-4; s. 1, ch. 2009-3; s. 95, ch. 2009-21; s. 5, ch. 2009-59; s. 3, ch. 2010-154; s. 6, ch. 2018-5.

1001.40 District school board to constitute a corporation.The governing body of each school district shall be a district school board. Each district school board is constituted a body corporate by the name of “The School Board of County, Florida.” In all suits against district school boards, service of process shall be had on the chair of the district school board or, if he or she cannot be found, on the district school superintendent as executive officer of the district school board or, in the absence of the chair and the district school superintendent, on another member of the district school board.

History.s. 53, ch. 2002-387.

1001.41 General powers of district school board.The district school board, after considering recommendations submitted by the district school superintendent, shall exercise the following general powers:

(1) Determine policies and programs consistent with state law and rule deemed necessary by it for the efficient operation and general improvement of the district school system.

(2) Adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of law conferring duties upon it to supplement those prescribed by the State Board of Education and the Commissioner of Education.

(3) Prescribe and adopt standards and policies to provide each student the opportunity to receive a complete education program, including language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, health, physical education, foreign languages, and the arts, as defined by the state academic standards. The standards and policies must emphasize integration and reinforcement of reading, writing, and mathematics skills across all subjects, including career awareness, career exploration, and career and technical education.

(4) Contract, sue, and be sued. The district school board shall constitute the contracting agent for the district school system.

(5) Perform duties and exercise those responsibilities that are assigned to it by law or by rules of the State Board of Education or the Commissioner of Education and, in addition thereto, those that it may find to be necessary for the improvement of the district school system in carrying out the purposes and objectives of the education code.

(6) Assign students to schools.

(7) Enter into agreements for accepting credit card, charge card, and debit card payments as compensation for goods, services, tuition, and fees, as authorized by law.

History.s. 54, ch. 2002-387; s. 10, ch. 2006-74; s. 4, ch. 2023-13.

1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.The district school board, acting as a board, shall exercise all powers and perform all duties listed below:

(1) REQUIRE MINUTES AND RECORDS TO BE KEPT.Require the district school superintendent, as secretary, to keep such minutes and records as are necessary to set forth clearly all actions and proceedings of the school board.

(a) Minutes, recording.The minutes of each meeting shall be reviewed, corrected if necessary, and approved at the next regular meeting, provided that this action may be taken at an intervening special meeting if the district school board desires. The minutes shall be kept as a public record in a permanent location.

(b) Minutes, contents.The minutes shall show the vote of each member present on all matters on which the district school board takes action. It shall be the duty of each member to see to it that both the matter and his or her vote thereon are properly recorded in the minutes. Unless otherwise shown by the minutes, it shall be presumed that the vote of each member present supported any action taken by the district school board in either the exercise of, violation of, or neglect of the powers and duties imposed upon the district school board by law or rule, whether such action is recorded in the minutes or is otherwise established. It shall also be presumed that the policies, appointments, programs, and expenditures not recorded in the minutes but made and actually in effect in the district school system were made and put into effect at the direction of the district school board, unless it can be shown that they were done without the actual or constructive knowledge of the members of the district school board.

(2) CONTROL PROPERTY.Subject to rules of the State Board of Education, control property and convey the title to real and personal property.

(3) ADOPT SCHOOL PROGRAM.Adopt a school program for the entire school district.

(4) ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION, AND OPERATION OF SCHOOLS.Adopt and provide for the execution of plans for the establishment, organization, and operation of the schools of the district, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Schools and enrollment plans.Establish schools and adopt enrollment plans that may include school attendance areas and open enrollment provisions.

(b) Elimination of school centers and consolidation of schools.Provide for the elimination of school centers and the consolidation of schools.

(c) Adequate educational facilities for all children without tuition.Provide adequate educational facilities for all children without payment of tuition.

(d) Cooperate with school boards of adjoining districts in maintaining schools.Approve plans for cooperating with school boards of adjoining districts in this state or in adjoining states for establishing school attendance areas composed of territory lying within the districts and for the joint maintenance of district-line schools or other schools which are to serve those attendance areas. The conditions of such cooperation shall be as follows:

1. Establishment.The establishment of a school to serve attendance areas lying in more than one district and the plans for maintaining the school and providing educational services to students shall be effected by annual resolutions spread upon the minutes of each district school board concerned, which resolutions shall set out the territorial limits of the areas from which children are to attend the school and the plan to be followed in maintaining and operating the school.

2. Control.Control of the school or schools involved shall be vested in the district school board of the district in which the school or schools are located unless otherwise agreed by the district school boards.

3. Settlement of disagreements.In the event an agreement cannot be reached relating to such attendance areas or to the school or schools therein, the matter may be referred jointly by the cooperating district school boards or by either district school board to the Department of Education for decision under rules of the State Board of Education, and its decision shall be binding on both school boards.

(e) Classification and standardization of schools.Provide for the classification and standardization of schools.

(f) Opening and closing of schools; fixing uniform date; middle school and high school start times.Adopt policies for the opening and closing of schools, fix uniform dates, and middle school and high school start times.

1. The opening date for schools in the district may not be earlier than August 10 of each year.

2. By July 1, 2026, the instructional day for middle schools may not begin earlier than 8 a.m. and the instructional day for high schools may not begin earlier than 8:30 a.m. Each district school board must inform its community, including parents, students, teachers, school administrators, athletic coaches, and other stakeholders, about the health, safety, and academic impacts of sleep deprivation on middle school and high school students and the benefits of a later school start time and discuss local strategies to successfully implement the later school start times.

(g) Observance of school holidays and vacation periods.Designate the observance of school holidays and vacation periods.

(h) Career classes and schools.Provide for the establishment and maintenance of career schools, departments, or classes, giving instruction in career education as defined by rules of the State Board of Education, and use any moneys raised by public taxation in the same manner as moneys for other school purposes are used for the maintenance and support of public schools or classes.

(i) District school boards may establish public evening schools.Have the authority to establish public evening schools.

(j) Cooperate with other agencies in joint projects.Cooperate with other agencies in joint projects.

(k) Planning time for teachers.May adopt rules for planning time for teachers in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1012.

(l) Exceptional students.Provide for an appropriate program of special instruction, facilities, and services for exceptional students as prescribed by the State Board of Education as acceptable in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.57.

(m) Alternative education programs for students in residential care facilities.Provide, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.58, educational programs according to rules of the State Board of Education to students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Families.

(n) Educational services in detention facilities.In accordance with the provisions of chapter 1006, offer services to students in detention facilities.


(a) Designate positions to be filled, prescribe qualifications for those positions, and provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion, suspension, and dismissal of employees, subject to the requirements of chapter 1012. A district school board is encouraged to provide clerical personnel or volunteers who are not classroom teachers to assist teachers in noninstructional activities, including performing paperwork and recordkeeping duties. However, a teacher shall remain responsible for all instructional activities and for classroom management and grading student performance.

(b) Notwithstanding s. 1012.55 or any other provision of law or rule to the contrary and consistent with adopted district school board policy relating to alternative certification for school principals, have the authority to appoint persons to the position of school principal who do not hold educator certification.

(6) STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT.Adopt policies establishing standards of ethical conduct for educational support employees, instructional personnel, administrative personnel, and school officers. The policies must require all educational support employees, instructional personnel, administrative personnel, and school officers, as defined in s. 1012.01, to complete training on the standards; establish the duty of educational support employees, instructional personnel, administrative personnel, and school officers to report, and procedures for reporting, alleged misconduct by other educational support employees, instructional or administrative personnel, and school officers which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, including misconduct that involves engaging in or soliciting sexual, romantic, or lewd conduct with a student; require the district school superintendent to report to law enforcement misconduct by educational support employees, instructional personnel, or school administrators that would result in disqualification from educator certification or employment as provided in s. 1012.315; and include an explanation of the liability protections provided under ss. 39.203 and 768.095. A district school board, or any of its employees or personnel, may not enter into a confidentiality agreement regarding terminated or dismissed educational support employees, instructional or administrative personnel, or school officers who resign in lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, and may not provide educational support employees, instructional personnel, administrative personnel, or school officers with employment references or discuss the employees’, personnel’s, or officers’ performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the employees’, personnel’s, or officers’ misconduct. Any part of an agreement or contract that has the purpose or effect of concealing misconduct by educational support employees, instructional personnel, administrative personnel, or school officers which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student is void, is contrary to public policy, and may not be enforced.

(7) PROHIBITION FROM EMPLOYMENT.Prohibit educational support employees, instructional personnel, and administrative personnel, as defined in s. 1012.01, from employment in any position that requires direct contact with students if the employees or personnel are ineligible for such employment under s. 1012.315 or have been terminated or have resigned in lieu of termination for sexual misconduct with a student. If the prohibited conduct occurs while employed, the district school board must report the employees or personnel and the disqualifying circumstances to the department for inclusion on the disqualification list maintained by the department pursuant to s. 1001.10(4)(b). An elected or appointed school board official forfeits his or her salary for 1 year if:

(a) The school board official knowingly signs and transmits to any state official a report of alleged misconduct by educational support employees, instructional personnel, or administrative personnel which the school board official knows to be false or incorrect; or

(b) The school board official knowingly fails to adopt policies that require:

1. Educational support employees, instructional personnel, and administrative personnel to report alleged misconduct by other educational support employees, instructional personnel, and administrative personnel;

2. The district school superintendent to report misconduct by educational support employees, instructional personnel, or school administrators that would result in disqualification from educator certification or employment as provided in s. 1012.315 to the law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the conduct; or

3. The investigation of all reports of alleged misconduct by educational support employees, instructional personnel, and administrative personnel, if the misconduct affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, regardless of whether the person resigned or was terminated before the conclusion of the investigation. The policies must require the district school superintendent to notify the department of the result of the investigation and whether the misconduct warranted termination, regardless of whether the person resigned or was terminated before the conclusion of the investigation.


(a) In accordance with the provisions of chapters 1003 and 1006, provide for the proper accounting for all students of school age, for the attendance and control of students at school, and for proper attention to health, safety, and other matters relating to the welfare of students.

(b) In accordance with the provisions of ss. 1003.31 and 1003.32, fully support the authority of each teacher and school bus driver to remove disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive students from the classroom and the school bus and the authority of the school board to place such students in an alternative educational setting, when appropriate and available.

