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Applicable Models:
- BMW 323Ci Coupe/Conv (1999-00)
- BMW 323i Sedan/Wagon (1999-00)
- BMW 325Ci Coupe/Conv (2001-06)
- BMW 325i/xi Sedan/Wagon (2001-06)
- Project Time: 2 hours
- Tab: $150
- Talent
- Tools: Set of sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers, needle-nose pliers, 16mm Hex socket
- Parts Required: Drive belt
- Performance Gain: Proper engine accessory operation
- Complementary Modification: Replace Belt Tensioner
One of the more routine maintenance jobs you will encounter while owning a E46 involves replacing the drive and serpentine belts.
That dreaded "gravel-like" sound hitting the under tray of your 3-Series, followed by the loss of power steering and an increasing engine temperature gauge usually indicates your serpentine belt has snapped. If you have had this happen to you and have diagnosed either belt to be the culprit, then read on.
In this article, I'll go over the steps involved with replacing the drive belts on the BMW E46, M52 and M54 engine. Be sure to always remember to work with a cool engine, you DO NOT want to be working in or around hot metal components! Also remember to remove the key from the ignition.
Hot tip
Work with a cool engine.
Wayne R. Dempsey, Co-Founder & DIY Expert
Nick Czerula, DIY Expert
Project Photos
August 5, 2024
2004 bmw 325i: so accessory belt kept slinging off when I would crank the car and try to cut the wheel, checked the tensioner as shown in this article, mine was in pieces and was only held up by the bolts. Once I took it off and put a new one on, my 8mm bolt is stripped so I couldn't re use it and I'm having a hard time finding the bolt and tried contacting the pelican team for help and didnt get any so any ideas where I go to next?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
The fastener size should be listed in the parts system, I am surprised they could not give you a size a pitch for it.These are all the fastener sizes listed. I am not sure which you need from your description.M10X25M8X40-ZNNIV SIM8X50M8X105M8X35-10.9-ZNS3M10X150 -Nick at Pelican Parts
February 7, 2024
My car is a 1999 M52TU and does not seem to have an idler pulley at all. It uses the mechanical tensioner aswell. I wonder if the belts are the same size as the ones with the idler pulley? thank you
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
They might vary. With your vehicle info handy, give The Pelican Parts parts specialists a call at 1-888-280-7799. They can figure out what part or repair kit you need. - Nick at Pelican Parts
Randy Leggett
January 26, 2024
I have 2001 BMW 325i E-46, needed a tensioner for alternator, Hydraulic, my issue what are the Torque values for the
mounting bolts
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Here's the info I found:Belt Pulley / Vibration Damper To Hub: M8- 22 NmCamshaft Bearing Cap: M6 - 10 Nm M7 - 14 Nm M8 - 20 Nm - Nick at Pelican Parts
May 15, 2021
My mechanical fan is not turning at all. I changed the tensioner, belts, water pump, fan and fan clutch.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
If everything you mentioned was replaced, I would imagine it would be working. Can you rotate it by hand with the belt off? Does the clutch provide resistance when turned? - Nick at Pelican Parts
November 21, 2020
Hi there my name is Neil I have a e46 2002 BMW I'm having trouble to put both belts on my e46 2002BMW engine please need some guidance to correctly put my belts back on please
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Follow the steps in the article you commented on to install the belts. - Nick at Pelican Parts
December 3, 2019
I have a 2001 330ci BMW 2door coupe . I need a idler pulley smaller than a 24.5 mm size
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
With your vehicle info handy, give The Pelican Parts parts specialists a call at 1-888-280-7799. They can figure out what part or repair kit you need. - Nick at Pelican Parts
joe L
December 15, 2018
2003 BMW 325xi e46/m54: I'm trying to remove tension from my main drive belt hydaulic tensioner and applying pressure with 8mm allen wrench clockwise it won't budge. I think the tensioner is broke; frozen in place. How can I be sure? I need to remove tension on belt to remove it and tensioner to replace it. What do you suggest? I am putting a piece of plywood between radiator and engine to protect against flying parts when tension is released. Should I loosen bolt holding the idler pulley?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
try going left and right, does tensioner free up? If not you will have to unbolt pulley and replace the parts. be very careful as the belt will come off abruptly. Work with long tools and keep hands clear. - Nick at Pelican Parts
joe L
November 25, 2018
I have a 2003 325xi M54 engine. I am trying to remove tension from the main drive belt. I have the tensioner you show in fig. 6 that accepts an 8mm allen wrench bit. My question is which way do I rotate and how much torque do you apply? As previous comments I'm concerned if I apply torque in the wrong direction I will break the bolt.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Rotate clockwise and hold the tensioner in that position to remove belt. - Nick at Pelican Parts
June 7, 2018
Hi Nick