(c)1. In accordance with the rights of parents enumerated in ss. 1002.20 and 1014.04, adopt procedures for notifying a student’s parent if there is a change in the student’s services or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being and the school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for the student. The procedures must reinforce the fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding the upbringing and control of their children by requiring school district personnel to encourage a student to discuss issues relating to his or her well-being with his or her parent or to facilitate discussion of the issue with the parent. The procedures may not prohibit parents from accessing any of their student’s education and health records created, maintained, or used by the school district, as required by s. 1002.22(2).

2. A school district may not adopt procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying a parent about his or her student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being, or a change in related services or monitoring, or that encourage or have the effect of encouraging a student to withhold from a parent such information. School district personnel may not discourage or prohibit parental notification of and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being. This subparagraph does not prohibit a school district from adopting procedures that permit school personnel to withhold such information from a parent if a reasonably prudent person would believe that disclosure would result in abuse, abandonment, or neglect, as those terms are defined in s. 39.01.

3. Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in prekindergarten through grade 8, except when required by ss. 1003.42(2)(o)3. and 1003.46. If such instruction is provided in grades 9 through 12, the instruction must be age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. This subparagraph applies to charter schools.

4. Student support services training developed or provided by a school district to school district personnel must adhere to student services guidelines, standards, and frameworks established by the Department of Education.

5. At the beginning of the school year, each school district shall notify parents of each health care service offered at their student’s school and the option to withhold consent or decline any specific service in accordance with s. 1014.06. Parental consent to a health care service does not waive the parent’s right to access his or her student’s educational or health records or to be notified about a change in his or her student’s services or monitoring as provided by this paragraph.

6. Before administering a student well-being questionnaire or health screening form to a student in kindergarten through grade 3, the school district must provide the questionnaire or health screening form to the parent and obtain the permission of the parent.

7. Each school district shall adopt procedures for a parent to notify the principal, or his or her designee, regarding concerns under this paragraph at his or her student’s school and the process for resolving those concerns within 7 calendar days after notification by the parent.

a. At a minimum, the procedures must require that within 30 days after notification by the parent that the concern remains unresolved, the school district must either resolve the concern or provide a statement of the reasons for not resolving the concern.

b. If a concern is not resolved by the school district, a parent may:

(I) Request the Commissioner of Education to appoint a special magistrate who is a member of The Florida Bar in good standing and who has at least 5 years’ experience in administrative law. The special magistrate shall determine facts relating to the dispute over the school district procedure or practice, consider information provided by the school district, and render a recommended decision for resolution to the State Board of Education within 30 days after receipt of the request by the parent. The State Board of Education must approve or reject the recommended decision at its next regularly scheduled meeting that is more than 7 calendar days and no more than 30 days after the date the recommended decision is transmitted. The costs of the special magistrate shall be borne by the school district. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules, including forms, necessary to implement this subparagraph.

(II) Bring an action against the school district to obtain a declaratory judgment that the school district procedure or practice violates this paragraph and seek injunctive relief. A court may award damages and shall award reasonable attorney fees and court costs to a parent who receives declaratory or injunctive relief.

c. Each school district shall adopt and post on its website policies to notify parents of the procedures required under this subparagraph.

d. Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall be construed to abridge or alter rights of action or remedies in equity already existing under the common law or general law.

(9) COURSES OF STUDY AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS.Provide adequate instructional materials for all students in accordance with the requirements of chapter 1006.

(10) TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS.After considering recommendations of the district school superintendent, make provision for the transportation of students to the public schools or school activities they are required or expected to attend; authorize transportation routes arranged efficiently and economically; provide the necessary transportation facilities, and, when authorized under rules of the State Board of Education and if more economical to do so, provide limited subsistence in lieu thereof; and adopt the necessary rules and regulations to ensure safety, economy, and efficiency in the operation of all buses, as prescribed in chapter 1006.

(11) SCHOOL PLANT.Approve plans for locating, planning, constructing, sanitating, insuring, maintaining, protecting, and condemning school property as prescribed in chapter 1013 and as follows:

(a) School building program.Approve and adopt a districtwide school building program.

(b) Sites, buildings, and equipment.

1. Select and purchase school sites, playgrounds, and recreational areas located at centers at which schools are to be constructed, of adequate size to meet the needs of projected students to be accommodated.

2. Approve the proposed purchase of any site, playground, or recreational area for which district funds are to be used.

3. Expand existing sites.

4. Rent buildings when necessary.

5. Enter into leases or lease-purchase arrangements, in accordance with the requirements and conditions provided in s. 1013.15(2), with private individuals or corporations for the rental of necessary grounds and educational facilities for school purposes or of educational facilities to be erected for school purposes. Current or other funds authorized by law may be used to make payments under a lease-purchase agreement. Notwithstanding any other statutes, if the rental is to be paid from funds received from ad valorem taxation and the agreement is for a period greater than 12 months, an approving referendum must be held. The provisions of such contracts, including building plans, shall be subject to approval by the Department of Education, and no such contract shall be entered into without such approval. As used in this section, “educational facilities” means the buildings and equipment that are built, installed, or established to serve educational purposes and that may lawfully be used. The State Board of Education may adopt such rules as are necessary to implement these provisions.

6. Provide for the proper supervision of construction.

7. Make or contract for additions, alterations, and repairs on buildings and other school properties.

8. Ensure that all plans and specifications for buildings provide adequately for the safety and well-being of students, as well as for economy of construction.

(c) Maintenance and upkeep of school plant.Provide adequately for the proper maintenance and upkeep of school plants, so that students may attend school without sanitary or physical hazards, and provide for the necessary heat, lights, water, power, and other supplies and utilities necessary for the operation of the schools.

(d) Insurance of school property.Carry insurance on every school building in all school plants including contents, boilers, and machinery, except buildings of three classrooms or less that are of frame construction and located in a tenth class public protection zone as defined by the Florida Inspection and Rating Bureau, and on all school buses and other property under the control of the district school board or title to which is vested in the district school board, except as exceptions may be authorized under rules of the State Board of Education.

(e) Condemnation of buildings.Condemn and prohibit the use for public school purposes of any building that can be shown for sanitary or other reasons to be no longer suitable for such use and, when any building is condemned by any state or other government agency as authorized in chapter 1013, see that it is no longer used for school purposes.

(12) FINANCE.Take steps to assure students adequate educational facilities through the financial procedure authorized in chapters 1010 and 1011 and as prescribed below:

(a) Provide for all schools to operate 180 days.Provide for the operation of all public schools, both elementary and secondary, as free schools for a term of 180 days or the equivalent on an hourly basis as specified by rules of the State Board of Education; determine district school funds necessary in addition to state funds to operate all schools for such minimum term; and arrange for the levying of district school taxes necessary to provide the amount needed from district sources.

(b) Annual budget.

1. Cause to be prepared, adopt, and have submitted to the Department of Education as required by law and rules of the State Board of Education, the annual school budget, such budget to be so prepared and executed as to promote the improvement of the district school system.

2. An individual school board member may request and shall receive any proposed, tentative, and official budget documents, including all supporting and background information.

(c) Tax levies.Adopt and spread on its minutes a resolution fixing the district school tax levy, provided for under s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution, necessary to carry on the school program adopted for the district for the next ensuing fiscal year as required by law, and fixing the district bond interest and sinking fund tax levy necessary for districts against which bonds are outstanding; and adopt and spread on its minutes a resolution suggesting the tax levy provided for in s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution, found necessary to carry on the school program adopted for the district for the next ensuing fiscal year.

(d) School funds.Require that an accurate account is kept of all funds that should be transmitted to the district school board for school purposes at various periods during the year from all sources and, if any funds are not transmitted promptly, take the necessary steps to have such funds made available.

(e) Borrow money.Borrow money, as prescribed in ss. 1011.12-1011.16, when necessary in anticipation of funds reasonably to be expected during the year as shown by the budget.

(f) Financial records and accounts.Provide for keeping of accurate records of all financial transactions.

(g) Approval and payment of accounts.Implement a system of accounting and budgetary control to ensure that payments do not exceed amounts budgeted, as required by law; make available all records for proper audit by state officials or independent certified public accountants; and have prepared required periodic statements to be filed with the Department of Education as provided by rules of the State Board of Education.

(h) Bonds of employees.Fix and prescribe the bonds, and pay the premium on all such bonds, of all school employees who are responsible for school funds in order to provide reasonable safeguards for all such funds or property.

(i) Contracts for materials, supplies, and services.Contract for materials, supplies, and services needed for the district school system. No contract for supplying these needs shall be made with any member of the district school board, with the district school superintendent, or with any business organization in which any district school board member or the district school superintendent has any financial interest whatsoever.

(j) Purchasing regulations to be secured from Department of Management Services.Secure purchasing regulations and amendments and changes thereto from the Department of Management Services and prior to any purchase have reported to it by its staff, and give consideration to the lowest price available to it under such regulations, provided a regulation applicable to the item or items being purchased has been adopted by the department. The department should meet with educational administrators to expand the inventory of standard items for common usage in all schools and postsecondary educational institutions.

(k) Protection against loss.Provide for adequate protection against any loss or damage to school property or loss resulting from any liability for which the district school board or its officers, agents, or employees may be responsible under law. In fulfilling this responsibility, the district school board may purchase insurance, to be self-insured, to enter into risk management programs managed by district school boards, school-related associations, or insurance companies, or to have any combination thereof in any area to the extent the district school board is either authorized or required by law to contract for insurance. Any risk management program entered into pursuant to this subsection shall provide for strict accountability of all funds to the member district school boards and an annual audit by an independent certified public accountant of all receipts and disbursements.

(l) Internal auditor.May or, in the case of a school district receiving annual federal, state, and local funds in excess of $500 million, shall employ an internal auditor. The scope of the internal auditor shall not be restricted and shall include every functional and program area of the school system.

1. The internal auditor shall perform ongoing financial verification of the financial records of the school district, a comprehensive risk assessment of all areas of the school system every 5 years, and other audits and reviews as the district school board directs for determining:

a. The adequacy of internal controls designed to prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse as defined in s. 11.45(1).

b. Compliance with applicable laws, rules, contracts, grant agreements, district school board-approved policies, and best practices.

c. The efficiency of operations.

d. The reliability of financial records and reports.

e. The safeguarding of assets.

f. Financial solvency.

g. Projected revenues and expenditures.

h. The rate of change in the general fund balance.

2. The internal auditor shall prepare audit reports of his or her findings and report directly to the district school board or its designee.

3. Any person responsible for furnishing or producing any book, record, paper, document, data, or sufficient information necessary to conduct a proper audit or examination which the internal auditor is by law authorized to perform is subject to the provisions of s. 11.47(3) and (4).

(m) Financial and performance audits.In addition to the audits required by ss. 11.45 and 218.39, may contract with an independent certified public accountant to conduct a financial or performance audit of its accounts and records retained by it and paid from its public funds.

(13) RECORDS AND REPORTS.Provide for the keeping of all necessary records and the making of all needed or required reports, as follows:

(a) Forms, blanks, and reports.Require all employees to keep accurately all records and to make promptly in the proper form all reports required by law or by rules of the State Board of Education.

(b) Reports to the department.Require that the district school superintendent prepare all reports to the Department of Education that may be required by law or rules of the State Board of Education; see that all such reports are promptly transmitted to the department; withhold the further payment of salary to the superintendent or employee when notified by the department that he or she has failed to file any report within the time or in the manner prescribed; and continue to withhold the salary until the district school board is notified by the department that such report has been received and accepted, provided that when any report has not been received by the date due and after due notice has been given to the district school board of that fact, the department, if it deems necessary, may require the report to be prepared by a member of its staff, and the district school board shall pay all expenses connected therewith. Any member of the district school board who is responsible for the violation of this provision is subject to suspension and removal.

(c) Reports to parents.Require that, at regular intervals, reports are made by school principals or teachers to parents, apprising them of the progress being made by the students in their studies and giving other needful information.

(14) COOPERATION WITH OTHER DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDS.May establish and participate in educational consortia that are designed to provide joint programs and services to cooperating school districts, consistent with the provisions of s. 4(b), Art. IX of the State Constitution. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules providing for the establishment, funding, administration, and operation of such consortia.

(15) ENFORCEMENT OF LAW AND RULES.Require that all laws and rules of the State Board of Education or of the district school board are properly enforced.

(16) SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM.Assume such responsibilities and exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to it by law or as may be required by rules of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services or, as in the opinion of the district school board, are necessary to ensure school lunch services, consistent with needs of students; effective and efficient operation of the program; and the proper articulation of the school lunch program with other phases of education in the district.


(a) Adopt procedures whereby the general public can be adequately informed of the educational programs, needs, and objectives of public education within the district, including educational opportunities available through the Florida Virtual School.

(b) Adopt rules to strengthen family involvement and empowerment pursuant to s. 1002.23. The rules shall be developed in collaboration with administrative personnel, parents, teachers, and community partners.

(c) Develop and disseminate a parent guide to successful student achievement which addresses what parents need to know about their child’s educational progress and how they can help their child to succeed in school.

(d) Develop and disseminate a checklist for parents to assist parents in becoming involved in their child’s educational progress.

(e) Encourage teachers and administrators to keep parents informed of student progress, student programs, student attendance requirements pursuant to ss. 1003.26, 1003.27, 414.1251, and 984.151, and availability of resources for academic assistance.

(18) IMPLEMENT SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY.Maintain a system of school improvement and education accountability as provided by statute and State Board of Education rule. This system of school improvement and education accountability shall be consistent with, and implemented through, the district’s continuing system of planning and budgeting required by this section and ss. 1008.385, 1010.01, and 1011.01. This system of school improvement and education accountability shall comply with the provisions of ss. 1008.33, 1008.34, 1008.345, and 1008.385 and include the following:

(a) School improvement plans.The district school board shall annually approve and require implementation of a new, amended, or continuation school improvement plan for each school in the district which has a school grade of “D” or “F”; has a significant gap in achievement on statewide, standardized assessments administered pursuant to s. 1008.22 by one or more student subgroups, as defined in the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), 20 U.S.C. s. 6311(b)(2)(C)(v)(II); has not significantly increased the percentage of students passing statewide, standardized assessments; has not significantly increased the percentage of students demonstrating Learning Gains, as defined in s. 1008.34 and as calculated under s. 1008.34(3)(b), who passed statewide, standardized assessments; has been identified as requiring instructional supports under the Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence program established in s. 1008.365; or has significantly lower graduation rates for a subgroup when compared to the state’s graduation rate. The improvement plan of a school that meets the requirements of this paragraph shall include strategies for improving these results. The state board shall adopt rules establishing thresholds and for determining compliance with this paragraph.

(b) Early warning system.

1. A school that serves any students in kindergarten through grade 8 shall implement an early warning system to identify students in such grades who need additional support to improve academic performance and stay engaged in school. The early warning system must include the following early warning indicators:

a. Attendance below 90 percent, regardless of whether absence is excused or a result of out-of-school suspension.

b. One or more suspensions, whether in school or out of school.

c. Course failure in English Language Arts or mathematics during any grading period.

d. A Level 1 score on the statewide, standardized assessments in English Language Arts or mathematics.

e. For students in kindergarten through grade 3, a substantial reading deficiency under s. 1008.25(5)(a) or, for students in kindergarten through grade 4, a substantial mathematics deficiency under s. 1008.25(6)(a).

A school district may identify additional early warning indicators for use in a school’s early warning system. The system must include data on the number of students identified by the system as exhibiting two or more early warning indicators, the number of students by grade level who exhibit each early warning indicator, and a description of all intervention strategies employed by the school to improve the academic performance of students identified by the early warning system.

2. A school-based team responsible for implementing the requirements of this paragraph shall monitor the data from the early warning system. The team may include a school psychologist. When a student exhibits two or more early warning indicators, the team, in consultation with the student’s parent, shall determine appropriate intervention strategies for the student unless the student is already being served by an intervention program at the direction of a school-based, multidisciplinary team. Data and information relating to a student’s early warning indicators must be used to inform any intervention strategies provided to the student.

(c) Public disclosure.The district school board shall provide information regarding the performance of students and educational programs as required pursuant to ss. 1008.22 and 1008.385 and implement a system of school reports as required by statute and State Board of Education rule which shall include schools operating for the purpose of providing educational services to students in Department of Juvenile Justice programs. Annual public disclosure reports shall be in an easy-to-read report card format and shall include the school’s grade, high school graduation rate calculated without high school equivalency examinations, disaggregated by student ethnicity, and performance data as specified in state board rule.

(d) School improvement funds.The district school board shall provide funds to schools for developing and implementing school improvement plans. Such funds shall include those funds appropriated for the purpose of school improvement pursuant to s. 24.121(5)(c).


(a) Adopt policies that clearly encourage and enhance maximum decisionmaking appropriate to the school site. Such policies must include guidelines for schools in the adoption and purchase of district and school site instructional materials and technology, the implementation of student health and fitness standards, staff training, school advisory council member training, student support services, budgeting, and the allocation of staff resources.

(b) Adopt waiver process policies to enable all schools to exercise maximum flexibility and notify advisory councils of processes to waive school district and state policies.

(c) Develop policies for periodically monitoring the membership composition of school advisory councils to ensure compliance with requirements established in s. 1001.452.

(d) Adopt policies that assist in giving greater autonomy, including authority over the allocation of the school’s budget, to schools designated with a grade of “A,” making excellent progress, and schools rated as having improved at least two grades.

(20) OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS.Adopt policies allowing students attending schools that have earned a grade of “F” or three consecutive grades of “D” pursuant to s. 1008.34 to attend a higher-performing school in the district or any other district in the state, in conformance with s. 1002.38 and State Board of Education rule.

(21) EDUCATIONAL EMERGENCY.To free schools with a school grade of “D” or “F” from contract restrictions that limit the school’s ability to implement programs and strategies needed to improve student performance, a district school board may adopt salary incentives or other strategies that address the selection, placement, compensation, and expectations of instructional personnel and provide principals with the autonomy described in s. 1012.28(8). For purposes of this subsection, an educational emergency exists in a school district if one or more schools in the district have a school grade of “D” or “F.” Notwithstanding chapter 447, relating to collective bargaining, a district school board may:

(a) Provide salary incentives that differentiate based on a teacher’s certification, subject area taught, or grade level taught. Such incentives are not subject to collective bargaining requirements.

(b) Notwithstanding s. 1012.2315, relating to assignment of teachers, adopt strategies to assign high-quality teachers more equitably across schools in the district to low-performing schools as a management right. Such strategies are not subject to collective bargaining requirements.

(22) SCHOOL-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL.In order to reduce the anonymity of students in large schools, adopt policies to encourage any large school to subdivide into schools-within-a-school that shall operate within existing resources in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1003.

(23) VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION.Provide students with access to courses available through a virtual instruction program option, including the Florida Virtual School and other approved providers, and award credit for successful completion of such courses.


(a) If a school district enters into a contract or employment agreement, or renewal or renegotiation of an existing contract or employment agreement, with an officer, agent, employee, or contractor which contains a provision for severance pay, the contract or employment agreement must include the provisions of s. 215.425.

(b) A district school board may not award an annual contract on the basis of any contingency or condition not expressly authorized in law by the Legislature or alter or limit its authority to award or not award an annual contract as provided in s. 1012.335. This paragraph applies only to a collective bargaining agreement entered into or renewed by a district school board on or after June 15, 2017.

(25) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS.Each district school board shall enter into an interlocal agreement as provided in s. 163.01 for the purpose of establishing the School District Consortium and maximizing the purchasing power for goods and services. A consortium may be statewide or regional, as appropriate to achieve the lowest cost. This subsection does not prohibit a district school board from utilizing a state contract.

(26) TECHNICAL CENTER GOVERNING BOARD.May appoint a governing board for a school district technical center or a system of technical centers for the purpose of aligning the educational programs of the technical center with the needs of local businesses and responding quickly to the needs of local businesses for employees holding industry certifications. A technical center governing board shall be comprised of seven members, three of whom must be members of the district school board or their designees and four of whom must be local business leaders. The district school board shall delegate to the technical center governing board decisions regarding entrance requirements for students, curriculum, program development, budget and funding allocations, and the development with local businesses of partnership agreements and appropriate industry certifications in order to meet local and regional economic needs. A technical center governing board may approve only courses and programs that contain industry certifications. A course may be continued if at least 25 percent of the students enrolled in the course attain an industry certification. If fewer than 25 percent of the students enrolled in a course attain an industry certification, the course must be discontinued the following year.

(27) VISITATION OF SCHOOLS.Visit the schools, observe the management and instruction, give suggestions for improvement, and advise citizens with the view of promoting interest in education and improving the schools.