I have a 2005 3251 with I believe the M54 engine. It is very hard to start when the engine is warm. It starts very easliy when cold. When the engine is warm I can shut it off for a few minutes and it starts right up. However, if it sits for 15 minutes or longer this is approoximate it turnms over and over and barely catches. If I pump the gas it helps, but it takes a lot of turning over to get it to fire up. This happens as long as the engine is warm enough to register on the temp guage. Once it cools right down, it starts easily again. Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting? Thanks in advance
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
You may have a leaking fuel injector. I would install a gauge and monitor pressure when the engine is shut off, does it bleed off right away? - Nick at Pelican Parts
Ze Guillermo
February 13, 2018
Hi, my bimmer it's a 2004 bmw 325ci SULEV with M56 engine and it has a T50 torx bolts including those ones to remove the front bumper. Its so easy to remove the drive belt and the AC belt. Best regards from Guatemala
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Thanks for the additional info and feedback. We appreciate it. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 2, 2018
Hi guys. Need your help please. I have a 2003 325i and just bought a new drive belt tensioner but the housing it goes onto is also broken. Does anyone know what this housing part is called? Repco guy thought it was a timing case cover but mechanic said no? Appreciate any feedback.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Possible the alternator bracket.Give The Pelican Parts parts specialists a call at 1-888-280-7799. They can figure out what part or repair kit you need. - Nick at Pelican Parts
December 12, 2017
I have a 2003 bmw 325i and I cannot, for the life of me, get my upper tensioner pulley to do much of anything. If I try to turn it clockwise, it feels like it will strip it. It takes the t50 and if I grab it with my hand it wiggles but I am scared to strip it so I don’t know what to do ðŸ˜Â
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
I don't understand the issue. Are you trying to remove it? - Nick at Pelican Parts
May 23, 2017
Just replaced the main drive belt on my 2001 325i last weekend. Ran it for a couple minutes and immediately the temp gauge went to hot. Then top hose connected to expansion tank exploded. Could it be thermostat? radiator? No leaks from engine or water pump.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
I would suspect the belt was installed incorrectly. Double check the belt, if OK. Inspect the thermostat to see if it opening when the engine warms up. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 27, 2017
I have a 01 325i BMW my belt that runs My power steering pump broke, when I tried to replace it with the belt that the part number calls for it's too long. Is that common?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
No, the prescribed belt should fit. I would check if a pulley or component has failed, creating slack in the belt. - Nick at Pelican Parts
December 10, 2016
I have 04 325xi
I was wondering if the same tensioner pulley is used for the a/c and the accessory belt?
always great info guys, thanks
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
No it is not. They are different.Give our parts specialists a call at 1-888-280-7799. - Nick at Pelican Parts
May 6, 2016
Hi Nick
I have looked at the article and I have sent pictures of my car because it does not have bolt to de-tension belt. some reason my car don't even have idle pulley. Please have a look at my pictues so you understand.
it wont let me attached pictures as it is to large. thanks
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Your car uses the same tensioners. I did look at your photos. Minus the idler, it is similar. If you ar having trouble, get a repair manual for your vehicle. - Nick at Pelican Parts
May 6, 2016
where is my bolt to remove drive belt. BMW e46 m43 auto 2001.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
it is the tensioners shown in the article. use the article you commented on to locate them. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 29, 2016
I went to buy a headlight for my 325i and I was told I need the one with electronic control modual. Do I have to use this particular model or can I use one without it?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
You may have Xenon, then you need the module. Give our parts specialists a call at 1-888-280-7799. They can figure out what part or repair kit you need. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 28, 2016
I have a power steering pump I took off my 03 BMW 325i. Will trade for a headlight driver side.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
I opened a post in our forums. A Pelican community member may take you up on that. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 28, 2016
My mistake was not routing the belt correctly. I took my time trying different positions until I got the right one
Thanks to everyone for their info
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Thanks for the follow up. We appreciate it. - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 22, 2016
03 BMW 325i. I removed the power steering pump, replaced the high pressure hose. When I tried to reinstall the belt it fit too big. Same belt. Did something move to create a slack? What can I do to install that belt right?