(28) UNACCOMPANIED HOMELESS YOUTH.Provide to each student who is an unaccompanied homeless youth certified under s. 743.067 a card that includes information on the rights and benefits for such youth, as well as the contact information for the school district’s liaison for homeless children and youths. The card must be similar in size to the student identification card issued to students in the district and include all of the following information:

(a) On the front of the card, the following information from the standardized form developed by the Department of Children and Families under s. 743.067(3):

1. The circumstances that qualify the youth.

2. The date the youth was certified.

3. The name, title, and signature of the certifying individual.

(b) On the back of the card, the following statement:

Section 743.067, Florida Statutes, provides that this certified youth may consent to medical care; dental care; behavioral health care services, including psychological counseling and treatment, psychiatric treatment, and substance abuse prevention and treatment services; and surgical diagnosis and treatment, including preventative care and care by a facility licensed under chapter 394, chapter 395, or chapter 397 and any forensic medical examination for the purpose of investigating any felony offense under chapter 784, chapter 787, chapter 794, chapter 800, or chapter 827, for himself or herself or his or her child, if the certified youth is unmarried, is the parent of the child, and has actual custody of the child.

(29) ADOPT RULES.Adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this section.

History.s. 55, ch. 2002-387; s. 3, ch. 2003-118; s. 29, ch. 2003-391; s. 27, ch. 2004-41; s. 3, ch. 2004-255; s. 8, ch. 2004-333; s. 71, ch. 2004-357; s. 11, ch. 2006-74; s. 9, ch. 2008-108; s. 2, ch. 2009-3; s. 6, ch. 2009-59; s. 2, ch. 2009-144; s. 198, ch. 2010-102; s. 2, ch. 2011-128; s. 2, ch. 2011-175; s. 4, ch. 2012-133; s. 1, ch. 2012-194; s. 3, ch. 2013-27; s. 6, ch. 2013-45; s. 39, ch. 2013-226; s. 362, ch. 2014-19; s. 15, ch. 2014-20; s. 2, ch. 2014-23; s. 1, ch. 2014-184; s. 1, ch. 2015-6; s. 2, ch. 2016-237; ss. 38, 40, ch. 2017-116; s. 7, ch. 2018-5; s. 100, ch. 2018-110; s. 6, ch. 2018-150; s. 17, ch. 2019-15; s. 2, ch. 2021-9; s. 2, ch. 2021-138; s. 71, ch. 2022-4; s. 1, ch. 2022-22; s. 5, ch. 2022-65; s. 1, ch. 2023-78; s. 3, ch. 2023-105; s. 2, ch. 2023-108; s. 11, ch. 2023-220; s. 11, ch. 2023-245; s. 70, ch. 2024-2; s. 24, ch. 2024-133.

1001.4205 Individuals authorized to visit schools.An individual member of a district school board may, on any day and at any time at his or her pleasure, visit any district school in his or her school district. An individual charter school governing board member may, on any day and at any time at his or her pleasure, visit any charter school governed by the charter school’s governing board. A member of the Legislature may visit any public school in the legislative district of the member. An individual visiting a school pursuant to this section must sign in and sign out at the school’s main office and wear his or her identification badge at all times while present on school premises. The board, the school, or any other person or entity, including, but not limited to, the principal of the school, the school superintendent, or any other board member, may not require an individual visiting the school pursuant to this section to provide notice before visiting the school. The school may offer, but may not require, an escort to accompany an individual visiting the school pursuant to this section during the visit. Another board member or a district employee, including, but not limited to, the superintendent, the school principal, or his or her designee, may not limit the duration or scope of the visit or direct an individual visiting the school pursuant to this section to leave the premises. A board, district, or school administrative policy or practice may not prohibit or limit the authority granted to an individual under this section.

History.s. 39, ch. 2017-116; s. 1, ch. 2022-144.

1001.421 Gifts.Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, district school board members and their relatives, as defined in s. 112.312(21), may not directly or indirectly solicit any gift, or directly or indirectly accept any gift in excess of $50, from any person, vendor, potential vendor, or other entity doing business with the school district. The term “gift” has the same meaning as in s. 112.312(12).

History.s. 3, ch. 2011-175.

1001.43 Supplemental powers and duties of district school board.The district school board may exercise the following supplemental powers and duties as authorized by this code or State Board of Education rule.

(1) STUDENT MANAGEMENT.The district school board may adopt programs and policies to ensure the safety and welfare of individuals, the student body, and school personnel, which programs and policies may:

(a) Prohibit the possession of weapons and drugs on campus, student hazing, and other activities that could threaten the operation of the school or the safety and welfare of the student body or school personnel.

(b) Require uniforms to be worn by the student body, or impose other dress-related requirements, if the district school board finds that those requirements are necessary for the safety or welfare of the student body or school personnel. However, students may wear sunglasses, hats, or other sun-protective wear while outdoors during school hours, such as when students are at recess. A district school board that implements a districtwide standard student attire policy pursuant to s. 1011.78 is eligible to receive incentive payments.

(c) Provide procedures for student dismissal precautions and for granting permission for students to leave school grounds during school hours, including releasing a student from school upon request by a parent or for public appearances of school groups.

(d) Provide procedures for managing protests, demonstrations, sit-ins, walk-outs, or other acts of civil disobedience.

(e) Provide procedures for detaining students and for readmission of students after expulsion.

(f) Regulate student automobile use and parking.

(2) FISCAL MANAGEMENT.The district school board may adopt policies providing for fiscal management of the school district with respect to school purchasing, facilities, nonstate revenue sources, budgeting, fundraising, and other activities relating to the fiscal management of district resources, including, but not limited to, the policies governing:

(a) Sales calls and demonstrations by agents, solicitors, salespersons, and vendors on campus; local preference criteria for vendors; specifications for quantity purchasing; prioritization of awards for bids; declining bid awards; and purchase requisitions, approvals, and routing.

(b) Sales by booster clubs; marathon fundraisers; and student sales of candy, paper products, or other goods authorized by the district school board.

(c) Inventory and disposal of district property; use of safe-deposit boxes; and selection of real estate appraisers.

(d) Payment of contractors and other service providers.

(e) Accounting systems; petty cash accounts procedures and reporting; school activities funds procedures and reporting; management and reporting of grants from private sources; and management of funds, including auxiliary enterprise funds.

(f) District budgeting system, including setting budget deadlines and schedules, budget planning, and implementation and determination of budget priorities.

(g) Use of federal funds to purchase food when federal program guidelines permit such use.

(h) Assessment of a kindergarten through grade 12 student fee for voluntary, noncredit summer school enrollment in basic program courses. The amount of any student fee shall be based on the ability of the student to pay such fee as determined by district school board policy.

(3) INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS.The district school board may adopt policies providing for innovative teaching techniques, teaching programs and methods, instructional aids and objectives, extracurricular and interscholastic activities, and supplemental programs including, but not limited to, policies providing for:

(a) Use of technology, including appropriate use of the Internet as a tool for learning.

(b) Instructional priorities and objectives, pilot projects and evaluations, curriculum adoption and design, and lesson planning.

(c) Extracurricular and interscholastic activities, including field trips, publishing a student newspaper and other publications, and special programs relating to the arts, music, or other topics of current interest.

(d) Participation in physical education programs, including appropriate physical education attire and protective gear; programs for exceptional students; summer school; and the Title I program, including comparability procedures.

(4) FACILITIES MANAGEMENT.The district school board may adopt policies providing for management of the physical campus and its environs, including, but not limited to, energy conservation measures; building and ground maintenance; fencing, landscaping, and other property improvements; site acquisition; new construction and renovation; dedication and rededication or naming and renaming of district buildings and other district facilities; and development of facilities management planning and priorities.

(5) SCHOOL COMMUNITY RELATIONS.The district school board may adopt policies governing public gifts and donations to schools; input from the community concerning instruction resources; advertising in schools; participation in community affairs, including coordination with local governments and planning authorities; protocols for interagency agreements; business community partnerships; community use of school facilities; public solicitations in schools, including the distribution and posting of promotional materials and literature; visitors to the school campus; school advisory councils; and parent volunteers and chaperones.

(6) LEGAL ISSUES.The district school board may adopt policies and procedures necessary to implement federal mandates and programs, court orders, and other legal requirements of the state.

(7) FIRST AID AND EMERGENCIES.The district school board may adopt programs and policies to ensure appropriate response in emergency situations; the provision of first aid to individuals, the student body, and school personnel; and the effective management of student illness, which programs and policies may include, but are not limited to:

(a) The provision of first aid and emergency medical care and the provision of school health care facilities and services.

(b) The provision of school safety patrol.

(c) Procedures for reporting hazards, including threats of nature, bomb threats, threatening messages, and similar occurrences, and the provision of warning systems including alarm systems and other technical devices.

(d) Procedures for evacuating the classrooms, playground, or any other district facility.

(e) Procedures for reporting accidents, including traffic accidents and traffic violations involving district-owned vehicles.

(f) Student insurance programs.

(8) STUDENT ASSESSMENT AND AFFAIRS.The district school board may adopt policies and procedures governing attendance monitoring and checks; truancy; fees, fines, and charges imposed on students; evaluation of student records and transcripts; transfer of student records; grading and academic evaluation of students; tests and examinations, including early examinations; guidance and counseling; student participation in competitions, student performances and exhibitions, contests for students, and social events; and graduation requirements and graduation exercises. A district school board may not prohibit a student from lawfully wearing the dress uniform of any of the Armed Forces of the United States or of the state at his or her graduation ceremony.

(9) ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES.The district school board may adopt policies and procedures governing purchase of property insurance, including comprehensive general liability insurance; transportation of students for extracurricular activities and special events, including transportation of students in privately owned vehicles; transportation of district personnel, including personal use of district owned vehicles; computer security and computer room access and computer database resources; mail and delivery services, including use of couriers; copyright compliance; and computerized data systems, including computer use, transmission of data, access to the Internet, and other technology-based services.

(10) DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONS.The district school board may adopt policies and procedures necessary for the daily business operation of the district school board, including, but not limited to, the provision of legal services for the district school board; conducting a district legislative program; district school board member participation at conferences, conventions, and workshops, including member compensation and reimbursement for expenses; district school board policy development, adoption, and repeal; district school board meeting procedures, including participation via telecommunications networks, use of technology at meetings, and presentations by nondistrict personnel; citizen communications with the district school board and with individual district school board members; collaboration with local government and other entities as required by law; and organization of the district school board, including special committees and advisory committees. Members of special committees and advisory committees may attend meetings in person or through the use of telecommunications networks such as telephonic and video conferencing.

(11) PERSONNEL.The district school board may adopt policies and procedures necessary for the management of all personnel of the school system.

(12) AFFORDABLE HOUSING.A district school board may use portions of school sites purchased within the guidelines of the State Requirements for Educational Facilities, land deemed not usable for educational purposes because of location or other factors, or land declared as surplus by the board to provide sites for affordable housing for teachers and other district personnel and, in areas of critical state concern, for other essential services personnel as defined by local affordable housing eligibility requirements, independently or in conjunction with other agencies as described in subsection (5).

(13) COOPERATION WITH FLORIDA COLLEGE SYSTEM INSTITUTIONS.The district school board shall work with the Florida College System institutions in the district to ensure that the Florida College System institution students have access to remedial education.


(a) The Legislature recognizes the importance of promoting student academic and career achievement, motivating students to attain academic and career achievement, and providing positive acknowledgment for that achievement. It is the intent of the Legislature that school districts bestow the same level of recognition to the state’s academic and career scholars as to its athletic scholars.

(b) The district school board is encouraged to adopt policies and procedures to celebrate the academic and career achievement of students by:

1. Declaring an “Academic Scholarship Signing Day” to recognize the outstanding academic achievement of high school seniors who sign a letter of intent to accept an academic scholarship offered to the student by a postsecondary educational institution.

2. Declaring a “College and Career Decision Day” to recognize high school seniors for their postsecondary education plans, to encourage early preparation for college, and to encourage students to pursue advanced career pathways through the attainment of industry certifications for which there are statewide college credit articulation agreements.

(c) Beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, each district school board shall require each high school within its jurisdiction to host an annual career fair during the school year and establish a process to provide students in grades 11 and 12 the opportunity to meet or interview with potential employers during the career fair. The career fair must be held on the campus of the high school, except that a group of high schools in the district or a group of districts may hold a joint career fair at an alternative location to satisfy the requirement in this paragraph. A joint career fair must be held at a location located within reasonable driving distance for students at all participating schools. The career fair must be held during the school day and may use Florida’s online career planning and work-based learning system as part of the career fair activities. Alternatively, district school boards may consult with local workforce development boards, advisory committees, and business groups to determine free or cost-effective methods to provide other career and industry networking opportunities during the school day for secondary students and exposure for elementary and secondary students to a representative variety of industries, businesses, and careers.

District school board policies and procedures may include conducting assemblies or other appropriate public events in which students sign actual or ceremonial documents accepting scholarships or enrollment. The district school board may encourage holding such events in an assembly or gathering of the entire student body as a means of making academic and career success and recognition visible to all students.

History.s. 56, ch. 2002-387; s. 26, ch. 2006-69; s. 13, ch. 2006-301; s. 33, ch. 2009-96; s. 1, ch. 2010-203; s. 16, ch. 2011-5; s. 19, ch. 2011-15; s. 3, ch. 2016-2; s. 1, ch. 2019-48; s. 10, ch. 2019-119; s. 1, ch. 2021-35; s. 16, ch. 2023-81; s. 12, ch. 2023-245; s. 6, ch. 2024-125.

1001.432 Inspirational message.

(1) A district school board may adopt a policy allowing an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly. The policy must provide that:

(a) Students who are responsible for organizing any student-led portion of a student assembly shall:

1. Have sole discretion in determining whether an inspirational message is to be delivered.

2. Choose the student volunteers who will deliver an inspirational message. The student volunteers shall be solely responsible for the preparation and content of the inspirational message.

(b) School district personnel may not:

1. Participate in, or otherwise influence, the determination of whether an inspirational message is to be delivered or select the student volunteers who will deliver the inspirational message.

2. Monitor or otherwise review the content of a student volunteer’s inspirational message.

(2) The purpose of this section is to provide students with the opportunity for formal or ceremonious observance of an occasion or event.

History.s. 1, ch. 2012-9.

1001.433 Patriotic organizations.

(1) As used in this section, the term “patriotic organization” means a youth membership organization serving young people under the age of 21 with an educational purpose that promotes patriotism and civic involvement which is listed in 36 U.S.C. ss. 30101, 30901, 31101, 40301, 70901, 80301, 130501, 140101, and 154101.

(2)(a) Each school district may:

1. Allow a representative of a patriotic organization the opportunity, during school hours and instructional time, to speak with and distribute informational materials in a classroom setting to students, to encourage participation in the patriotic organization and its activities, and to inform students of how the patriotic organization may further the students’ educational interests and civic involvement and better the students’ school and community and themselves.

2. Provide opportunities for a patriotic organization to provide displays at schools within the district for student recruitment. Such displays may include informational flyers and the use of other existing communication channels.

(b) If a school district authorizes a representative of a patriotic organization to speak with and distribute informational materials to students and provide displays pursuant to paragraph (a), the school district:

1. Must provide a specific date and time for the patriotic organization to speak to students at schools within the district after the patriotic organization has provided reasonable notice of its intent to speak to students and provide displays.

2. Must notify parents or guardians of each patriotic organization’s expected presentation and the option to withhold consent for their child participating in such presentation.

(3) A school district may not discriminate against an organization in subsection (1) in the use of any school building or property for the purposes of paragraphs (2)(a) and (b), if such activities occur outside of the school day.

(4) A school district that allows a patriotic organization to speak with and distribute informational materials to students or use school buildings or property pursuant to this section is not required to provide equal access to an organization that is not designated as a patriotic organization.

History.s. 1, ch. 2024-104.

1001.44 Career centers.

(1) DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD MAY ESTABLISH OR ACQUIRE CAREER CENTERS.Any district school board, after first obtaining the approval of the Department of Education, may, as a part of the district school system, organize, establish and operate a career center, or acquire and operate a career center previously established.

(2) DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDS OF CONTIGUOUS DISTRICTS MAY ESTABLISH OR ACQUIRE CAREER CENTERS.The district school boards of any two or more contiguous districts may, upon first obtaining the approval of the department, enter into an agreement to organize, establish and operate, or acquire and operate, a career center under this section.


(a) A career center established or acquired under provisions of law and minimum standards prescribed by the commissioner shall comprise a part of the district school system and shall mean an educational institution offering terminal courses of a technical nature, and courses for out-of-school youth and adults; shall be subject to all applicable provisions of this code; shall be under the control of the district school board of the school district in which it is located; and shall be directed by a director responsible through the district school superintendent to the district school board of the school district in which the center is located.

(b) Each career center shall maintain an academic transcript for each student enrolled in the center. Such transcript shall delineate each course completed by the student. Courses shall be delineated by the course prefix and title assigned pursuant to s. 1007.24. The center shall make a copy of a student’s transcript available to any student who requests it.

History.s. 57, ch. 2002-387; s. 72, ch. 2004-357.

1001.451 Regional consortium service organizations.In order to provide a full range of programs to larger numbers of students, minimize duplication of services, and encourage the development of new programs and services:

(1) School districts with 20,000 or fewer unweighted full-time equivalent students, developmental research (laboratory) schools established pursuant to s. 1002.32, and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind may enter into cooperative agreements to form a regional consortium service organization. Each regional consortium service organization shall provide, at a minimum, three of the following services: exceptional student education; teacher education centers; environmental education; federal grant procurement and coordination; data processing; health insurance; risk management insurance; staff development; purchasing; or planning and accountability.

(2)(a) Each regional consortium service organization that consists of four or more school districts is eligible to receive, through the Department of Education, subject to the funds provided in the General Appropriations Act, an incentive grant of $50,000 per school district and eligible member to be used for the delivery of services within the participating school districts. The determination of services and use of such funds shall be established by the board of directors of the regional consortium service organization. The funds shall be distributed to each regional consortium service organization no later than 30 days following the release of the funds to the department.

(b) Application for incentive grants shall be made to the Commissioner of Education by July 30 of each year for distribution to qualifying regional consortium service organizations by January 1 of the fiscal year.

(3) In order to economically provide programs and services to participating school districts and members, a regional consortium service organization may establish purchasing and bidding programs, including construction and construction management arrangements, in lieu of individual school district bid arrangements pursuant to policies exercised by its member districts. Participation in regional consortium service organization bids shall be accomplished by action of an individual district school board through a letter of intent to participate and shall be reflected in official district school board minutes.

(4) A regional consortium service organization board of directors may elect to establish a direct-support organization pursuant to s. 1001.453 which is independent of its fiscal agent district.

(5) The board of directors of a regional consortium service organization may use various means to generate revenue in support of its activities. The board of directors may acquire, enjoy, use, and dispose of patents, copyrights, and trademarks and any licenses and other rights or interests thereunder or therein. Ownership of all such patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, and rights or interests thereunder or therein shall vest in the state, with the board of directors having full right of use and full right to retain the revenues derived therefrom. Any funds realized from patents, copyrights, trademarks, or licenses shall be considered internal funds as provided in s. 1011.07. Such funds shall be used to support the organization’s marketing and research and development activities in order to improve and increase services to its member districts.

History.s. 58, ch. 2002-387; s. 3, ch. 2005-56; s. 2, ch. 2006-27; s. 17, ch. 2006-301; s. 3, ch. 2008-142; s. 7, ch. 2009-59; s. 4, ch. 2010-154; s. 7, ch. 2011-55; s. 11, ch. 2012-6.