I reinstalled the same pump. Nothing new except the house
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Is the tensioner being moved to the released position? - Nick at Pelican Parts
July 4, 2015
I was trying to replace drive belt to 04 325i, the belt cams off was very simple however, I can't put the new belt because seems a little short, I pull the tensioner all way down still the belt little short. Then, thought the new belt was wrong, tandem yet trying to put the old one still short. I tried hard to struch the belt never get closer. Now I don't know what to do.? What is the size of belt
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Be sure the belt is engaged in all the pulley grooves and properly routed. If it is, you may have the wrong belt. - Nick at Pelican Parts
March 24, 2015
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
What can I do for you, Frits? - Nick at Pelican Parts
March 20, 2015
I have a 2004 325i beamer and tension pulley went out and I ordered a new one but a slightly different same lengthexcept the original Polly goes to the right and the new one goes to to the left can I use the new pulley
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
I would think no. You need the same part number, unless it has been updated. - Nick at Pelican Parts
February 18, 2015
I HAVE A BMW E46 2005 325I MANUAL TRANSMISSION BUT THE DIAGRAM IS DIFERENT FROM WHAT I HAVE ON MY CAR. THE BELT PASSED OVER THE IDLER PULLEy not below as look in the diagram. could be like this or am i wrong?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
The ribs in the belt should not ride on a smooth idler pulley. Is that how yours is? - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 10, 2015
Hi Nick thanks for the quick response.
I have a 2004 BMW 325Ci M54 engine.
Unfortunately I think the picture in Figure 11 is of an older style tensioner. From what I can tell from some reading on forums by people in a similar situation:
On newer cars, the tensioners are apparently all hydraulic past, say, 2000 I think. There is an actual pulley attached at the centre with a T50 torx bolt. immediately above and to the left, there is a 14-16mm hex bolt recessed in a protruding fitting. This fitting looks like it is in the same position as your figure 11, and has an arrow pointing at it in the Bentley manual. Unfortunately this is not the tensioner and a standard bolt so turning clockwise sheared it off at the threads approximately 3 inches along the bolt.
Sadly I don't know if there is much that can be done except drill it out if I'm lucky, but the radiator is in the way... it will be tough.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Fig 6 and 7 denote the hydraulic tensioner. Do you have this style? - Nick at Pelican Parts
January 10, 2015
Hi, I followed the instructions for loosening the accessory belt tensioner from both your website and the Bentley manual. Turning the tension hex clockwise with a large wrench resulted In increasing the tension and the bolt sheared off.
Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
What vehicle are you working on? - Nick at Pelican Parts
Paul g.
December 27, 2014
Hello. I have a question. My mechanical pulley is shot. Should I go to hydraulic as BMW is suggesting, or just get another mechanical one? Which is better? I know the mechanic is cheaper but I'd prefer to do it right.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
What vehicle are you working on? The mechanical tensioner, (assuming that is what you are referring to) has to be set when the belt is installed and does not allow movement or as belt wears. The hydraulic tensioner allows some movement as the belt wears. Overall a better option. - Nick at Pelican Parts
September 5, 2014
Junaid, i bet its your fuel filter bud. I ran into this myself, at exactly 1/4 tank you will run out of fuel thats because your fuel tank is a saddle shape tank which siphons primarily off the deeper end and the shallow end at a 1/4 of a tank. Your fuel filter is probably clogged just enough for it not to be able to pull from the shallow end. Im sure you have fixed this by now but for future if anybody else runs into this make sure to check your fuel filter.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Thanks for the input on this one. We appreciate the help. - Nick at Pelican Parts
July 15, 2014
My 2004 330Ci has a T50 Torx in the center of the A/C tensioner pulley. Anyone reading this should have one of those available just in case.
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
Thanks for the additional info. We appreciate it. - Nick at Pelican Parts
February 28, 2014
Hi Nick check the fuel pressure on the injector rail it was fine could it not be a faulty fuel leveler in the fuel tank and thats why the gauge is reading quarter but in actual fact it might be empty in other way i could be certain.THanks
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
It could be running out of fuel, try adding fuel when the problem occurs. See the notes here om how to measure resistance on a fuel lever sender: https://www.pelicanparts.com/BMW/techarticles/BMW-3-Series-E90/FUEL-Fuel_Pump_Replacement/FUEL-Fuel_Pump_Replacement.htm - Nick at Pelican Parts
February 28, 2014
hi guys your articles are very helpful my fuel gauge reads quarter but then my bmw e46 325i 2001 just cranks and doesnt want to turn over but as soon as i add fuel it takes immediately is it a faulty gauge or what do you guys think .Thanks
Followup from the Pelican Staff:
You could have a bad fuel pump. I would perform a fuel delivery system test. Check fuel pressure, volume and quality. - Nick at Pelican Parts
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Applicable Models:
- BMW 323Ci Coupe/Conv (1999-00)
- BMW 323i Sedan/Wagon (1999-00)
- BMW 325Ci Coupe/Conv (2001-06)
- BMW 325i/xi Sedan/Wagon (2001-06)