1001.452 District and school advisory councils.


(a) The district school board shall establish an advisory council for each school in the district and shall develop procedures for the election and appointment of advisory council members. Each school advisory council shall include in its name the words “school advisory council.” The school advisory council shall be the sole body responsible for final decisionmaking at the school relating to implementation of ss. 1001.42(18) and 1008.345. A majority of the members of each school advisory council must be persons who are not employed by the school district. Each advisory council shall be composed of the principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, students, parents, and other business and community citizens who are representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school. Career center and high school advisory councils shall include students, and middle and junior high school advisory councils may include students. School advisory councils of career centers and adult education centers are not required to include parents as members. Council members representing teachers, education support employees, students, and parents shall be elected by their respective peer groups at the school in a fair and equitable manner as follows:

1. Teachers shall be elected by teachers.

2. Education support employees shall be elected by education support employees.

3. Students shall be elected by students.

4. Parents shall be elected by parents.

The district school board shall establish procedures to be used by schools in selecting business and community members that include means of ensuring wide notice of vacancies and of taking input on possible members from local business, chambers of commerce, community and civic organizations and groups, and the public at large. The district school board shall review the membership composition of each advisory council. If the district school board determines that the membership elected by the school is not representative of the ethnic, racial, and economic community served by the school, the district school board shall appoint additional members to achieve proper representation. The commissioner shall determine if schools have maximized their efforts to include on their advisory councils minority persons and persons of lower socioeconomic status. Although schools are strongly encouraged to establish school advisory councils, the district school board of any school district that has a student population of 10,000 or fewer may establish a district advisory council which includes at least one duly elected teacher from each school in the district. For the purposes of school advisory councils and district advisory councils, the term “teacher” includes classroom teachers, certified student services personnel, and media specialists. For purposes of this paragraph, “education support employee” means any person employed by a school who is not defined as instructional or administrative personnel pursuant to s. 1012.01 and whose duties require 20 or more hours in each normal working week.

(b) The district school board may establish a district advisory council representative of the district and composed of teachers, students, parents, and other citizens or a district advisory council that may be comprised of representatives of each school advisory council. Recognized schoolwide support groups that meet all criteria established by law or rule may function as school advisory councils.

(c) For those schools operating for the purpose of providing educational services to youth in Department of Juvenile Justice programs, district school boards may establish a district advisory council with appropriate representatives for the purpose of developing and monitoring a district school improvement plan that encompasses all such schools in the district, pursuant to s. 1001.42(18)(a).

(d) Each school advisory council shall adopt bylaws establishing procedures for:

1. Requiring a quorum to be present before a vote may be taken by the school advisory council. A majority of the membership of the council constitutes a quorum.

2. Requiring at least 3 days’ advance notice in writing to all members of the advisory council of any matter that is scheduled to come before the council for a vote.

3. Scheduling meetings when parents, students, teachers, businesspersons, and members of the community can attend.

4. Replacing any member who has two unexcused consecutive absences from a school advisory council meeting that is noticed according to the procedures in the bylaws.

5. Recording minutes of meetings.

The district school board may review all proposed bylaws of a school advisory council and shall maintain a record of minutes of council meetings.

(2) DUTIES.Each advisory council shall perform functions prescribed by regulations of the district school board; however, no advisory council shall have any of the powers and duties now reserved by law to the district school board. Each school advisory council shall assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan required pursuant to s. 1001.42(18). With technical assistance from the Department of Education, each school advisory council shall assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget and plan as required by s. 1008.385(1). A portion of funds provided in the annual General Appropriations Act for use by school advisory councils must be used for implementing the school improvement plan.

History.s. 1, ch. 2002-49; s. 59, ch. 2002-387; s. 73, ch. 2004-357; s. 10, ch. 2008-108; s. 5, ch. 2008-235.

1001.453 Direct-support organization; use of property; board of directors; audit.

(1) DEFINITIONS.For the purposes of this section, the term:

(a) “District school board direct-support organization” means an organization that:

1. Is approved by the district school board;

2. Is a Florida corporation not for profit, incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved by the Department of State; and

3. Is organized and operated exclusively to receive, hold, invest, and administer property and to make expenditures to or for the benefit of public kindergarten through 12th grade education and adult career and community education programs in this state.

(b) “Personal services” includes full-time or part-time personnel, as well as payroll processing.

(2) USE OF PROPERTY.A district school board:

(a) Is authorized to:

1. Permit the use of property, facilities, and personal services of the district by a direct-support organization, subject to this section; or

2. Contract with a direct-support organization for personal services or operations. However, a retiree of the Florida Retirement System must first satisfy the requirements for termination from employment provided in s. 121.021(39) before providing such services or operations for a Florida Retirement System employer, and is subject to the reemployment limitations provided in s. 121.091(9).

(b) Shall prescribe by rule conditions with which a district school board direct-support organization must comply in order to use property, facilities, or personal services of the district. Adoption of such rules shall be coordinated with the Department of Education. The rules shall provide for budget and audit review and oversight by the district school board and the department.

(c) May not permit the use of property, facilities, or personal services by a direct-support organization if such organization does not provide equal employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin.

(3) BOARD OF DIRECTORS.The board of directors of the district school board direct-support organization shall be approved by the district school board.

(4) ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT.Each direct-support organization with more than $250,000 in expenditures or expenses shall provide for an annual financial audit of its accounts and records, to be conducted by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with rules adopted by the Auditor General pursuant to s. 11.45(8) and the Commissioner of Education. A district school board may contract with a vendor for an annual financial audit of a direct-support organization. The annual financial audit report shall be submitted within 9 months after the fiscal year’s end to the district school board and the Auditor General. The Commissioner of Education, the Auditor General, and the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability have the authority to require and receive from the organization or the district auditor any records relative to the operation of the organization. The identity of donors and all information identifying donors and prospective donors are confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1), and that anonymity shall be maintained in the auditor’s report. All other records and information shall be considered public records for the purposes of chapter 119.

History.s. 60, ch. 2002-387; s. 74, ch. 2004-357; s. 7, ch. 2023-105; s. 2, ch. 2023-310.

B. District School Superintendents

1001.46 District school superintendent; election and term of office.

1001.461 District school superintendent; procedures for making office appointive.

1001.462 Oath of district school superintendent.

1001.463 Vacancy in office of district school superintendent.

1001.464 District school superintendent to devote full time to office.

1001.47 District school superintendent; salary.

1001.48 Secretary and executive officer of the district school board.

1001.49 General powers of district school superintendent.

1001.50 Superintendents employed under Art. IX of the State Constitution.

1001.51 Duties and responsibilities of district school superintendent.

1001.52 Reproduction and destruction of district school records.

1001.53 District school superintendent responsible for enforcement of attendance.

1001.46 District school superintendent; election and term of office.The district school superintendent shall be elected for a term of 4 years or until the election or appointment and qualification of his or her successor.

History.s. 62, ch. 2002-387.

1001.461 District school superintendent; procedures for making office appointive.

(1) Pursuant to the provisions of s. 5, Art. IX of the State Constitution, the district school superintendent shall be appointed by the district school board in a school district wherein the proposition is affirmed by a majority of the qualified electors voting in the same election making the office of district school superintendent appointive.

(2) To submit the proposition to the electors, the district school board by formal resolution shall request an election that shall be at a general election or a statewide primary or special election. The board of county commissioners, upon such timely request from the district school board, shall cause to be placed on the ballot at such election the proposition to make the office of district school superintendent appointive.

(3) Any district adopting the appointive method for its district school superintendent may after 4 years return to its former status and reject the provisions of this section by following the same procedure outlined in subsection (2) for adopting the provisions thereof.

History.s. 63, ch. 2002-387.

1001.462 Oath of district school superintendent.Before entering upon the duties of his or her office, the district school superintendent shall take the oath of office prescribed by the State Constitution.

History.s. 64, ch. 2002-387.

1001.463 Vacancy in office of district school superintendent.The office of district school superintendent in any district shall be vacant when the district school superintendent removes his or her residence from the district.

History.s. 65, ch. 2002-387.

1001.464 District school superintendent to devote full time to office.The position of district school superintendent shall be considered a full-time position.

History.s. 66, ch. 2002-387.

1001.47 District school superintendent; salary.

(1) Each elected district school superintendent shall receive as salary the amount indicated pursuant to this section. However, a district school board, by majority vote, may approve a salary in excess of the amount specified in this section.

(2) Each elected district school superintendent shall receive a base salary, the amounts indicated in this subsection, based on the population of the county the elected superintendent serves. In addition, compensation shall be made for population increments over the minimum for each population group, which shall be determined by multiplying the population in excess of the minimum for the group times the group rate. The product of such calculation shall be added to the base salary to determine the adjusted base salary. Laws that increase the base salary provided in this subsection shall contain provisions on no other subject.

Pop. GroupCounty Pop. RangeBase SalaryGroup Rate

(3) The adjusted base salaries of elected district school superintendents shall be increased annually as provided for in s. 145.19. Any salary previously paid to elected superintendents, including the salary calculated for fiscal years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004, which was consistent with chapter 145 and s. 230.303, Florida Statutes (2001), is hereby ratified and validated.

(4)(a) There shall be an additional $2,000 per year special qualification salary paid by district school boards for each elected district school superintendent who has met the certification requirements established by the Department of Education. Any elected district school superintendent who is certified during a calendar year shall receive in that year a pro rata share of the special qualification salary based on the remaining period of the year.

(b) In order to qualify for the special qualification salary provided by paragraph (a), the elected district school superintendent must complete the requirements established by the Department of Education within 6 years after first taking office.

(c) After an elected district school superintendent meets the requirements of paragraph (a), in order to remain certified the district school superintendent shall thereafter be required to complete each year a course of continuing education as prescribed by the Department of Education.

(5)(a) The Department of Education shall provide a leadership development and performance compensation program for elected district school superintendents, comparable to chief executive officer development programs for corporate executive officers, to include:

1. A content-knowledge-and-skills phase consisting of: creative leadership models and theory, demonstration of effective practice, simulation exercises and personal skills practice, and assessment with feedback, taught in a professional training setting under the direction of experienced, successful trainers.

2. A competency-acquisition phase consisting of on-the-job application of knowledge and skills for a period of not less than 6 months following the successful completion of the content-knowledge-and-skills phase. The competency-acquisition phase shall be supported by adequate professional technical assistance provided by experienced trainers approved by the department. Competency acquisition shall be demonstrated through assessment and feedback.

(b) Upon the successful completion of both phases and demonstrated successful performance, as determined by the department, an elected district school superintendent shall be issued a Chief Executive Officer Leadership Development Certificate, and the department shall pay an annual performance salary incentive of not less than $3,000 nor more than $7,500 based upon his or her performance evaluation.

(c) An elected district school superintendent’s eligibility to continue receiving the annual performance salary incentive is contingent upon his or her continued performance assessment and follow-up training prescribed by the department.

(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section and s. 145.19, elected district school superintendents may reduce their salary rate on a voluntary basis.

History.s. 67, ch. 2002-387; s. 28, ch. 2004-41; s. 1, ch. 2006-301; s. 8, ch. 2009-59; s. 16, ch. 2014-39; s. 4, ch. 2024-90.

1001.48 Secretary and executive officer of the district school board.The district school superintendent shall be the secretary and executive officer of the district school board, provided that when the district school superintendent is required to be absent on account of performing services in the volunteer forces of the United States or in the National Guard of the state or in the regular Army or Navy of the United States, when said district school superintendent shall be called into active training or service of the United States under an Act of Congress or pursuant to a proclamation by the President of the United States, the district school superintendent shall then be entitled to a leave of absence not to exceed the remaining portion of the term for which he or she was elected.

History.s. 68, ch. 2002-387.

1001.49 General powers of district school superintendent.The district school superintendent shall have the authority, and when necessary for the more efficient and adequate operation of the district school system, the district school superintendent shall exercise the following powers:

(1) GENERAL OVERSIGHT.Exercise general oversight over the district school system in order to determine problems and needs, and recommend improvements.

(2) ADVISE, COUNSEL, AND RECOMMEND TO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Advise and counsel with the district school board on all educational matters and recommend to the district school board for action such matters as should be acted upon.

(3) APPROVE OPERATIONAL POLICIES THROUGH THE DELEGATED AUTHORITY OF THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Establish a process for the review and approval of districtwide policies and procedures, through the formal delegated authority of the district school board, pertaining to the district school system as the district school superintendent may consider necessary for its more efficient operation.

(4) RECOMMEND AND EXECUTE RULES.Prepare and organize by subjects and submit to the district school board for adoption such rules to supplement those adopted by the State Board of Education as, in the district school superintendent’s opinion, will contribute to the efficient operation of any aspect of education in the district. When rules have been adopted, the district school superintendent shall see that they are executed.

(5) RECOMMEND AND EXECUTE MINIMUM STANDARDS.From time to time prepare, organize by subject, and submit to the district school board for adoption such minimum standards relating to the operation of any phase of the district school system as are needed to supplement those adopted by the State Board of Education and as will contribute to the efficient operation of any aspect of education in the district and ensure that minimum standards adopted by the district school board and the state board are observed.

(6) PERFORM DUTIES AND EXERCISE RESPONSIBILITIES.Perform such duties and exercise such responsibilities as are assigned to the district school superintendent by law and by rules of the State Board of Education.

History.s. 69, ch. 2002-387; s. 5, ch. 2024-159.

1001.50 Superintendents employed under Art. IX of the State Constitution.

(1) In every district authorized to employ a district school superintendent under Art. IX of the State Constitution, the district school superintendent shall be the executive officer of the district school board and shall not be subject to the provisions of law, either general or special, relating to tenure of employment or contracts of other school personnel. The district school superintendent’s duties relating to the district school system shall be as provided by law and rules of the State Board of Education.

(2) Each district school board shall enter into an employment contract with the district school superintendent and shall adopt rules relating to his or her appointment; however, if the employment contract contains a provision for severance pay, it must include the provisions required by s. 215.425.

(3) The district school board of each such district shall pay to the district school superintendent a reasonable annual salary. In determining the amount of compensation to be paid, the board shall take into account such factors as:

(a) The population of the district.

(b) The rate and character of population growth.

(c) The size and composition of the student body to be served.

(d) The geographic extent of the district.

(e) The number and character of the schools to be supervised.

(f) The educational qualifications and professional experience of the candidate for the position of district school superintendent.

(4) A district school superintendent employed under the terms of this section may participate in the courses of continuing professional education provided in the special qualification certification program pursuant to s. 1001.47(4) and the leadership development and performance compensation program pursuant to s. 1001.47(5), as established by the department. Upon successful completion of the certification requirements for one or both of these programs, the district school board may use such certification or certifications as a factor in determining the amount of compensation to be paid.

(5) Notwithstanding any other law, resolution, or rule to the contrary, a district school superintendent employed under this section may not receive more than $225,000 in remuneration annually from state funds. As used in this subsection, the term “remuneration” means salary, bonuses, and cash-equivalent compensation paid to a district school superintendent by his or her employer for work performed, excluding health insurance benefits and retirement benefits. Only compensation, as defined in s. 121.021(22), provided to a district school superintendent may be used in calculating benefits under chapter 121.

History.s. 70, ch. 2002-387; s. 29, ch. 2004-41; s. 2, ch. 2006-301; s. 3, ch. 2009-3; s. 9, ch. 2009-59; s. 5, ch. 2012-133; s. 17, ch. 2014-39.

1001.51 Duties and responsibilities of district school superintendent.The district school superintendent shall exercise all powers and perform all duties listed below and elsewhere in the law, provided that, in so doing, he or she shall advise and counsel with the district school board. The district school superintendent shall perform all tasks necessary to make sound recommendations, nominations, proposals, and reports required by law to be acted upon by the district school board. All such recommendations, nominations, proposals, and reports by the district school superintendent shall be either recorded in the minutes or shall be made in writing, noted in the minutes, and filed in the public records of the district school board. It shall be presumed that, in the absence of the record required in this section, the recommendations, nominations, and proposals required of the district school superintendent were not contrary to the action taken by the district school board in such matters.

(1) ASSIST IN ORGANIZATION OF DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Preside at the organization meeting of the district school board and transmit to the Department of Education, within 2 weeks following such meeting, a certified copy of the proceedings of organization, including the schedule of regular meetings, and the names and addresses of district school officials.

(2) REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Attend all regular meetings of the district school board, call special meetings when emergencies arise, and advise, but not vote, on questions under consideration.

(3) RECORDS FOR THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Keep minutes of all official actions and proceedings of the district school board and keep such other records, including records of property held or disposed of by the district school board, as may be necessary to provide complete information regarding the district school system.

(4) SCHOOL PROPERTY.Act for the district school board as custodian of school property.

(5) SCHOOL PROGRAM; PREPARE PLANS.Supervise the assembling of data and sponsor studies and surveys essential to the development of a planned school program for the entire district and prepare and recommend such a program to the district school board as the basis for operating the district school system.

(6) ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION, AND OPERATION OF SCHOOLS, CLASSES, AND SERVICES.Recommend the establishment, organization, and operation of such schools, classes, and services as are needed to provide adequate educational opportunities for all children in the district.

(7) PERSONNEL.Be responsible, as required herein, for directing the work of the personnel, subject to the requirements of chapter 1012.

(8) COURSES OF STUDY AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL AIDS.Recommend such plans for improving, providing, distributing, accounting for, and caring for textbooks and other instructional aids as will result in general improvement of the district school system, as prescribed in chapter 1006.

(9) TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS.Provide for student transportation as prescribed in s. 1006.21.

(10) SCHOOL PLANT.Recommend plans, and execute such plans as are approved, regarding all phases of the school plant program, as prescribed in chapter 1013.

(11) FINANCE.Recommend measures to the district school board to assure adequate educational facilities throughout the district, in accordance with the financial procedure authorized in chapters 1010 and 1011 and as prescribed below:

(a) Plan for operating all schools for minimum term.Determine and recommend district funds necessary in addition to state funds to provide for at least a 180-day school term or the equivalent on an hourly basis as specified by rules adopted by the State Board of Education and recommend plans for ensuring the operation of all schools for the term authorized by the district school board.

(b) Annual budget.Prepare the annual school budget to be submitted to the district school board for adoption according to law and submit this budget, when adopted by the district school board, to the Department of Education on or before the date required by rules of the State Board of Education.

(c) Tax levies.Recommend to the district school board, on the basis of the needs shown by the budget, the amount of district school tax levy necessary to provide the district school funds needed for the maintenance of the public schools; recommend to the district school board the tax levy required on the basis of the needs shown in the budget for the district bond interest and sinking fund of each district; and recommend to the district school board to be included on the ballot at each district millage election the school district tax levies necessary to carry on the school program.

(d) School funds.Keep an accurate account of all funds that should be transmitted to the district school board for school purposes at various periods during the year and ensure, insofar as possible, that these funds are transmitted promptly and report promptly to the district school board any delinquencies or delays that occur in making available any funds that should be made available for school purposes.

(e) Borrowing money.Recommend when necessary the borrowing of money as prescribed by law.

(f) Financial records and accounting.Keep or have kept accurate records of all financial transactions.

(g) Payrolls and accounts.Maintain accurate and current statements of accounts due to be paid by the district school board; certify these statements as correct; liquidate district school board obligations in accordance with the official budget and rules of the district school board; and prepare periodic reports as required by rules of the State Board of Education, showing receipts, balances, and disbursements to date, and file copies of such periodic reports with the Department of Education.

(h) Bonds for employees.Recommend the bonds of all school employees who should be bonded in order to provide reasonable safeguards for all school funds or property.

(i) Contracts.After study of the feasibility of contractual services with industry, recommend to the district school board the desirable terms, conditions, and specifications for contracts for supplies, materials, or services to be rendered and see that materials, supplies, or services are provided according to contract.

(j) Investment policies.After careful examination, recommend policies to the district school board that will provide for the investment or deposit of school funds not needed for immediate expenditures which shall earn the maximum possible yield under the circumstances on such investments or deposits. The district school superintendent shall cause to be invested at all times all school moneys not immediately needed for expenditures pursuant to the policies of the district school board.

(k) Protection against loss.Recommend programs and procedures to the district school board necessary to protect the school system adequately against loss or damage to school property or against loss resulting from any liability for which the district school board or its officers, agents, or employees may be responsible under law.

(l) Millage elections.Recommend plans and procedures for holding and supervising all school district millage elections.

(m) Budgets and expenditures.Prepare, after consulting with the principals of the various schools, tentative annual budgets for the expenditure of district funds for the benefit of public school students of the district.

(n) Bonds.Recommend the amounts of bonds to be issued in the district and assist in the preparation of the necessary papers for an election to determine whether the proposed bond issue will be approved by the electors and, if such bond issue be approved by the electors, recommend plans for the sale of bonds and for the proper expenditure of the funds derived therefrom.

(12) RECORDS AND REPORTS.Recommend such records as should be kept in addition to those prescribed by rules of the State Board of Education; prepare forms for keeping such records as are approved by the district school board; ensure that such records are properly kept; and make all reports that are needed or required, as follows:

(a) Forms, blanks, and reports.Require that all employees accurately keep all records and promptly make in proper form all reports required by the education code or by rules of the State Board of Education; recommend the keeping of such additional records and the making of such additional reports as may be deemed necessary to provide data essential for the operation of the school system; and prepare such forms and blanks as may be required and ensure that these records and reports are properly prepared. Such records and reports shall include any determination to withhold from a parent information regarding the provision of any services to support the mental, physical, or emotional well-being of the parent’s minor child. Any such determination must be based solely on child-specific information personally known to the school personnel and documented and approved by the school principal or his or her designee. Such determination must be annually reviewed and redetermined.

(b) Reports to the department.Prepare, for the approval of the district school board, all reports required by law or rules of the State Board of Education to be made to the department and transmit promptly all such reports, when approved, to the department, as required by law. If any reports are not transmitted at the time and in the manner prescribed by law or by State Board of Education rules, the salary of the district school superintendent must be withheld until the report has been properly submitted. Unless otherwise provided by rules of the State Board of Education, the annual report on attendance and personnel is due on or before July 1, and the annual school budget and the report on finance are due on the date prescribed by the commissioner.

Any district school superintendent who knowingly signs and transmits to any state official a report that the superintendent knows to be false or incorrect; who knowingly fails to complete the investigation of any allegation of misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, that would be a violation of s. 800.101, or that would be a disqualifying offense under s. 1012.315, or any allegation of sexual misconduct with a student; who knowingly fails to report the alleged misconduct to the department as required in s. 1012.796; or who knowingly fails to report misconduct to the law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over the conduct pursuant to district school board policy under s. 1001.42(6), forfeits his or her salary for 1 year following the date of such act or failure to act.


(a) Cooperation with governmental agencies in enforcement of laws and rules.Recommend plans for cooperating with, and, on the basis of approved plans, cooperate with federal, state, county, and municipal agencies in the enforcement of laws and rules pertaining to all matters relating to education and child welfare.

(b) Identifying and reporting names of migratory children, other information.Recommend plans for identifying and reporting to the Department of Education the name of each child in the school district who qualifies according to the definition of a migratory child, based on Pub. L. No. 95-561, and for reporting such other information as may be prescribed by the department.

(14) ENFORCEMENT OF LAWS AND RULES.Require that all laws and rules of the State Board of Education, as well as supplementary rules of the district school board, are properly observed and report to the district school board any violation that the district school superintendent does not succeed in having corrected.

(15) COOPERATE WITH DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD.Cooperate with the district school board in every manner practicable to the end that the district school system may continuously be improved.

(16) VISITATION OF SCHOOLS.Visit the schools; observe the management and instruction; give suggestions for improvement; and advise supervisors, principals, teachers, and other citizens with the view of promoting interest in education and improving the school conditions of the district.

(17) CONFERENCES, INSTITUTES, AND STUDY COURSES.Call and conduct institutes and conferences with employees of the district school board, school patrons, and other interested citizens; organize and direct study and extension courses for employees, advising them as to their professional studies; and assist patrons and people generally in acquiring knowledge of the aims, services, and needs of the schools.

(18) PROFESSIONAL AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT.Attend such conferences for district school superintendents as may be called or scheduled by the Department of Education and avail himself or herself of means of professional and general improvement so that he or she may function most efficiently.

(19) RECOMMEND REVOKING CERTIFICATES.Recommend in writing to the Department of Education the revoking of any certificate for good cause, including a full statement of the reason for the district school superintendent’s recommendation.

(20) MAKE RECORDS AVAILABLE TO SUCCESSOR.Leave with the district school board and make available to his or her successor, upon retiring from office, a complete inventory of school equipment and other property, together with all official records and such other records as may be needed in supervising instruction and in administering the district school system.

(21) RECOMMEND PROCEDURES FOR INFORMING GENERAL PUBLIC.Recommend to the district school board procedures whereby the general public can be adequately informed of the educational programs, needs, and objectives of public education within the district.

(22) SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY.Recommend procedures for implementing and maintaining a system of school improvement and education accountability as provided by statute and State Board of Education rule.

(23) PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.Fully support and cooperate in the implementation of s. 1002.23.

(24) ORDERLY CLASSROOMS AND SCHOOL BUSES.Fully support the authority of each teacher and school bus driver to remove disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive students from the classroom and the school bus and the authority of the school principal to place such students in an alternative educational setting, when appropriate and available.

(25) OTHER DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.Perform such other duties as are assigned to the district school superintendent by law or by rules of the State Board of Education.

History.s. 71, ch. 2002-387; s. 4, ch. 2003-118; s. 30, ch. 2003-391; s. 30, ch. 2004-41; s. 12, ch. 2006-74; s. 11, ch. 2008-108; s. 7, ch. 2018-150; s. 3, ch. 2021-138; s. 7, ch. 2022-154; s. 11, ch. 2023-220.

1001.52 Reproduction and destruction of district school records.

(1) The purpose of this section is to reduce the present space required by the district school systems for the storage of their records and to permit the district school superintendent to administer the affairs of the district school system more efficiently.

(2) After complying with the provisions of s. 257.37, the district school superintendent may photograph, microphotograph, or reproduce documents, records, data, and information of a permanent character which in his or her discretion he or she may select, and the district school superintendent may destroy any of the said documents after they have been reproduced and after audit of the district school superintendent’s office has been completed for the period embracing the dates of said instruments. Information made in compliance with the provisions of this section shall have the same force and effect as the originals thereof would have, and shall be treated as originals for the purpose of their admissibility into evidence. Duly certified or authenticated reproductions shall be admitted into evidence equally with the originals.

(3) After complying with the provisions of s. 257.37, the district school superintendent may, in his or her discretion, destroy general correspondence that is over 3 years old and other records, papers, and documents over 3 years old that do not serve as part of an agreement or understanding and do not have value as permanent records.

History.s. 72, ch. 2002-387.

1001.53 District school superintendent responsible for enforcement of attendance.The district school superintendent shall be responsible for the enforcement of the attendance provisions of chapters 1003 and 1006. In a district in which no attendance assistant is employed, the district school superintendent shall have those duties and responsibilities and exercise those powers assigned by law to attendance assistants.

History.s. 73, ch. 2002-387.

C. School Principals

1001.54 Duties of school principals.

1001.54 Duties of school principals.

(1)(a) A district school board shall employ, through written contract, public school principals.

(b) The school principal has authority over school district personnel in accordance with s. 1012.28.

(c) The school principal shall fully support the authority of each teacher and school bus driver to remove disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive students from the classroom and the school bus and, when appropriate and available, place such students in an alternative educational setting.

(2) Each school principal shall provide instructional leadership in the development, revision, and implementation of a school improvement plan pursuant to s. 1001.42(18).

(3) Each school principal must make the necessary provisions to ensure that all school reports are accurate and timely, and must provide the necessary training opportunities for staff to accurately report attendance, FTE program participation, student performance, teacher appraisal, and school safety and discipline data.

(4) Each school principal is responsible for the management and care of instructional materials, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1006.

(5) Each school principal shall fully support and cooperate in the implementation of s. 1002.23.

History.s. 75, ch. 2002-387; s. 5, ch. 2003-118; s. 31, ch. 2003-391; s. 13, ch. 2006-74; s. 12, ch. 2008-108.

Chapter 1001  - 2024 Florida Statutes (2025)


What section of Florida statute Chapter 119 refers to information that is exempt from release? ›

283.30. (8) “Exemption” means a provision of general law which provides that a specified record or meeting, or portion thereof, is not subject to the access requirements of s. 119.07(1), s. 286.011, or s.

What is Chapter 459 Florida statutes? ›

Chapter 459 OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE Entire Chapter. SECTION 001. Purpose. 459.001 Purpose. —The Legislature recognizes that the practice of osteopathic medicine is potentially dangerous to the public if conducted by unsafe and incompetent practitioners.

What is Chapter 464 of the Florida statutes? ›

464: Nursing. Chapter 464, part I, contains Florida's Nurse Practice Act. The laws contained in it provide safe parameters within which to work, as well as provisions intended to protect patients from unprofessional and unsafe nursing practice.

What is Chapter 400 Florida statutes? ›


What is the Sunshine Law in Florida? ›

The Sunshine law requires that meetings of public boards or commissions be "open to the public at all times." Thus, use of preassigned numbers, codes or secret ballots would violate the law.

Who is exempt from public records in Florida? ›

Personal Records Exempt from Public Disclosure

As provided by s. 119.071, Florida Statutes, certain information maintained by state agencies is exempt from public disclosure, and is therefore deemed confidential. This includes social security numbers, medical and financial information.

What is chapter 466 of the Florida statutes? ›


What is Chapter 409 Florida statutes? ›

Florida Statutes | Chapter 409 - SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE | Casetext. Florida Statutes.

What powers does Chapter 455 of the Florida statutes give the DBPR? ›

Chapter 455 of the Florida Statutes gives the DBPR the power to investigate consumer complaints, issue subpoenas upon conducting investigation, issue cease and desist orders, and issue citations.

What is Chapter 491 Florida statutes? ›


What is Chapter 496 Florida statutes? ›


What is Chapter 443 in the Florida statute? ›

Chapter 443, Florida Statutes, governs whether services performed constitute employment subject to the Florida Reemployment Assistance Program Law. This law provides that employment includes service performed by individuals under the usual common law rules applicable in determining an employer-employee relationship.

What is Chapter 395 Florida statutes? ›


What is Chapter 493 Florida statutes? ›


What is Chapter 415 of the Florida statutes? ›

Chapter 415's Legislative Purpose; Protecting Vulnerable Adults. The legislative intent of Florida's Vulnerable Adult chapter is as follows, according to 415.101: The Legislature recognizes that there are many persons in this state who, because of age or disability, are in need of protective services.

What is Section 119.071 4 of the Florida public records law? ›

Florida Statutes 119.071 (4) allows Clerks to make certain information in public records, including official records, confidential when requested by individuals in certain qualifying professions, as well as their spouses and/or children.

What is section 119.07(1) Florida statutes and section 24 a article 1 of the state constitution? ›

119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. The designation of agency-produced software as sensitive does not prohibit an agency head from sharing or exchanging such software with another public agency.

What is Section 934.10 of the Florida statute? ›

Civil remedies. (d) A reasonable attorney's fee and other litigation costs reasonably incurred. shall constitute a complete defense to any civil or criminal, or administrative action arising out of such conduct under the laws of this state.

What is Section 17.20 Florida statutes? ›

Section 17.20, Florida Statutes, requires each state agency to assign delinquent accounts to a CFO's contracted collection agent within 120 days after the date the accounts are due and payable.

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